// Match Servers Menu Generator by Bukz // Fill in/add to the following aliases to modify the script: // // matchMenuCategories // matchMenuLocations // matchMenuNames_* // * = 1 - NUMBER OF CATEGORIES // matchMenuConnects_* // * = 1 - NUMBER OF CATEGORIES // // Then uncomment and edit the keybind below to give yourself easy // access to the Match Servers Main Menu. Or use the following command to view // it at anytime: // // /showmenu "Match Servers Main" // // Notes: // // The aliases that must be modified (listed above) MUST be in order with each // other. (e.g. Item #1 of matchMenuCategories corresponds with Item #1 of // matchMenuLocations and so on.) // // To regenerate the Main Menu at anytime, execute the following command: // // /genMatchMainMenu // // To regerate the individual match server menus at anytime, execute // the following command: // // /genMatchMenus // // bind KEY [ showmenu "Match Servers Main" ] matchMenuCategories = [ "B}" "BC" "Dratini" "eQ" "Mewtwo" "MyS" "oNe" "legacy" "TyD" "Server of Justice" "w00p" "DES" ] matchMenuLocations = [ "Kansas, US" "UK" "Central US" "UK" "California, US" "GER" "Asrv, GER" "UK" "NL" "UK" "UK" "Portsmouth, UK" ] // B} matchMenuNames_1 = [ "Bold" "Dauntless" ] matchMenuConnects_1 = [ "bcubed.pbclan.tk 1492" "bcubed.pbclan.tk 1927" ] // BC matchMenuNames_2 = [ "Match Server #1" "Match Server #2" ] matchMenuConnects_2 = [ "bcuk.pwnz.org 10004 match" "bcuk.pwnz.org 10006 match" ] // Dratini matchMenuNames_3 = [ "Dratini 7777" "Dratini 8888" ] matchMenuConnects_3 = [ "dratini.tk 7777 match" "dratini.tk 8888 match" ] // eQ matchMenuNames_4 = [ ] matchMenuConnects_4 = [ ] // Mewtwo matchMenuNames_5 = [ "Mewtwo 7777" "Mewtwo 8888" ] matchMenuConnects_5 = [ "mewtwo.tk 7777 match" "mewtwo.tk 8888 match" ] // MyS matchMenuNames_6 = [ "Match #1" "Match #2" "Match #3" ] matchMenuConnects_6 = [ "mys.aa.am 21111 match" "mys.aa.am 22222 match" "mys.aa.am 23333 match" ] // oNe matchMenuNames_7 = [ "oNe Asrv 8010" "Elysian" "Divine" ] matchMenuConnects_7 = [ "one.asrv.tk 8010" "o-n-e.tk 8888 match" "o-n-e.tk 9999 match" ] // legacy matchMenuNames_8 = [ ] matchMenuConnects_8 = [ ] // TyD matchMenuNames_9 = [ ] matchMenuConnects_9 = [ ] // Server of Justice matchMenuNames_10 = [ ] matchMenuConnects_10 = [ ] // w00p matchMenuNames_11 = [ ] matchMenuConnects_11 = [ ] // DES matchMenuNames_12 = [ "DES Match #1" ] matchMenuConnects_12 = [ "ultrapenguin.co.uk 28790 match" ] // Do not edit below. matchNumMenus = (listlen $matchMenuCategories) if (! (checkalias spamConnect)) [ spamConnect = 0 ] genMatchMainMenu = [ loop mml (listlen $matchMenuCategories) [ itemloc = (at $matchMenuLocations $mml) menuitem (concat (at $matchMenuCategories $mml) (addpunct $itemloc 2)) (addpunct (concat showmenu (at $matchMenuCategories $mml)) 2) ] ] newmenu "Match Servers Main" genMatchMainMenu menuitem "" -1 menuitem "Settings" [ showmenu "Match Servers Settings" ] newmenu "Match Servers Settings" menuitemcheckbox "Spam Connect: " "$spamConnect" [ spamConnect = $arg1 ] matchconnect = [ if $spamConnect [ tmpmatchconnect = (concat $arg1 $arg2 $arg3) loop vi 3 [ sleep (* $vi 1000) [ say /connect $tmpmatchconnect ] ] sleep 3100 [ connect (at $tmpmatchconnect 0) (at $tmpmatchconnect 1) (at $tmpmatchconnect 2) ] ] [ connect $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 ] ] genMatchMenu = [ newmenu (at $matchMenuCategories (- $arg1 1)) loop lli (listlen (getalias (format matchMenuNames_%1 $arg1))) [ itemname = (at (getalias (format matchMenuNames_%1 $arg1)) $lli) tmpconnect = (at (getalias (format matchMenuConnects_%1 $arg1)) $lli) menuitem $itemname (addpunct (concat matchconnect (at $tmpconnect 0) (at $tmpconnect 1) (at $tmpconnect 2)) 2) ] ] genMatchMenus = [ loop gmi $matchNumMenus [ genMatchMenu (+ $gmi 1) ] ] genMatchMenus