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Mar 27th, 2017
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  1. {"add_to_bag":{"bg":"ДОБАВЯНЕ КЪМ ВАШАТА КОШНИЦА","ca":"AFEGIR A COMPRA","cs":"PŘIDAT K NÁKUPU","de":"ZUM EINKAUF HINZUFÜGEN","el":"ΠΡΟΣΘΗΚΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΟΡΑ","en":"ADD TO YOUR BAG","es":"AÑADIR A COMPRA","et":"LISAGE OSTUKORVI","eu":"EROSKETARI GEHITU","fr":"AJOUTER AUX ACHATS","gl":"ENGADIR Á COMPRA","hr":"DODAJTE U KOŠARICU","it":"AGGIUNGI AGLI ACQUISTI","lt":"PRIDĖTI Į PIRKINIŲ KREPŠELĮ","lv":"IELIKT GROZĀ","nl":"TOEVOEGEN AAN AANKOOP","pl":"DODAJ DO KOSZYKA","pt":"ADICIONAR À COMPRA","ro":"ADĂUGĂ ÎN COŞ","ru":"ДОБАВИТЬ К ПОКУПКЕ","sk":"PRIDAŤ DO KOŠÍKA","sl":"ADD TO YOUR BAG","sv":"LÄGG TILL VARUKORG","zh":"加入购物车"},"title_teaser":{"bg":"Teaser","ca":"Teaser","cs":"Teaser","de":"Teaser","el":"Teaser","en":"Teaser","es":"Teaser","et":"Teaser","eu":"Teaser","fr":"Teaser","gl":"Teaser","hr":"Teaser","it":"Teaser","lt":"Teaser","lv":"Teaser","nl":"Teaser","pl":"Teaser","pt":"Teaser","ro":"Teaser","ru":"Teaser","sk":"Teaser","sl":"Teaser","sv":"Teaser","tr":"Teaser","zh":"Teaser"},"title_whois":{"bg":"Who is MM93?","ca":"Qui és MM93?","cs":"Who is MM93?","de":"Who is MM93?","el":"Who is MM93?","en":"Who is MM93?","es":"¿Quién es MM93?","et":"Who is MM93?","eu":"Nor da MM93?","fr":"Qui est MM93?","gl":"Quen é MM93?","hr":"Who is MM93?","it":"Who is MM93?","lt":"Who is MM93?","lv":"Who is MM93?","nl":"Wie is MM93?","pl":"Kim jest MM93?","pt":"Quem é que é MM93?","ro":"Cine este MM93?","ru":"Кто такой MM93?","sk":"Who is MM93?","sl":"Who is MM93?","sv":"Who is MM93?","tr":"MM93 KİMDİR?","zh":"MM93 是谁?"},"title_contests":{"bg":"The Contests","ca":"Els Concursos","cs":"The Contests","de":"The Contests","el":"The Contests","en":"The Contests","es":"Concursos","et":"The Contests","eu":"Lehiaketak","fr":"Les Concours","gl":"Concursos","hr":"The Contests","it":"The Contests","lt":"The Contests","lv":"The Contests","nl":"De Wedstrijden","pl":"The Contests","pt":"Os Concursos","ro":"The Contests","ru":"The Contests","sk":"The Contests","sl":"The Contests","sv":"The Contests","tr":"The Contests","zh":"The Contests"},"march":{"bg":"March","ca":"Març","cs":"March","de":"March","el":"March","en":"March","es":"Marzo","et":"March","eu":"Martxoaren","fr":"Mars","gl":"Marzo","hr":"March","it":"March","lt":"March","lv":"March","nl":"Maart","pl":"Marca","pt":"Março","ro":"Martie","ru":"Mapta","sk":"March","sl":"March","sv":"March","tr":"Mart","zh":"3月"},"whois_copy1":{"bg":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","ca":"Marc Márquez (MM93) és un pilot espanyol de 24 anys. Nascut a la localitat catalana de Cervera, va pujar a una moto per primera vegada amb 4 anys. El 2008 va debutar al Campionat del Món de 125cc, aconseguint molt aviat el seu primer podi en un Mundial amb tan sols 15 anys. Actualment, ja suma 5 títols de campió del món, tres d'ells en la categoria reina, la de MotoGP (2013, 2014 i 2016).","cs":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","de":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","el":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","en":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","es":"Marc Márquez (MM93) es un piloto español de 24 años. Nacido en la localidad catalana de Cervera, se subió a una moto por primera vez a los 4 años. En 2008 debutó en el Campeonato del Mundo del 125cc, logrando muy pronto su primer podio en un Mundial con tan solo 15 años. Actualmente cuenta ya con 5 títulos de campeón del mundo, tres de ellos en la categoría reina, la de MotoGP (2013, 2014 y 2016). ","et":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","eu":"Marc Márquez (MM93) 24 urteko pilotu espainiarra da. Kataluniako Cervera herrian jaio zen, eta 4 urte zituen lehen aldiz moto batera igo zenean. 