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Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. ;Escrito por: Bid Magaveta
  2. ;Data da criação: 03/08/2018
  3. ;Data da ultima atualização: 03/08/2018
  5. #SingleInstance, Force
  6. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
  7. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  8. SetMouseDelay, -1
  9. Weapons := 0
  10. Weapons_Used := 0
  11. Stop := 0
  12. Target_Window:=null
  13. Gui, 1:+AlwaysOnTop
  14. Gui, Color, White, Black
  16. ;FileInstall, Dummy.png, %A_ScriptDir%\Dummy.png, 0
  17. ;FileInstall, Weapon.png, %A_ScriptDir%\Weapon.png, 0
  19. Gui Add, GroupBox, x18 y8 w416 h129, Janela
  20. Gui Add, Button, x152 y24 w148 h23 gSet_Target_Window, Selecionar Janela
  21. Gui Add, Edit, cWhite x188 y82 w211 h21 Center vTarget_Window
  22. Gui Add, Text, x52 y80 w100 h23 +0x200, Janela Selecionada
  23. Gui Add, GroupBox, x18 y136 w416 h231, Seleção
  25. ;Gui Add, Picture, x52 y152 w131 h131, %A_ScriptDir%/Dummy.png
  26. Gui Add, Button, x52 y318 w131 h35 vSet_Click_Target gSet_Fixed_Location, Selecionar Dummy
  27. Gui Add, Edit, cWhite x52 y288 w131 h21 Center vTarget_Spot
  29. ;Gui Add, Picture, x268 y152 w131 h131, %A_ScriptDir%/Weapon.png
  30. Gui Add, Button, x268 y320 w131 h35 vSet_Click_Target2 gSet_Fixed_Location2, Selecionar Arma
  31. Gui Add, Edit, cWhite x268 y288 w131 h21 Center vTarget_Spot2
  33. Gui Add, GroupBox, x18 y367 w416 h140, Opções do treino
  34. Gui Add, Text, x32 y409 w75 h23 +0x200, Qtd. de armas
  35. Gui Add, Edit, cWhite x117 y412 w120 h21 Center vWeapons gSubmit_All,% Weapons
  36. Gui Add, Text, x32 y465 w75 h23 +0x200, Armas Usadas
  37. Gui Add, Edit, cWhite x117 y467 w120 h21 Center vWeapons_Used, % Weapons_Used
  39. Gui Add, GroupBox, x268 y388 w148 h100, Hotkey
  40. Gui Add, Hotkey, x299 y412 w85 h21 vHK Center
  41. Gui Add, CheckBox, x315 y452 w55 h23 vCB gSet_Checkbox, Ativar
  42. Gui, Show,, Dynamic Hotkeys
  44. Gui Add, GroupBox, x18 y508 w416 h61
  45. Gui Add, Button, x52 y529 w132 h23 gStart_Train, Iniciar
  46. Gui Add, Button, x265 y529 w134 h23 gStop_Train, Parar
  48. Gui Show, w453 h599, Skill Trainer
  49. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  51. GuiControl, Disable, Weapons_Used
  53. Return
  55. GuiClose:
  56. ExitApp
  58. ; Do not edit above this line
  60. GuiControl, Disable, Weapons_Used
  61. Submit_All:
  62. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  63. return
  64. ;Pause:
  65. ; Pause
  66. Set_Target_Window:
  67. isPressed:=0
  68. i:= 0
  69. Loop
  70. {
  71. Left_Mouse:=GetKeyState("LButton")
  72. WinGetTitle,Temp_Window,A
  73. ToolTip, Aperte 2x o botão esquerdo do mouse na janela: %Temp_Window%
  74. if(Left_Mouse==False&&isPressed==0)
  75. isPressed:=1
  76. else if(Left_Mouse==True&&isPressed==1)
  77. {
  78. i++
  79. isPressed:=0
  80. if(i>=2)
  81. {
  82. WinGetTitle,Target_Window,A
  83. ToolTip,
  84. break
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. GuiControl,1:,Target_Window,% Target_Window
  89. return
  90. Set_Fixed_Location:
  91. ;Stop:=1
  92. Get_Click_Pos(Fixed_X,Fixed_Y)
  93. GuiControl,1:, Target_Spot, X = %Fixed_X% Y = %Fixed_Y%
  94. return
  95. Set_Fixed_Location2:
  96. ;Stop:=1
  97. Get_Click_Pos2(Fixed_X2,Fixed_Y2)
  98. GuiControl,1:,Target_Spot2,X = %Fixed_X2% Y = %Fixed_Y2%
  99. return
  100. Set_Checkbox:
  101. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  102. If CB
  103. GuiControl, Disable, Target_Spot2
  104. else
  105. GuiControl, Enable, Target_Spot2
  106. return
  107. Start_Train:
  108. Stop:= 0
  109. WinActivate, %Target_Window%
  110. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  111. if(Target_Window==null)
