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Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. `NAME`: Thea Kinney.
  2. `AGE`: 16
  3. `GENDER`: Female
  4. `SEXUALITY`: Straight
  5. `AFFILIATION`: Hero
  6. `CANON PARENT`: X-23
  7. `BIRTH PLACE`: [???]
  8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. `POWERS`:
  10. | Superhumanly Acute Senses: |
  11. User possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She is capable of seeing at much greater distances — and with perfect clarity — than an ordinary human, and her visual acuity is so refined she is able to see a single Sentinite with her naked eye.She retains this same level of clarity in near-total darkness. Her sense of hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to both hear sounds that ordinary humans can't and to hear sounds that ordinary humans can, but at much greater distances. X-23 is able to use her highly developed sense of smell to track targets by scent with an impressive degree of success, even hours afterwards. She was even able to detect the victim of a killing had high cholesterol by scent alone.
  12. [Overwhelming scents (multiple ones or one strong one).
  13. Bright flashes when in darkness.
  14. Her own scent can be tracked.
  15. Takes great focus to see something as small as a Sentinite.]
  17. | Adamantium Exo-Skeleton |
  18. Thea's adamantium covered skeleton includes two retractable adamantium claws in each arm and one in each foot that she can extend and retract at will. These claws are housed beneath the skin and muscle. Unsheathing them causes her skin to tear and bleed, but the wounds are quickly dealt with by her healing factor. Thea can unsheathe any number of these claws at once, although she must keep her wrists and/or feet straight at the moment the claws emerge. The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone, allowing X-23 to cut through most types of flesh, metal and natural materials.
  19. [Metal manipulators can deal more damage.
  20. If wrists/feet are bent whilst the claws are coming out, well, they won't LMAO.
  21. Makes a slight sound as does a sword when unsheathed.]
  23. | Advanced Regenerative Healing Factor |
  24. Like X-23, Thea's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing factor that enables her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damage and blood loss such as multiple bullet wounds, slash wounds, and puncture wounds within a matter of minutes. Her healing factor is developed to such a degree, she is capable of reattaching severed limbs, such as a hand. She has also proven capable of regrowing an entire arm on her own. Her healing factor may fluctuate with her psychological state as battle wounds tend to heal very quickly, but her self inflicted cuts appear to remain visible for some time.
  25. [Weakness inflicted wounds will take longer to heal.
  26. Submerged very deep in water whilst connected to wires will completely shut off healing (due to lab experiments).
  27. When depressed, healing factor is slowed down.
  28. Must keep in top shape to ensure that the healing factor can work to its best.
  29. Magic-based attacks are slightly harder to heal from.]
  31. //Sub-Powers\\
  33. | Superhuman Abilities |
  34. Strength - 23 tons
  35. Speed - 70 mph
  36. And all others such as endurance etc.
  37. [Over-exertion.
  38. Being previously weakened.
  39. Trying to keep up maximums will not work.]
  41. | Longevity |
  42. Presumably, because X-23 is a clone of the mutant Wolverine, Thea's healing factor will also provide her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process.
  43. [Can still be injured.
  44. Can still be killed.
  45. Will still eventually die.]
  47. `WEAPONS`:
  48. >Daggers
  49. >Katana(s)
  51. `SKILLS`:
  52. >Advanced Combatant
  53. >Advanced Acrobat
  54. >Expert Covert Ops Training
  55. >Expert Tracker
  56. >Multilingual: French, English, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian (Russian is least fluent.)
  57. >Poisons Knowledge
  60. >Pure Gold damages her more and burns her
  61. >Magic-Based attacks slightly do more
  62. >Pure Amethyst does slightly more damage
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