2008an, 125 cc-ko Munduko Txapelketan egin zuen debuta, eta berehala igo zen Mundial bateko podiumera, 15 urte baino ez zituela. Gaur egun, 5 aldiz irabazi du munduko txapelketa, eta titulu horietako hiru kategoria nagusikoak dira, hots, MotoGP kategoriakoak (2013, 2014 eta 2016).","fr":"Marc Márquez (MM93) est un pilote de moto espagnol âgé de 24 ans. Il est né à Cervera, en Catalogne. Il a chevauché sa première moto à l’âge de 4 ans. En 2008, il fait ses débuts en championnat du monde dans la catégorie 125 cm³. Cette même année, il obtient son premier podium à l’âge de 15 ans. Aujourd’hui, il est détenteur de cinq titres de champion du monde dont trois en MotoGP, la catégorie reine (2013, 2014 et 2016). ","gl":"Marc Márquez (MM93) é un piloto español de 24 anos. Nacido na localidade catalá de Cervera, subiu a unha moto por primeira vez aos 4 anos. En 2008 debutou no Campionato do Mundo de 125 cc e logrou moi pronto o seu primeiro podio nun Mundial con tan só 15 anos. Actualmente conta xa con 5 títulos de campión do mundo, tres deles na categoría raíña, a de MotoGP (2013, 2014 e 2016).","hr":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","it":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","lt":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","lv":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","nl":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is een Spaanse motorcoureur van 24. Hij werd geboren in het Catalaanse plaatsje Cervera en klom voor het eerst op een motor toen hij 4 was. In 2008 debuteerde hij op het Wereldkampioenschap 125 cc. Zijn eerste podiumplaats in een GP-wegrace behaalde hij op amper 15-jarige leeftijd. Momenteel heeft hij al vijf titels van wereldkampioen, waarvan drie in de zwaarste klasse, die van MotoGP (2013, 2014 en 2016).","pl":"Marc Márquez (MM93) to młody, zaledwie 24-letni, hiszpański motocyklista. Urodził się w katalońskiej miejscowości Cervera i po raz pierwszy wsiadł na motor w wieku 4 lat. W 2008 roku zadebiutował w Mistrzostwach Świata w kategorii 125 cm³ i bardzo szybko, bo mając zaledwie 15 lat, stanął po raz pierwszy na podium w mistrzostwach. Obecnie posiada już 5 tytułów mistrza świata, z czego 3 z nich w królewskiej klasie – MotoGP (w latach 2013, 2014 i 2016).","pt":"Marc Márquez (MM93) é um piloto espanhol de 24 anos. Nascido na localidade catalã de Cervera, subiu a uma moto pela primeira vez aos 4 anos. Em 2008 debutou no Campeonato do Mundo de 125cc, conseguindo muito cedo o seu primeiro pódio num Mundial com apenas 15 anos. Atualmente conta já com 5 títulos de campeão do mundo, três deles na categoria rainha, a de MotoGP (2013, 2014 e 2016).","ro":"Marc Márquez (MM93) este un pilot spaniol de 24 ani. Născut în localitatea catalană Cervera, a urcat pentru prima oară pe o motocicletă la vârsta de 4 ani. În 2008 a debutat la Campionatul Mondial la clasa 125cc, ajungând pentru prima oară pe podiumul mondial la numai 15 ani. În acest moment are la activ 5 titluri de campion mondial, trei dintre acestea fiind la clasa cea mai importantă, MotoGP (2013, 2014 şi 2016).","ru":"Марк Маркес (MM93) – молодой, 24-летний испанский гонщик. Он родился в каталонском городке Сервера и впервые сел на мотоцикл, когда ему было всего 4 года. В 2008 году он дебютировал в чемпионате мира по мотокроссу в классе 125cc и вскоре впервые поднялся на подиум чемпионата мира в возрасте всего 15 лет. Сейчас он обладает 5 титулами чемпиона мира, три из которых он получил в премьер-классе MotoGP (2013, 2014 и 2016 годы).","sk":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","sl":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","sv":"Marc Márquez (MM93) is a 24-year-old Spanish racer. Born in the Catalan town of Cervera, he climbed on a motorcycle for the first time at 4 years old. In 2008 he made his début in the 125cc World Championship, stepping on to the podium at a Grand Prix for the first time at only 15 years old. At present, he has already won 5 world championship titles, three of which are in the queen category, in MotoGP (2013, 2014, and 2016).","tr":"Marc Márquez (MM93) 24 yaşında bir İspanyol yarış pilotudur. Katalan şehri Cervera’da doğmuş ve motora ilk defa 4 yaşında binmiştir. İlk defa 2008’de 125cc Dünya Şampiyonasında yarıştı. Dünya Şampiyonasında podyuma çıktığında sadece 15 yaşındaydı. Şu an beş Dünya Şampiyonu unvanına sahip; bunlardan üçü üst kategori olan MotoGP’de (2013, 2014 ve 2016). ","zh":"马克马奎兹(MM93)是一名 24 岁的西班牙赛车手。