{ "name": "Qwerty", "author": [ "Marquis" ], "summary": "Qwerty the other team! Qwerty to the max! MEGA QWERTY.", "ticks": { "standby": 15, "night": 15 }, "minplayers": 3, "sides": [ { "side": "v", "translation": "Village" }, { "side": "m", "translation": "Mafia" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "v", "translation": "Villager", "side": "v", "help": "Hi! You're Villager, so you can use /qwerty during the day to kill people. If you kill another Villager, you will both die! Good luck!", "actions": { "standby": { "qwerty": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Use /qwerty to daykill the Mafia!", "killmsg": "Someone qwertied ~Target~!" } }, "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "GG VILLAGE SUX" } }, { "role": "m", "translation": "Mafia", "side": "m", "help": "Hi! You're Mafia, so you can use /qwerty during the night to kill someone. If you kill another Mafia, you will both die! Good luck!", "actions": { "night": { "qwerty": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "broadcastmsg": "*** Someone qwertied ~Target~!", "broadcast": ["v", "m"], "restrict": ["qwerty"] } }, "kill": { "mode": "killattacker", "msg": "GG MAFIA SUX" } } } ], "roles1": [{"v": 0, "m": 1}, "m", "v", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v", "m", "v"] }