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a guest
Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. menu_title: '&bRanks'
  2. open_command: Ranks
  3. size: 9
  4. update_interval: 1
  5. open_requirement:
  6. requirements:
  7. anythinghere:
  8. type: has money
  9. deny_commands: []
  10. ''
  12. items:
  13. '1':
  14. material: APPLE
  15. data: 0
  16. amount: 1
  17. slot: 1
  18. priority: 1
  19. display_name: '&8Peasant'
  20. lore:
  21. - 'No Perks'
  22. left_click_commands: []
  23. right_click_commands: []
  24. update: true
  25. '2':
  26. material: LANTERN
  27. slot: 2
  28. display_name: '&eSerfs'
  29. lore:
  30. - 'access to auctions'
  31. left_click_commands: []
  32. right_click_commands: []
  33. update: true
  34. '3':
  35. material: CRAFTING_TABLE
  36. slot: 3
  37. display_name: '&6Craftsmen'
  38. lore:
  39. - 'Access To lift up/down signs'
  40. left_click_commands: []
  41. right_click_commands: []
  42. update: true
  43. '4':
  44. material: WHEAT
  45. slot: 4
  46. display_name: '&2Farmer'
  47. lore:
  48. - 'access to Epic Farms'
  49. left_click_commands: []
  50. right_click_commands: []
  51. update: true
  52. '5':
  53. material: EMERALD
  54. slot: 5
  55. display_name: '&bMerchant'
  56. lore:
  57. - 'Access to /Shop Gui'
  58. left_click_commands: []
  59. right_click_commands: []
  60. update: true
  61. '6':
  62. material: REDSTONE
  63. slot: 6
  64. display_name: '&9Vassals'
  65. lore:
  66. - 'Ability to create Item Transport Pipes'
  67. left_click_commands: []
  68. right_click_commands: []
  69. update: true
  70. '7':
  71. material: IRON_SWORD
  72. slot: 7
  73. display_name: '&3Knight'
  74. lore:
  75. - 'access to the nether'
  76. left_click_commands: []
  77. right_click_commands: []
  78. update: true
  79. '8':
  80. material: CHEST
  81. slot: 8
  82. display_name: '&dNoble'
  83. lore:
  84. - 'access to noble oregenerator'
  85. left_click_commands: []
  86. right_click_commands: []
  87. update: true
  88. '9':
  89. material: GOLDEN_APPLE
  90. slot: 9
  91. display_name: '&5King'
  92. lore:
  93. - 'Unlocks access to the END'
  94. left_click_commands: []
  95. right_click_commands: []
  96. update: true
  97. '10':
  98. material: ELYTRA
  99. slot: 10
  100. display_name: '&6Monarch'
  101. lore:
  102. - 'FLIGHT'
  103. left_click_commands: []
  104. right_click_commands: []
  105. update: true
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