出生在加泰罗尼亚省 塞尔维拉市,在 4 岁的时候爬上了人生第一辆摩托车。2008 年在 125cc 的赛事级别中夺得了世界冠军,年仅 15 岁便在世界比赛中获得了 第一个重要奖杯。现在已经拥有 5 个世界冠军头衔,3 个 是国王级赛事级别,世界摩托锦标赛(2013、2014 和 2016 年)"},"whois_copy2":{"bg":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","ca":"De fet, és l'esportista més jove de la història en guanyar el campionat en aquesta categoria, superant el rècord anterior de Freddie Spencer. ","cs":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","de":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","el":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","en":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","es":"De hecho, es el deportista más joven de la historia en ganar el campeonato en esta categoría, superando el anterior récord de Freddie Spencer.","et":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","eu":"Egia esan, historian zehar kategoria horretako txapelketa bat irabazi duen kirolaririk gazteena da, aurrez Freddie Spencer-ek zuen marka hobetu ostean.","fr":"Il est d’ailleurs le plus jeune pilote de l’histoire à avoir remporté le championnat dans cette catégorie, battant ainsi le record de Freddie Spencer.","gl":"De feito, é o deportista máis novo da historia en gañar o campionato nesta categoría, superando o anterior récord de Freddie Spencer.","hr":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","it":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","lt":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","lv":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","nl":"Meer nog, hij is de jongste coureur in de geschiedenis die het kampioenschap in deze categorie gewonnen heeft, waarmee hij beter presteert dan de legendarische Freddie Spencer.","pl":"Jest on najmłodszym sportowcem w historii, który został mistrzem w tej kategorii, bijąc wcześniejszy rekord ustanowiony przez Freddiego Spencera.","pt":"De facto, é o desportista mais jovem da história a ganhar o campeonato nesta categoria, superando o anterior recorde de Freddie Spencer.","ro":"De fapt, este sportivul cel mai tânăr din istorie care a câştigat campionatul la această clasă, depăşind recordul anterior al lui Freddie Spencer.","ru":"Он стал самым молодым спортсменом в истории этого вида спорта, завоевавшим чемпионский титул, превзойдя предыдущий рекорд Фредди Спенсера.","sk":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","sl":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","sv":"In fact, he is the youngest racer in history to win the championship in this category, surpassing the previous record held by Freddie Spencer.","tr":"Hatta tarihte bu kategoride şampiyon olan en genç sporcu, Freddie Spencer’ın rekorunu kırdı.","zh":"现在,他是这项运动中 最年轻的的冠军得主,超越了以前的纪录创造者 — 费列德克·史宾沙。"},"fanday_copy1":{"bg":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","ca":"Vine a conèixer en Marc Márquez i la seva escuderia d'influencers","cs":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","de":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","el":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","en":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","es":"Ven a conocer a Marc Márquez y su escudería de influencers","et":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","eu":"Zatoz Marc Márquez eta komunitateko influencerrak","fr":"Marc Márquez et son écurie d'influenceurs vous accueillent","gl":"Ven a coñecer a Marc Márquez e o seu equipo de influencers","hr":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","it":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","lt":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","lv":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","nl":"Ontmoet