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a guest
Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. # Konfiguracja osu! dla kiran
  2. # ostatnio aktualizowana środa, 31 stycznia 2018
  7. BeatmapDirectory = Songs
  8. VolumeUniversal = 55
  9. VolumeEffect = 100
  10. VolumeMusic = 100
  11. AllowPublicInvites = 0
  12. AutoChatHide = 0
  13. AutomaticDownload = 1
  14. AutomaticDownloadNoVideo = 0
  15. BlockNonFriendPM = 0
  16. Shaders = 0
  17. BloomSoftening = 0
  18. BossKeyFirstActivation = 0
  19. ChatAudibleHighlight = 1
  20. ChatChannels = #osu #announce #lobby Tillerino #userlog Kruuul #highlight #spectator #spectator#userlog#userlogKielsonKrul #spectator#highlight BanchoBot #multiplayer#spectator OdiZolowany
  21. ChatFilter = 0
  22. ChatHighlightName = 1
  23. ChatMessageNotification = 1
  24. ChatLastChannel = #osu
  25. ChatRemoveForeign = 0
  26. ChatSortMode = 1
  27. ComboBurst = 0
  28. ComboFire = 0
  29. ComboFireHeight = 3
  30. ConfirmExit = 0
  31. AutoSendNowPlaying = 1
  32. CursorSize = 0.5
  33. AutomaticCursorSizing = 1
  34. DimLevel = 100
  35. Display = 1
  36. DisplayCityLocation = 0
  37. DistanceSpacingEnabled = 0
  38. EditorTip = 2
  39. VideoEditor = 0
  40. EditorDefaultSkin = 0
  41. EditorSnakingSliders = 1
  42. EditorHitAnimations = 0
  43. EditorFollowPoints = 1
  44. EditorStacking = 1
  45. ForceSliderRendering = 0
  46. FpsCounter = 1
  47. FrameTimeDisplay = 0
  48. GuideTips = 1
  49. CursorRipple = 0
  50. HighlightWords =
  51. HighResolution = 0
  52. HitLighting = 0
  53. IgnoreBarline = 0
  54. IgnoreBeatmapSamples = 1
  55. IgnoreBeatmapSkins = 1
  56. IgnoreList =
  57. KeyOverlay = 0
  58. Language = pl
  59. LastPlayMode = Osu
  60. AllowNowPlayingHighlights = 0
  61. LastVersion = b20171227.2
  62. LastVersionPermissionsFailed = b20170731.2
  63. LoadSubmittedThread = 1
  64. LobbyPlayMode = 0
  65. ShowInterface = 1
  66. ShowInterfaceDuringRelax = 1
  67. LobbyShowExistingOnly = 0
  68. LobbyShowFriendsOnly = 0
  69. LobbyShowFull = 0
  70. LobbyShowInProgress = 1
  71. LobbyShowPassworded = 1
  72. LogPrivateMessages = 0
  73. LowResolution = 0
  74. ManiaSpeed = 12
  75. UsePerBeatmapManiaSpeed = 1
  76. ManiaSpeedBPMScale = 0
  77. MenuTip = 21
  78. MouseDisableButtons = 1
  79. MouseDisableWheel = 0
  80. MouseSpeed = 1
  81. Offset = 0
  82. ScoreMeterScale = 1
  83. DistanceSpacing = 1.8
  84. EditorBeatDivisor = 8
  85. EditorGridSize = 4
  86. EditorGridSizeDesign = 32
  87. Height = 600
  88. Width = 800
  89. HeightFullscreen = 1080
  90. CustomFrameLimit = 240
  91. WidthFullscreen = 1920
  92. MsnIntegration = 1
  93. MyPcSucks = 0
  94. NotifyFriends = 1
  95. NotifySubmittedThread = 1
  96. PopupDuringGameplay = 0
  97. ProgressBarType = Pie
  98. RankType = Local
  99. RefreshRate = 60
  100. OverrideRefreshRate = 0
  101. ScaleMode = 1
  102. ScoreboardVisible = 0
  103. ScoreMeter = Error
  104. ScreenshotId = 34
  105. MenuSnow = 1
  106. MenuTriangles = 1
  107. SongSelectThumbnails = 1
