

Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. [nemo@localhost minimer]$ EGL_PLATFORM=hwcomposer /usr/bin/lipstick -platform hwcomposer
  2. Could not open /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/noswapping/tasks for disabling caching
  3. EGLFS: Screen Info
  4. - Physical size: QSizeF(56, 99)
  5. - Screen size: QSize(720, 1280)
  6. - Screen depth: 32
  7. == hwcomposer module ==
  8. * Address: 0xb305e004
  9. * Module API Version: 2
  10. * HAL API Version: 0
  11. * Identifier: hwcomposer
  12. * Name: Qualcomm Hardware Composer Module
  13. * Author: CodeAurora Forum
  14. == hwcomposer module ==
  15. == hwcomposer device ==
  16. * Version: 1040001 (interpreted as 1040001)
  17. * Module: 0xb305e004
  18. == hwcomposer device ==
  19. QEglScreen 0x9370c0
  21. Removing obsolete notifications
  22. Notifications restored: 0
  23. Unable to register object at path /org/nemomobile/lipstick/screenshot: Not connected to D-Bus server
  24. Hardware Compositor support is disabled
  25. file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:677:5: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onScreenIsLockedChanged"
  26. file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:677:5: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onDeviceIsLockedChanged"
  27. file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:678:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to QObject*
  28. libprofile-qt:: cannot connect to profiled.
  29. QString Profile::activeProfile() error reply: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected"
  30. QStringList Profile::profileNames() error reply: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected"
  31. Profile::Profile(QObject*) No profiles found!
  32. "The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files"
  33. "The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files"
  34. Can't register com.jolla.LipstickDemo service on the session bus
  35. Can't register /com/jolla/LipstickDemo object for the D-Bus service.
  37. (process:9314): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
  39. (process:9314): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
  41. (process:9314): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
  42. No default allowed orientations defined. Check your device configuration!
  43. BluetoothObexAgent: cannot register agent at path /com/jolla/obexservice/agent
  44. Can't register service on session bus
  45. Aborted
  46. [nemo@localhost minimer]$
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