Marc Márquez en zijn stal van influencers","pl":"Przyjdź i poznaj Marca Marqueza oraz zespół influencerów","pt":"Vem conhecer Marc Márquez e o seu grupo de influenciadores","ro":"Vino să îl cunoşti de Marc Márquez şi echipa sa de influencers","ru":"Приходи познакомься с Марком Маркесом и его командой трендсеттеров","sk":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","sl":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","sv":"Come and meet Marc Márquez and his team of influencers","tr":"Marc Márquez ve yarış ekibiyle tanışmak","zh":"来认识马克•马奎斯及其团队的影响力"},"fanday_copy2":{"bg":"Free entry*","ca":"Entrada lliure* ","cs":"Free entry*","de":"Free entry*","el":"Free entry*","en":"Free entry*","es":"Entrada libre*","et":"Free entry*","eu":"Sarrera librea*","fr":"Entrée libre*","gl":"Entrada libre* ","hr":"Free entry*","it":"Free entry*","lt":"Free entry*","lv":"Free entry*","nl":"Vrije entree*","pl":"Wstęp wolny*","pt":"Entrada livre* ","ro":"Intrarea gratuită*","ru":"Вход свободный*","sk":"Free entry*","sl":"Free entry*","sv":"Free entry*","tr":"Gİrİş ücretsİz* ","zh":"免费入场* "},"fanday_copy3":{"bg":"*Until full capacity is reached","ca":"*Fins a completar l'aforament de l'establiment","cs":"*Until full capacity is reached","de":"*Until full capacity is reached","el":"*Until full capacity is reached","en":"*Until full capacity is reached","es":"*Hasta completar el aforo del establecimiento","et":"*Until full capacity is reached","eu":"*Dendaren edukiera erdietsi arte","fr":"*Dans la limite des places disponibles","gl":"*Ata completar a capacidade do establecemento ","hr":"*Until full capacity is reached","it":"*Until full capacity is reached","lt":"*Until full capacity is reached","lv":"*Until full capacity is reached","nl":"*Tot de zaak volledig vol is","pl":"*Do wyczerpania miejsc ","pt":"*Até completar a lotação do estabelecimento","ro":"*În limita capacităţii sălii","ru":"*При условии наличия мест","sk":"*Until full capacity is reached","sl":"*Until full capacity is reached","sv":"*Until full capacity is reached","tr":"*Yer sınırlıdır","zh":"*直到人满为止 "},"fanday_copy4":{"bg":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","ca":"Si no ets a Madrid, no importa. Segueix la #MM93fanday a Twitter i participa als concursos.","cs":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","de":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","el":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","en":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","es":"Si no estás en Madrid, no importa. Sigue el #MM93fanday en Twitter y participa en los concursos.","et":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","eu":"Madrilen ez bazaude, ez kezkatu. Jarraitu #MM93fanday Twitter-en eta parte hartu lehiaketetan.","fr":"Si vous n’êtes pas à Madrid, ce n’est pas grave. Suivez la #MM93fanday sur Twitter et participez aux concours. ","gl":"Se non estás en Madrid, non importa. Sigue a #MM93fanday en Twitter e participa nos concursos. ","hr":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","it":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","lt":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","lv":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","nl":"Ben je niet in Madrid, geen nood. Volg de #MM93fanday op Twitter en neem deel aan de wedstrijden.","pl":"Jeśli nie będzie Cię w Madrycie, nie przejmuj się. Obserwuj #MM93fanday na Twitterze i weź udział w konkursach.","pt":"Se não estás em Madrid, não faz mal. Segue #MM93fanday no Twitter e participa nos concursos.","ro":"Dacă nu eşti la Madrid, nu contează. Urmăreşte #MM93fanday pe Twitter şi participă la concursuri.","ru":"Если ты не в Мадриде, это не важно. Следуй за #MM93fanday на Twitter и принимай участие в конкурсах.","sk":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","sl":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","sv":"If you're not in Madrid, no problem. Follow #MM93fanday on Twitter and participate in the contests.","tr":"Madrid’de değilsen, fark etmez. Twitter’da #MM93fanday’ı takip et ve yarışmalara katıl.","zh":"如果你不在马德里,没关系。