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a guest
Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. Say you have 2 CFCs: Cock.cfc and Balls.cfc. I will create an instance of them like so:
  2. <cfset oCock = createObject("component", "Cock")>
  3. <cfset oBalls = createObject("component", "Balls")>
  5. oCock has the following functions: halfStrokeUp(), halfStrokeDown(), fullRecipricatingStroke(), flick()
  6. oBalls has the following functions: cup(), bite()
  8. And I want to move the flick function from oCock to oBalls so I do this:
  9. <cfset oBalls["flick"] = oCock["flick"]>
  11. SO now I can flick my balls and cock. It works just fine. The problem is I want to save (or serialize) that oBalls variable so I can re-use it again and already be able to flick myself. So I do this:
  12. <cfset strBalls = toBase64(objectSave(oBalls))>
  14. And now I have strBalls which is an encrypted string that I can decrypt and load it back into a CFC with the flick option. The problem is when I assign one function from a CFC to another, it is passed by reference and not actually part of the CFC itself so when I save it, that function does not get save and isn't available when I try to decrypt it and call that function
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