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MC logs

a guest
Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. 02:05:34 net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.GuiConnecting Connecting to, 25565
  2. 02:05:39 FML Server protocol version 2
  3. 02:05:39 FML Attempting connection with missing mods [betteradvancements, blockdrops, controlling, ctgui, ctm, custombackgrounds, custommainmenu, defaultoptions, discordsuite, fpsreducer, ikwid, inventorytweaks, jehc, jeivillagers, justenoughpetroleum, jeresources, moreoverlays, mousetweaks, neat, nonvflash, resourceloader, solcarrot, thaumicjei, tipthescales, toastcontrol, torohealthmod, reauth] at SERVER
  4. 02:05:40 FML Injecting existing registry data into this client instance
  5. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:pulsating_exchanger_normal
  6. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:electricalsteel_exchanger_normal
  7. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:eio_core_tier1
  8. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:darksteel_exchanger_normal
  9. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:vibrant_exchanger_normal
  10. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:conductive_exchanger
  11. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:energetic_exchanger_normal
  12. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:eio_core_tier3_normal
  13. 02:05:40 FML Registry IRecipe: Found a missing id from the world exchangers:eio_core_tier2_normal
  14. 02:05:52 foamfix JEI search tree manager injection complete!
  15. 02:05:54 jei Recipe registry plugin is slow, took 1.765 s. class binnie.extratrees.integration.jei.multifence.MultiFenceRecipeRegistryPlugin
  16. 02:05:54 jei Recipe registry plugin is slow, took 20.48 ms. class crazypants.enderio.machines.integration.jei.PainterRegistryPlugin
  17. 02:05:54 FML Applying holder lookups
  18. 02:05:54 FML Holder lookups applied
  19. 02:05:54 FML [Netty Client IO #1] Client side modded connection established
  20. 02:05:54 mcjty.lib.varia.Logging DimensionSyncPacket: Registering:
  21. 02:05:54 Astral Sorcery [AstralSorcery] Using gateway screenshots for folder 'springfall810.playat.ch_198.206.13.58_25565'
  22. 02:05:54 mcjty.lib.varia.Logging Received dimension information from server
  23. 02:05:55 STDOUT [<init>:61]: settings for world:
  24. 02:05:55 STDOUT []: Setting up landmass VANILLA
  25. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]:
  26. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at
  27. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at$200(
  28. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at$
  29. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at$
  30. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at Method)
  31. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at
  32. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at
  33. 02:08:55 STDERR [p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$DLThread:run:328]: at p455w0rdslib.util.ContributorUtils$
  34. 02:08:58 Waila Received server authentication msg. Remote sync will be activated
  35. 02:09:04 EnderCore Reset configs to client values for com.enderio.core.common.config.ConfigHandler
  36. 02:09:04 Astral Sorcery [AstralSorcery] Cleaning client cache...
  37. 02:09:04 Astral Sorcery [AstralSorcery] Cleared cached client data! Disconnected from server.
  38. 02:09:04 scannable Building block state lookup table...
  39. 02:09:09 scannable No shader mod found, we'll do our own hacks to inject a depth texture when needed.
  40. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  41. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  42. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  43. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  44. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  45. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  46. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  47. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  48. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  49. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  50. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  51. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  52. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  53. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  54. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  55. 02:09:09 scannable Some mod returns null from Block.getPickBlock, should return ItemStack.EMPTY at this point. Block in question: Block{architecturecraft:shape}
  56. 02:09:11 scannable Built block state lookup table in 6539 ms.
  57. 02:09:11 schematica Scheduling client settings reset.
  58. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  59. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  60. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  61. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  62. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  63. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  64. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  65. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockCheeseMold attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  66. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  67. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  68. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  69. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  70. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  71. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  72. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  73. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockTrough attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  74. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  75. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  76. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  77. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  78. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  79. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  80. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  81. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockNest attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  82. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  83. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  84. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  85. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  86. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  87. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  88. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  89. 02:09:20 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, com.animania.common.blocks.BlockHamsterWheel attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  90. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  91. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  92. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  93. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  94. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  95. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  96. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  97. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockMachine attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  98. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  99. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  100. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  101. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  102. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  103. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  104. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  105. 02:09:22 chiselsandbits Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, org.dave.compactmachines3.block.BlockFieldProjector attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
  106. 02:09:30 foamfix JEI search tree manager injection complete!
  107. 02:09:32 jei Recipe registry plugin is slow, took 1.765 s. class binnie.extratrees.integration.jei.multifence.MultiFenceRecipeRegistryPlugin
  108. 02:09:32 jei Recipe registry plugin is slow, took 20.48 ms. class crazypants.enderio.machines.integration.jei.PainterRegistryPlugin
  109. 02:09:32 FML Applying holder lookups
  110. 02:09:32 FML Holder lookups applied
  111. 02:09:38 schematica Client settings have been reset.
  112. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 1 entries)
  113. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 2 entries)
  114. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 3 entries)
  115. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 4 entries)
  116. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 5 entries)
  117. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 6 entries)
  118. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 7 entries)
  119. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 8 entries)
  120. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 9 entries)
  121. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 10 entries)
  122. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 11 entries)
  123. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 12 entries)
  124. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 13 entries)
  125. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 14 entries)
  126. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 15 entries)
  127. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 16 entries)
  128. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 17 entries)
  129. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 18 entries)
  130. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 19 entries)
  131. 02:09:39 Mekanism Finished loading Cardboard Box blacklist (loaded 20 entries)
  132. 02:09:39 Mekanism Reloaded config.
  133. 02:09:56 ReAuth Session validation successful
  134. 02:10:17 foamfix Unloaded world <net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient@417ec8f3 0 MultiplayerChunkCache: 0, 0> is still hanging around after 60 seconds.
  135. 02:10:17 foamfix This may be due to a world leak, or there is little memory pressure.
  136. 02:10:17 foamfix Use the relevant FoamFix options to adjust the wait time.
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