在推特上关注 #MM93fanday 粉丝日,同样可以参加比赛。"},"fanday_place":{"bg":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","ca":"Pull&Bear de Hermosilla (Madrid,Espanya)<br>DIJOUS 30 Març - de 17:00 a 22:00","cs":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","de":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","el":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","en":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","es":"Pull&Bear de Hermosilla (Madrid,España)<br>JUEVES 30 Marzo - 17:00h a 22:00 h","et":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","eu":"Pull&Bear de Hermosilla (Madrid,Espainia)<br>OSTEGUNEAN, Martxoaren 30ean - 17:00etatik 22:00etara ","fr":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Espagne)<br>JEUDI 30 Mars - de 17 h à 22 h","gl":"Pull&Bear de Hermosilla (Madrid,España)<br>XOVES 30 Marzo - 17:00 a 22:00 ","hr":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","it":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","lt":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","lv":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","nl":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spanje)<br> DONDERDAG 30 Maart - 17:00 TOT 22:00 ","pl":"Pull&Bear na ulicy Hermosilla, Madryt (Hiszpania)<br>CZWARTEK 30 Marca – od 17.00 do 22.00","pt":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Espanha)<br>QUINTA-FEIRA 30 Março - das 17h00 às 22h00 ","ro":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spania)<br>JOI, 30 Martie - DE LA 17:00 LA 22:00 ","ru":"Pull&Bear ул. Эрмосилья, Мадрид (Испания)<br> ЧЕТВЕРГ 30 Мapta - 17:00 – 22:00 ","sk":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","sl":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","sv":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (Spain)<br>THURSDAY 30 March - 17:00 to 22:00","tr":"Pull&Bear Hermosilla, Madrid (İspanya)<br>30 Mart PERŞEMBE günü 17.00’dan 22.00’a kadar ","zh":"Pull&Bear(埃莫西约街),马德里(西班牙)<br> 3月30日(星期四) 17:00-22:00 "},"follow_twitter":{"bg":"Follow us on Twitter","ca":"Síguelo en Twitter","cs":"Follow us on Twitter","de":"Follow us on Twitter","el":"Follow us on Twitter","en":"Follow us on Twitter","es":"Síguelo en Twitter","et":"Follow us on Twitter","eu":"Síguelo en Twitter","fr":"Follow us on Twitter","gl":"Síguelo en Twitter","hr":"Follow us on Twitter","it":"Follow us on Twitter","lt":"Follow us on Twitter","lv":"Follow us on Twitter","nl":"Follow us on Twitter","pl":"Follow us on Twitter","pt":"Follow us on Twitter","ro":"Follow us on Twitter","ru":"Follow us on Twitter","sk":"Follow us on Twitter","sl":"Follow us on Twitter","sv":"Follow us on Twitter","tr":"Follow us on Twitter","zh":"Follow us on Twitter"},"contest_shop_1":{"bg":"Shop and Win","ca":"Compra i Guanya","cs":"Shop and Win","de":"Shop and Win","el":"Shop and Win","en":"Shop and Win","es":"Compra y Gana","et":"Shop and Win","eu":"Erosi eta Irabazi","fr":"Achetez et Gagnez","gl":"Compra e Gaña","hr":"Shop and Win","it":"Shop and Win","lt":"Shop and Win","lv":"Shop and Win","nl":"Koop en Win","pl":"Shop and Win","pt":"Compra e Ganha","ro":"Shop and Win","ru":"Shop and Win","sk":"Shop and Win","sl":"Shop and Win","sv":"Shop and Win","tr":"Shop and Win","zh":"Shop and Win"},"contest_shop_2":{"bg":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","ca":"Dos passis de pàdoc per a un Gran Premi + viatges + casc rèplica de Marc!","cs":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","de":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","el":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","en":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","es":"¡Dos pases de paddock para un Gran Premio + viajes + casco réplica de Marc!","et":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","eu":"Paddock-erako bi sarrera Sari