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Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. Pressure builds as he can't pull any design together, falls back on what he knows - refers to older designs a lot, then the deadline moves back. He relies more and more on a design until he's basically plagiarising it. Desperate, doesn't question it. Project gets completed, plans approved, no word on it for months, but he starts to wonder if someone's going to notice the building is a carbon copy of existing work. But hey, it's done, it's out there, everything's OK. Later, while in the office, he's told that 3 Important Peoplel in the company - say, CEO, legal, his boss's boss - are coming for an urgent and private meeting to him from a coworker, he panics, sees them walking briskly to the building from his office window. He panics, desperately afraid of them making their way to him to deliver the consequences of what he did, and triggers.
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