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Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. # This file was generated by GZDoom 1.3.0 beta (r551) / ZDoom2.3.1 (r1921) on Mon Jul 11 19:19:41 2011
  3. # These are the directories to automatically search for IWADs.
  4. # Each directory should be on a separate line, preceded by Path=
  5. [IWADSearch.Directories]
  6. Path=.
  8. Path=$HOME
  9. Path=$PROGDIR
  11. # These are the directories to search for wads added with the -file
  12. # command line parameter, if they cannot be found with the path
  13. # as-is. Layout is the same as for IWADSearch.Directories
  14. [FileSearch.Directories]
  15. Path=$PROGDIR
  16. Path=$DOOMWADDIR
  18. # Files to automatically execute when running the corresponding game.
  19. # Each file should be on its own line, preceded by Path=
  21. [Doom.AutoExec]
  22. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  24. [Heretic.AutoExec]
  25. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  27. [Hexen.AutoExec]
  28. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  30. [Strife.AutoExec]
  31. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  33. [Chex.AutoExec]
  34. Path=$PROGDIR/autoexec.cfg
  36. # WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before
  37. # any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded
  38. # by Path=
  39. [Global.Autoload]
  41. # Wad files to automatically load depending on the game and IWAD you are
  42. # playing. You may have have files that are loaded for all similar IWADs
  43. # (the game) and files that are only loaded for particular IWADs. For example,
  44. # any files listed under Doom.Autoload will be loaded for any version of Doom,
  45. # but files listed under Doom2.Autoload will only load when you are
  46. # playing Doom 2.
  48. [Doom.Autoload]
  50. [Doom1.Autoload]
  52. [Doom2.Autoload]
  54. [TNT.Autoload]
  56. [Plutonia.Autoload]
  58. [Freedoom.Autoload]
  60. [Freedoom1.Autoload]
  62. [FreeDM.Autoload]
  64. [Heretic.Autoload]
  66. [Hexen.Autoload]
  68. [HexenDK.Autoload]
  70. [HexenDemo.Autoload]
  72. [Strife.Autoload]
  74. [Chex.Autoload]
  76. [Chex3.Autoload]
  78. [LastRun]
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  232. autosavecount=4
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  235. smooth_mouse=true
  236. m_side=2
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  246. longsavemessages=false
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  250. defaultiwad=
  251. queryiwad=true
  252. con_ctrl_d=
  254. [GlobalSettings.Unknown]
  256. [Doom.Player]
  257. playerclass=Fighter
  258. stillbob=0
  259. movebob=0.25
  260. neverswitchonpickup=false
  261. gender=male
  262. team=255
  263. skin=base
  264. color=40 cf 00
  265. name=Player
  266. autoaim=5000
  268. [Doom.ConsoleVariables]
  269. gl_lightmode=3
  270. gl_fogmode=1
  271. gl_enhanced_nightvision=true
  272. gl_weaponlight=8
  273. gl_spriteclip=2
  274. gl_interpolate_model_frames=true
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  276. gl_texture_usehires=true
  277. snd_pitched=false
  278. r_maxparticles=4000
  279. r_drawfuzz=true
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  282. r_deathcamera=false
  283. transsouls=0.75
  284. st_scale=true
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  293. hud_armor_yellow=50
  294. hud_armor_red=25
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  326. cl_rockettrails=1
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  335. sb_deathmatch_enable=true
  336. sb_cooperative_otherplayercolor=2
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  345. chatmacro0=No
  346. chatmacro9=Yes
  347. chatmacro8=I'll take care of it.
  348. chatmacro7=Come here!
  349. chatmacro6=Next time, scumbag...
  350. chatmacro5=You suck!
  351. chatmacro4=Help!
  352. chatmacro3=I'm not looking too good!
  353. chatmacro2=I'm OK.
  354. chatmacro1=I'm ready to kick butt!
  355. lookspring=false
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  371. am_ovthingcolor_item=e8 88 00
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  373. am_ovthingcolor_friend=e8 88 00
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  375. am_thingcolor_monster=fc fc fc
  376. am_thingcolor_friend=fc fc fc
  377. am_drawmapback=true
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  405. am_showsecrets=false
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  409. [Doom.LocalServerInfo]
  410. maxviewpitch=90
  411. sv_corpsequeuesize=64
  412. forcewater=false
  413. sv_smartaim=0
  414. sv_disableautohealth=false
  415. sv_dropstyle=0
  416. compatflags=0
  418. [Doom.UnknownConsoleVariables]
  420. [Doom.ConsoleAliases]
  422. [Doom.Bindings]
  423. 1=slot 1
  424. 2=slot 2
  425. 3=slot 3
  426. 4=slot 4
  427. 5=slot 5
  428. 6=slot 6
  429. 7=slot 7
  430. 8=slot 8
  431. 9=slot 9
  432. 0=slot 0
  433. -=sizedown
  434. Equals=sizeup
  435. tab=togglemap
  436. q=+mlook
  437. w=+forward
  438. e=+use
  439. t=messagemode
  440. LeftBracket=invprev
  441. RightBracket=invnext
  442. enter=invuse
  443. ctrl=crouch
  444. a=+moveleft
  445. s=+back
  446. d=+moveright
  447. `=toggleconsole
  448. shift=+crouch
  449. \=+showscores
  450. ,=+moveleft
  451. .=+moveright
  452. alt=+strafe
  453. space=+jump
  454. capslock=toggle cl_run
  455. f1=menu_help
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  457. f3=menu_load
  458. f4=menu_options
  459. f5=menu_display
  460. f6=quicksave
  461. f7=menu_endgame
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  464. f10=menu_quit
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  471. rightarrow=+right
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  474. mouse2=+altattack
  475. mouse3=+forward
  476. mouse4=+speed
  477. joy1=+attack
  478. joy2=+strafe
  479. joy3=+speed
  480. joy4=+use
  481. mwheelup=weapprev
  482. mwheeldown=weapnext
  483. mwheelright=invnext
  484. mwheelleft=invprev
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  486. dpaddown=invuse
  487. dpadleft=invprev
  488. dpadright=invnext
  489. pad_start=pause
  490. pad_back=menu_main
  491. lthumb=crouch
  492. lshoulder=weapprev
  493. rshoulder=weapnext
  494. ltrigger=+altattack
  495. rtrigger=+attack
  496. pad_a=+use
  497. pad_y=+jump
  499. [Doom.DoubleBindings]
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