Guest User


a guest
May 30th, 2018
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  1. <?xml version='1.0'?>
  3. <!-- Lycanobot's config file.
  4. Put all your bot's config here.
  5. True = true = Yes = yes = 1, and False = false = No = no = 0 -->
  7. <lycaconf>
  8. <!-- These settings control how and where the bot has to connect.
  9. | Most of them are self-explicit.
  10. | The bot had to be OP on both day_channel and night_channel. -->
  11. <conn server="" port="6667" use_SSL="no"
  12. day_channel="#lycanobot" night_channel="#lycanobot" />
  14. <!-- Who is the bot? Put here his nick, irc name and user name.
  15. You may also put here the "op_user" and "op_passwd" attributes if you
  16. want the bot to ask to be an IRC Operator when it connects. -->
  17. <identity nick="lycanobot" irc_name="lycanobot"
  18. user_name="lycanobot vs 0.1.2"/>
  20. <admins>
  21. <!-- The admins' identifiers.
  22. | They can stop a game, and change sensitive config values.
  23. | There is no need to put the bot itself here, it's just some god :)
  24. | Here you can use the <mask> or <regnick> tag to specify who is admin.
  25. | <regnick> means a registered nick (done the nick service, see <hacks>
  26. | below). Just /whois someone to see who is it and put it here. Ex:
  27. |
  28. | <mask>*!some_ircname@some_address</mask>
  29. | <mask>*!*@*</mask>
  30. | <regnick>Jah</regnick> -->
  31. <regnick>Jackolas</regnick>
  32. </admins>
  34. <!-- Ignored users.
  35. | Any users nicks which are in the day and/or night channel, but you want
  36. | to be ignored by the bot. He will not see they are in the channel with
  37. | him. Useful for ChanServ and others bots.
  38. | Separate multiple nicks with a comma, e.g. <ignore>foo,bar</ignore> -->
  39. <ignore>ChanServ</ignore>
  41. <!-- The specials jobs you want the bot to distribute initially.
  42. | This can be altered while running using the setcards command. -->
  43. <init_special_jobs seer="1"
  44. sorcerer="0"
  45. cupid="0"
  46. hunter="0"
  47. captain="0"
  48. thievish="0" />
  50. <!-- The werewolves players proportion.
  51. | It's a number between 0 and 1. It can also be a fraction.
  52. | E.g. with <werewolves proportion="1/3" /> and 6 players
  53. | you'll get 2 werewolves and 4 villagers.
  54. | Note that 0.22 matches the official game advices. -->
  55. <werewolves proportion="0.22" />
  57. <!-- The identification mode.
  58. | This var configures the way the bot will identify real users from their
  59. | clones. Each user and his clones share the same personal information
  60. | and settings.
  61. |
  62. | The bot is able to use the following informations to identify a user:
  63. | nick, user, host, domain, server, realname, regnick
  64. | Which refers to :
  65. | the nick, the /whois result user@host.domain, the server name,
  66. | the real name, and the nick the user registered with.
  67. | When host is an IP, domain is unavailable.
  68. |
  69. | Some of these informations may not be available: domain and regnick.
  70. | That's why the bot is able to try some combinations before finding one
  71. | with all the informations requiered available. It will begin with try="1"
  72. | then try="2" and so on.
  73. |
  74. | If the bot is unable to identify a user because it can't collect
  75. | the informations you specify (in all the trys), the settings of that user
  76. | will remain only until he disconnects, and he will be considered as a new
  77. | user if he reconnects (the bot will welcome him etc.).
  78. |
  79. | Some examples:
  80. | <ident try="1" use="user host domain" /> // This is the default : use
  81. | <ident try="2" use="user host" /> // user@domain.tld or user@IP
  82. |
  83. | <ident try="1" use="regnick" // Use registration nick, or
  84. | <ident try="2" use="user host domain" // this, for unregistered users
  85. |
  86. | <ident try="1" use="user domain" /> // Work around dynamic IPs,
  87. | <ident try="2" use="user" /> // but it's unsecure
  88. |
  89. | <ident try="1" use="nick" /> // On a trustworthy IRC network
  90. -->
  91. <identification>
  92. <ident try="1" use="user host domain" />
  93. <ident try="2" use="user host" />
  94. </identification>
  96. <!-- Quit recovery system
  97. | When a player quits during a game, lycanobot can continue the game as he
  98. | were here, until he comes backs and is recognized. Here you may set
  99. | when you want this to happens, using <recover> tags, depending on :
  100. |
  101. | - the type of the quit, attribute "on", can be "part" or "quit".
  102. | - the exit message, attribute "msg" (simple string) or "regexp" (a Perl
  103. | regular expression). Put an '!' (exclamation mark) before the regexp to
  104. | inverse its matching.
  105. |
  106. | Some examples:
  107. | <recover on="quit" msg="EOF From client" /> // Simple EOF
  108. | <recover on="quit" regexp="/^Ping timeout/" /> // Beginning with that
  109. | <recover on="quit" regexp="!/^Quit: /" /> // Not starting with that
  110. | <recover on="part" msg="Leaving" /> // Standard leaving -->
  111. <quit_recovery>
  113. </quit_recovery>
  115. <!-- IRC Hacks
  116. | Here you tell the bot to use some specials IRC features.
  117. | Available hacks includes:
  118. | + Special commands, using the <command>name</command> tag.
  119. | Lycanobot can use the SAJOIN command to force the werewolves to join
  120. | their channel in the beginning of a game, instead of politely inviting
  121. | them. Beware that you don't make sure they are ready if you force them.
  122. | You may put <command>sajoin</command> for that.