Nagusi baterako + bidaia + Marcen kaskoaren erreplika!","fr":"Deux billets d’entrée au paddock d’un Grand Prix + voyages + réplique du casque de Marc !","gl":"Dous pases de paddock para un Gran Premio + viaxes + casco réplica de Marc!","hr":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","it":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","lt":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","lv":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","nl":"Twee paddock-pasjes voor een Grote Prijs + reizen + kopie van de helm van Marc!","pl":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","pt":"Dois passes de paddock para um Grande Prémio + viagens + capacete réplica do Marc!","ro":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","ru":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","sk":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","sl":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","sv":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","tr":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!","zh":"Two paddock tickets for the Grand Prix + travel + a replica of Marc’s helmet!"},"contest_shop_3":{"bg":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","ca":"1. Compra del 30 de març al 2 d'abril almenys una peça de la col·lecció Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear a qualsevol de les nostres botigues físiques o a<br><br>2. Inscriu-te en el sorteig omplint el formulari amb les teves dades.<br><br>3. El guanyador s'emportarà un viatge i entrades de pàdoc per a dues persones per a un Gran Premi del Mundial + una rèplica del casc de MM93. Tres afortunats més guanyaran una altra rèplica del casc de MM93.","cs":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","de":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","el":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","en":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","es":"1. Compra del 30 de marzo al 2 de abril al menos una prenda de la colección Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear en cualquiera de nuestras tiendas físicas o en<br><br>2. Inscríbete en el sorteo cubriendo el formulario con tus datos.<br><br>3. El ganador se llevará un viaje y entradas de paddock para dos personas para un Gran Premio del Mundial + una réplica del casco de MM93. Otros tres afortunados ganarán otra réplica del casco de MM93.","et":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","eu":"1. Erosi martxoaren 30etik apirilaren 2ra arte Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear bildumako salgai bat gutxienez gure dendatako batean edo webgunean.<br><br>2. Eman izena zozketan. Horretarako, bete inprimaki hau zure datuekin.<br><br>3. Irabazleak zera jasoko du: bidaia bat eta paddock-erako sarrerak bi pertsonentzat Munduko Sari Nagusi baterako + MM93ren kaskoaren erreplika. Zorioneko beste hiru pertsonek MM93ren kaskoaren beste erreplika bana irabaziko dute.","fr":"1. Achetez au moins un vêtement de la collection Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear, entre le 30 mars et le 2 avril, dans l’un de nos magasins ou sur<br><br>2. Inscrivez-vous au tirage au sort en indiquant vos coordonnées dans le formulaire.<br><br>3. Le gagnant remportera un voyage et des billets d’entrée au paddock d’un Grand Prix moto pour deux personnes + une réplique du casque de MM93. Trois autres gagnants recevront également une réplique du casque de MM93. ","gl":"1. Compra do 30 de marzo ao 2 de abril polo menos unha peza da colección Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear en calquera das nosas tendas físicas ou en<br><br>2. Inscríbete no sorteo cubrindo o formulario cos teus datos.