  112. {
  113. MsgBox, 262192, Missing Info,Selecione a Janela do Tibia!
  114. return
  115. }
  116. if(Fixed_X!=null&&Fixed_Y!=null&&Fixed_X2!=null&&Fixed_Y2!=null&&CB=1)
  117. {
  118. Loop
  119. {
  120. if(Stop==1||Weapons_Used==Weapons)
  121. {
  122. MsgBox, Você terminou seu treino e usou %Weapons_Used% armas.
  123. break
  124. }
  125. WinActivate, %Target_Window%
  126. Send, {%HK%}
  127. MouseClick, Left, %Fixed_X%, %Fixed_Y%
  128. Weapons_Used++
  129. Sleep, 300
  130. Send, !{Esc}
  131. Sleep, 1010000
  132. GuiControl,1:, Weapons_Used, % Weapons_Used
  133. }
  134. }
  135. else if (Fixed_X!=null&&Fixed_Y!=null&&Fixed_X2!=null&&Fixed_Y2!=null&&CB=0)
  136. {
  137. Loop
  138. {
  139. if(Stop==1||Weapons_Used==Weapons)
  140. {
  141. MsgBox, Você terminou seu treino e usou %Weapons_Used% armas.
  142. break
  143. }
  144. WinActivate, %Target_Window%
  145. MouseClick, Right, %Fixed_X2%, %Fixed_Y2%
  146. Sleep, 500
  147. MouseClick, Left, %Fixed_X%, %Fixed_Y%
  148. Weapons_Used++
  149. Sleep, 300
  150. Send, !{Esc}
  151. Sleep, 1010000
  152. GuiControl,1:, Weapons_Used, % Weapons_Used
  153. ;Sleep, 1010000
  154. }
  155. }
  156. return
  157. Stop_Train:
  158. Weapons_Used:=0
  159. GuiControl,1:,Weapons_Used,% Weapons_Used
  160. Stop:=1
  161. return
  163. Get_Click_Pos(ByRef X,ByRef Y)
  164. {
  165. isPressed:=0
  166. i:=0
  167. Loop
  168. {
  169. Left_Mouse:=GetKeyState("Alt")
  170. MouseGetPos,X,Y,
  171. ToolTip,Aperte Alt no SQM do Dummy `n`nCurrent Location: `nX = %X%`nY = %Y%
  172. if(Left_Mouse==False&&isPressed==0)
  173. isPressed:=1
  174. else if(Left_Mouse==True&&isPressed==1)
  175. {
  176. MouseGetPos,X,Y,
  177. ToolTip,
  178. break
  179. }
  180. }
  181. }
  182. Get_Click_Pos2(ByRef X,ByRef Y)
  183. {
  184. isPressed:=0
  185. i:=0
  186. Loop
  187. {
  188. Left_Mouse:=GetKeyState("Alt")
  189. MouseGetPos,X,Y,
  190. ToolTip,Aperte Alt no SQM da Arma `n`nCurrent Location: `nX = %X%`nY = %Y%
  191. if(Left_Mouse==False&&isPressed==0)
  192. isPressed:=1
  193. else if(Left_Mouse==True&&isPressed==1)
  194. {
  195. MouseGetPos,X,Y,
  196. ToolTip,
  197. break
  198. }
  199. }
  200. }
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