{ "name": "SI9", "altname":"Space Invaders featuring Diamondslight", "author": [ "Crobat", "Espeon", "Arcanine", "Fate Testarossa", "Amane Ohtori" ], "summary":"Simple game of Space Invaders, but one of the bunkers is Diamondslight, who kills the Laser Cannon (and Bunkers) if he is lynched! Also, Diamondslight will flip as a Bunker when nightkilled or daykilled.", "sides":[{ "side":"aliens", "translation":"Space Invaders", "winmsg":"The Space Invaders (~Players~) destroyed all the human's forces and now they control the Earth!" }, { "side":"village", "translation":"Defenders", "winmsg":"The Defenders (~Players~) won and now the Earth is a safe place!" } ], "roles":[{ "role":"laser", "translation":"Laser Cannon", "side":"village", "help":"You're the Laser Cannon! Destroy your enemies with your laser typing /kill during the standby! However, you should be protected by a Bunker, because if you die, the Space Invaders win!", "info":"Can kill one player during the standby. Sided with the Defenders.", "actions":{ "standby":{ "kill":{ "target":"AnyButSelf", "msg":"Now, destroy your enemies with /kill [name]!", "killmsg":"~Self~ aimed at ~Target~ and destroyed him with a laser shot!! IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER!!!" } }, "daykill": "evade", "onDeath": { "killRoles": ["bunker", "diamond"], "killmsg": "±Space Invaders: When ~Self~ died, all the Bunkers were defenseless and they surrendered!" } } }, { "role":"bunker", "translation":"Bunker", "side":"village", "help":"Sturdy and resistant, you can block the Alien's attack! But you'll have to choose, because you can protect the Laser Cannon or yourself up to 3 times in the game! Make wise decisions, because if all the Bunkers or the Laser Cannon die, the Space Invaders win! However, there is a chance that you could be Diamondslight, which means you will kill everyone that voted for you if you are lynched!", "info":"Can protect or selfprotect one player during the night up to 3 times. Sided with the Defenders", "actions":{ "night":{ "protect":{ "target":"Any", "common":"Self", "priority":1, "charges":3, "chargesmsg": "You can only protect ~Charges~ more times!" } }, "startup": { "revealRole": ["laser"] } } }, { "role":"diamond", "translation":"Bunker", "side":"village", "help":"Sturdy and resistant, you can block the Alien's attack! But you'll have to choose, because you can protect the Laser Cannon or yourself up to 3 times in the game! Make wise decisions, because if all the Bunkers or the Laser Cannon die, the Space Invaders win!", "info":" (This is actually Diamondslight.) Can protect or selfprotect one player during the night up to 3 times. If lynched, kills the Laser Cannon (and Bunkers). Sees itself as Bunker. Sided with the Defenders", "actions":{ "night":{ "protect":{ "target":"Any", "common":"Self", "priority":1, "charges":3, "chargesmsg": "You can only protect ~Charges~ more times!" } }, "lynch": { "killRoles": ["laser", "bunker"], "singlekillmsg": "±Diamondslight: Brb getting link. Oh, and the village can die for letting me get lynched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A" }, "startup": { "revealRole": ["laser"], "revealAs": "bunker" } } }, { "role":"alien", "translation":"Alien", "side":"aliens", "winIfDeadRoles": ["bunker", "diamond"], "help":"You're an alien! Time to kill all that stupid humans and control the Earth! Type /kill during the night! Also, each 2 nights you have an extra nightkill with /kill2, and that's not shared with your team!! You can use /tt [message] to talk to your teammates.", "info":"Can kill one player during the night (Shared). Can kill one player each 2 nights (Not-Shared). Sided with the Space Invaders.", "actions":{ "night":{ "kill":{ "target":"AnyButTeam", "common":"Team", "priority":2, "broadcast":"team" }, "kill2": { "recharge": 2, "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 3, "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": { "revealRole": ["laser"] }, "teamUtilities": true } } ], "roles1":[ "laser", "diamond", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "alien", "bunker", "bunker", "bunker", "alien" ], "killmsg":"±Space Invaders: ~Player~ (~Role~) was destroyed!", "killusermsg":" You were destroyed!", "border":"***¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦ ¦¯-¯¦", "villageCantLoseRoles": [ "laser" ] }