<br>3. O gañador levará unha viaxe e entradas de paddock para dúas persoas para un Gran Premio do Mundial + unha réplica do casco de MM93. Outros tres afortunados gañarán outra réplica do casco de MM93. ","hr":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","it":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","lt":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","lv":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","nl":"1. Koop tussen 30 maart en 2 april minstens één kledingstuk uit de collectie Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear in een willekeurige fysieke winkel of op<br><br>2. Schrijf je in voor de loting door het volgende formulier in te vullen.<br><br>3. De winnaar krijgt een reis en toegang tot de paddock voor twee personen tijdens een Grote Prijs van het WK + een kopie van de helm van MM93. Nog drie andere gelukkigen winnen een kopie van de helm van MM93. ","pl":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","pt":"1. Compra de 30 de março a 2 de abril pelo menos uma peça da coleção Marc Márquez x Pull&Bear em qualquer uma das nossas lojas físicas ou em<br><br>2. Inscreve-te no sorteio preenchendo o seguinte formulário com os teus dados.<br><br>3. O vencedor ganhará uma viagem e entradas de paddock para duas pessoas para um Grande Prémio do Mundial + uma réplica do capacete de MM93. Outros três sortudos ganharão outra réplica do capacete de MM93. ","ro":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","ru":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","sk":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","sl":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","sv":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","tr":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet.","zh":"1. Buy at least one garment from the Marc Márquez collection between 30 March and 2 April at any of our physical stores or at<br><br>2. Register in the prize draw by filling in the form with all of your information.<br><br>3. The winner gets a trip and paddock tickets for two people to the World Grand Prix + a replica MM93 helmet. Three other lucky winners will win a replica MM93 helmet."},"contest_twitter_1":{"bg":"Win on Twitter","ca":"Guanya a Twitter","cs":"Win on Twitter","de":"Win on Twitter","el":"Win on Twitter","en":"Win on Twitter","es":"Gana en Twitter","et":"Win on Twitter","eu":"Irabazi Twitter-en","fr":"Gagnez un prix sur Twitter","gl":"Gaña en Twitter","hr":"Win on Twitter","it":"Win on Twitter","lt":"Win on Twitter","lv":"Win on Twitter","nl":"Win op Twitter","pl":"Win on Twitter","pt":"Ganha no Twitter","ro":"Win on Twitter","ru":"Win on Twitter","sk":"Win on Twitter","sl":"Win on Twitter","sv":"Win on Twitter","tr":"Win on Twitter","zh":"Win on Twitter"},"contest_twitter_2":{"bg":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","ca":"Dessuadores i samarretes signades pel Marc Márquez!","cs":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","de":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","el":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","en":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","es":"¡Sudaderas y camisetas firmadas por Marc Márquez!","et":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","eu":"Marc Márquezek sinatutako kirol-jertse eta kamisetak!","fr":"Des sweats et des T-shirts dédicacés par Marc Márquez !","gl":"Suadoiros e camisetas asinadas por Marc Márquez!","hr":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","it":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","lt":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","lv":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","nl":"Sweatshirts en T-shirts gesigneerd door Marc Márquez!","pl":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","pt":"Sweatshirts e t-shirts assinadas pelo Marc Márquez!","ro":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","ru":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","sk":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","sl":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","sv":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","tr":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!","zh":"Sweatshirts and T-shirts signed by Marc Márquez!"