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Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. Card 1 - Past: 9 of Pentacles
  2. The person in the Nine of Pentacles made her own way, and enjoys freedom within the boundaries she created for herself. The wall of Pentacles she touches was created and nurtured by her. She is alone but for her falcon, symbol of the intellect, which she trained. The bird, like her, enjoys a modicum of freedom within the boundaries of its responsibilities. This person was self-sufficient, and cherished her private time, her “space”. She sacrificed adventure and reckless abandon to achieve her goals, aware that she made the right choice.
  4. Card 2 - Present: The Chariot
  5. The Chariot is the eighth card in the Major Arcana, and is given the number 7, whose Qaballistic significance is victory. The number seven is also commonly associated with good luck. An armored man stands in an elaborate chariot, drawn by two sphinxes. One black, one white, they symbolize the positive and negative forces the charioteer has learned to balance and integrate. Above his head, a canopy of stars, indicating his travels beyond the mundane world. The crescent moons on his shoulders—one smiling, one frowning—denote that he has done the same with the gamut of his emotions. His armor shows that he is ready for physical challenges and his scepter symbolizes his status and control.
  7. The Chariot denotes victory over the extremes in your life through balance, self-control, and the enforcement of your True Will. It can indicate success in the battle against old patterns and vices. By grounding and centering yourself, you can get a handle on your situation. Mentally take the reins. Utilizing the power of your mind, you can chart the course to your goals.
  9. Card 3 - Future: 7 of Swords
  10. The aggressor in the Seven of Swords slyly makes off with many of his enemy’s weapons, taking his opposition down a peg in an underhanded way. He cannot defeat the competition completely this way: some swords remain, evidence that the war is not over yet. He acts alone, indicating that the future of your situation is a somewhat clandestine one. Don’t get too wrapped up in mental games, one-upmanship, and petty battles that will not solve anything. In the weeks ahead, you should take the high road.
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