  123. |
  124. | + Services, using the <service> tag as following:
  125. | <service name="the_foo_service" nick="FooServ">
  126. | <the_foo_service feature="bar!" do_that="yes" ...>
  127. |
  128. | Supported <service> "name" attribute values are "nick" and "chan".
  129. | "nick" provides:
  130. | - the "password" attribute (to make the bot identify itself)
  131. | - the optionnal "say" attribute to tell the bot the message it
  132. | must send in case it's not the regular "IDENTIFY <password>"
  133. | For instance: <service name="nick" nick="NickServ" />
  134. | <nick password="bad" say="AUTH lycanobot bad"/>
  135. | By the way, you can make the bot register with the "nickserv" command.
  136. |
  137. | "chan" privides:
  138. | - the boolean "ask_invite" attribute to tell the bot it must
  139. | asks this service to invites it in the night channel
  140. | - the optionnal "say" attribute, to tell the bot the message it
  141. | must send in case it's not the regular "INVITE <#channel>"
  142. | For instance: <service name="chan" nick="ChanServ" />
  143. | <chan ask_invite="yes" /> -->
  144. <hacks>
  146. </hacks>
  148. <!-- Modes
  149. | /!\ Warning: You should not change these settings unless you know
  150. [ ^|^ what you are doing! Defaults should be OK.
  151. | This specify which channel and user modes the bot have to set, and when.
  152. | "on" can be "connect", "chanop", "end_game" or "begin_game".
  153. | "to" can be "ourself" (results in a user mode, for the bot),
  154. | "day_channel" or "night_channel".
  155. | Currently, lycanobot sadly needs the unofficial +N mode to work properly.
  156. | This mode is known by at least in InspIRCD and UnrealIRCD.
  157. | The bot automatically sets the +i mode in the night channel, when
  158. | everybody in it has been kicked out. It also avoid setting a mode that
  159. | is already set.
  160. |
  161. | Some channel modes reminders:
  162. | n = no external messages
  163. | m = moderated chan, only voiced users may talk
  164. | N = no nicks changes in the channel (known in InspIRCD and UnrealIRCD)
  165. | s = secret channel (hidden from /whois etc.)
  166. | i = can be joined on invite only
  167. | The unofficial +B user mode (for bots) is quite common.
  168. -->
  169. <modes>
  170. <mode on="chanop" to="day_channel">-mN+n</mode>
  171. <mode on="end_game" to="day_channel">-mN</mode>
  172. <mode on="begin_game" to="day_channel">+mN</mode>
  173. <!-- mode +i is automatically set on begin_game in the night channel -->
  174. <mode on="begin_game" to="night_channel">+mns</mode>
  175. </modes>
  177. <!-- Talk settings.
  178. | Handles how the bot talks and how users have to talk to it.
  179. | For the language, see which ones are available in the messages/
  180. | directory.
  181. |
  182. | "charset" is the charset you want the bot to talk in.
  183. | Default is utf-8, others charsets need the Locale::Recode module.
  184. | Some common charsets : iso-8859-1, iso-8859-15, us-ascii
  185. |
  186. | "cmd_prefix" is the commands prefix character.
  187. | E.g. with cmd_prefix="!" you'll call the command "start" saying "!start"
  188. -->
  189. <talk language="en" charset="UTF-8" cmd_prefix="!" />
  191. <!-- Messages settings.
  192. | Controls for each messages types how to say them:
  193. | - privmsg (classic irc message) or notice
  194. | - with an eventual prefix
  195. | By default all is sent in privmsg.
  196. |
  197. | Some special sequences can be used:
  198. | \B = start/stop blod
  199. | \U = start/stop underline
  200. | \I = start/stop italic
  201. | \Cxx = mIRC color number xx
  202. -->
  203. <messages>
  204. <message type="error" send="privmsg" prefix="" />
  205. <message type="info" send="privmsg" prefix="" />
  206. <message type="query" send="privmsg" prefix="" />
  207. <message type="reply" send="privmsg" prefix="" />
  208. </messages>
  210. <!-- Phases timeouts.
  211. | The amount of time the bot would wait (in seconds)
  212. | before it forces passing to the next step of the game.
  213. | E.g. if the seer has not decided who he wants
  214. | the bot to reveal the identity and the timeout is reach,
  215. | the bot will automatically go to the next step (and say it to the seer).
  216. | 0 means to not force step (no timeout).
  217. |
  218. | Putting a timeout for the day phase is not a good idea!
  219. -->
  220. <phases_timeout day="0"
  221. captain="0"
  222. captain_succession="60"
  223. seer="80"
  224. sorcerer="30"
  225. cupid="40"
  226. hunter="0"
  227. thievish="30"
  228. wait_play="120"
  229. wait_werewolves="180"
  230. werewolf="60" />
  232. <!-- Rate control. These settings prevent the bot from flooding, and let it
  233. | readable.
  234. |
  235. | "talk_speed" is the talking speed in number of characters per seconds.
  236. | "max_mode_params" is the maximum number of players the bot can mode in
  237. | a single command. Check it in the irc server's config.
  238. | E.g. with "3" it will voice 3 players at the same time
  239. | using /mode +vvv player1 player2 player3
  240. |
  241. | "max_whois_params" is the same as "max_mode_params" but for /whois.
  242. | /whois are currently used by the bot only if you use the regnick flag
  243. | in the identification variables above. Otherwise /who is enougth.
  244. | E.g. with "4" it will whois 4 players at the same time
  245. | using /whois player1,player2,player3,player4
  246. |
  247. | "mode_speed" The number of modes the bot can do per seconds
  248. | Count 4 modes for doing something like +mnsi
  249. -->
  250. <rate talk_speed="20" mode_speed="1"
  251. max_mode_params="3" max_whois_params="4" />
  253. </lycaconf>
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