},"contest_twitter_3":{"bg":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","ca":"1. Si no et trobes a Madrid el dijous 30 de març, tant és. Segueix la #MM93fanday en directe al nostre Twitter el 30 de març de 17 h a 22 h (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Respon les preguntes sobre Marc Márquez que farem cada hora.<br><br>3. Entre les respostes correctes, rifarem peces signades pel campió del món. ","cs":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","de":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","el":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","en":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","es":"1. Si no te encuentras en Madrid el jueves 30 de marzo, no importa. Sigue el #MM93fanday en directo en nuestro Twitter el 30 de marzo de 17h a 22h (GMT +1).<br><br>2. Contesta a las preguntas sobre Marc Márquez que haremos cada hora.<br><br>3. Entre las respuestas correctas sortearemos prendas firmadas por el campeón del mundo.","et":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","eu":"1. Martxoaren 30ean Madrilen ez bazaude, ez kezkatu. Jarraitu #MM93fanday zuzenean gure Twitter-en martxoaren 30ean, 17:00etatik 22:00etara (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Erantzun Marc Márquezi buruz orduro egingo ditugun galderei.<br><br>3. Zuzen erantzuten dutenen artean munduko txapeldunak sinatutako jantziak zozketatuko ditugu. ","fr":"1. Si vous n’êtes pas à Madrid le jeudi 30 mars, ce n’est pas grave. Suivez la #MM93fanday en direct sur notre profil Twitter le 30 mars de 17 h à 22 h (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Répondez aux questions sur Marc Márquez que nous poserons toutes les heures.<br><br>3. Un tirage au sort sera effectué parmi les bonnes réponses, donnant droit à des vêtements dédicacés par le champion du monde. ","gl":"1. Se non te encontras en Madrid o xoves 30 de marzo, non importa. Sigue a #MM93fanday en directo no noso Twitter o 30 de marzo de 17 h a 22 h (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Contesta ás preguntas sobre Marc Márquez que faremos cada hora. <br><br>3. Entre as respostas correctas sortearemos pezas asinadas polo campión do mundo. ","hr":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","it":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","lt":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","lv":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","nl":"1. Indien je niet in Madrid kan zijn op donderdag 30 maart, is dat niet erg. Volg de #MM93fanday live op onze Twitter-account op 30 maart van 17 tot 22 uur (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Beantwoord de vragen die we elk uur over Marc Márquez stellen. <br><br>3. Onder de juiste antwoorden verloten we kledingstukken gesigneerd door de wereldkampioen. ","pl":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","pt":"1. Se não estás em Madrid na quinta-feira, 30 de março, não faz mal. Segue #MM93fanday em direto no nosso Twitter a 30 de março das 17h às 22h (GMT +1)<br><br>2. Responde às perguntas sobre Marc Márquez que faremos a cada hora.<br><br>3. Entre as respostas corretas sortearemos peças assinadas pelo campeão do mundo. ","ro":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","ru":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","sk":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","sl":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","sv":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","tr":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion.","zh":"1. If you’re not in Madrid on Thursday 30 March, don’t worry. Follow #MM93fanday live on our Twitter feed on 30 March from 17h to 22h (GMT + 1).<br><br>2. Answer the questions about Marc Márquez that we ask each hour.<br><br>3. Among the people who answered correctly, we will raffle off garments signed by the world champion."}}
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