  108. ScreenshotFormat = Jpg
  109. ShowReplayComments = 0
  110. ShowSpectators = 1
  111. ShowStoryboard = 0
  112. Skin = Kiran v2
  113. SkinSamples = 1
  114. SkipTablet = 0
  115. SnakingSliders = 1
  116. Tablet = 0
  117. UpdatePending = 0
  118. UserFilter = All
  119. UseSkinCursor = 1
  120. SeasonalBackgrounds = Sometimes
  121. UseTaikoSkin = 0
  122. Video = 0
  123. Wiimote = 0
  124. YahooIntegration = 0
  125. ForceFrameFlush = 1
  126. DetectPerformanceIssues = 1
  127. Fullscreen = 0
  128. MenuMusic = 0
  129. MenuVoice = 0
  130. MenuParallax = 1
  131. RawInput = 1
  132. AbsoluteToOsuWindow = 0
  133. ConfineMouse = Fullscreen
  134. ShowMenuTips = 0
  135. HiddenShowFirstApproach = 1
  136. ComboColourSliderBall = 1
  137. AlternativeChatFont = 0
  138. Username = kiran
  139. DisplayStarsMaximum = 5
  140. DisplayStarsMinimum = 4
  141. AudioDevice =
  142. SavePassword = 1
  143. SaveUsername = 1
  145. TreeSortMode = Show_All
  146. TreeSortMode2 = Difficulty
  147. Letterboxing = 0
  148. LetterboxPositionX = 0
  149. LetterboxPositionY = 0
  150. FrameSync = Unlimited
  151. ShowUnicode = 0
  152. PermanentSongInfo = 0
  153. Ticker = 0
  154. CompatibilityContext = 0
  155. CanForceOptimusCompatibility = 1
  156. keyOsuLeft = Z
  157. keyOsuRight = X
  158. keyOsuSmoke = C
  159. keyFruitsDash = LeftShift
  160. keyFruitsLeft = Left
  161. keyFruitsRight = Right
  162. keyTaikoInnerLeft = X
  163. keyTaikoInnerRight = C
  164. keyTaikoOuterLeft = Z
  165. keyTaikoOuterRight = V
  166. keyPause = Q
  167. keySkip = Space
  168. keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
  169. keyToggleChat = F8
  170. keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
  171. keyScreenshot = F12
  172. keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
  173. keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
  174. keyQuickRetry = OemTilde
  175. keyIncreaseSpeed = F4
  176. keyDecreaseSpeed = F3
  177. keyToggleFrameLimiter = F7
  178. keyVolumeIncrease = Up
  179. keyVolumeDecrease = Down
  180. keyDisableMouseButtons = F10
  181. keyBossKey = Insert
  182. keySelectTool = D1
  183. keyNormalTool = D2
  184. keySliderTool = D3
  185. keySpinnerTool = D4
  186. keyNewComboToggle = Q
  187. keyWhistleToggle = W
  188. keyFinishToggle = E
  189. keyClapToggle = R
  190. keyGridSnapToggle = T
  191. keyDistSnapToggle = Y
  192. keyNoteLockToggle = L
  193. keyNudgeLeft = J
  194. keyNudgeRight = K
  195. keyHelpToggle = H
  196. keyJumpToBegin = Z
  197. keyPlayFromBegin = X
  198. keyAudioPause = C
  199. keyJumpToEnd = V
  200. keyGridChange = G
  201. keyTimingSection = None
  202. keyInheritingSection = None
  203. keyRemoveSection = None
  204. keyEasy = Q
  205. keyNoFail = W
  206. keyHalfTime = E
  207. keyHardRock = A
  208. keySuddenDeath = S
  209. keyDoubleTime = D
  210. keyHidden = F
  211. keyFlashlight = G
  212. keyRelax = Z
  213. keyAutopilot = X
  214. keySpunOut = C
  215. keyAuto = V
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