============================== View Raw for Proper Formatting ============================== _____ _____ _____ ____ ______ _____ _________________ [----------------------------------------] ___|\ \ ___|\ \ ____|\ \ | | ___|\ \ ___|\ \ / \ [ Shoutouts ] | |\ \ | |\ \ / /\ \ | || \ \ / /\ \\______ ______/ [----------------------------------------] | | | || | | | / / \ \ | || ,_____/|| | | | \( / / )/ [ # Bitst0rm ][ # MLT ] | |/____/|| |/____/ | | | | ____ | || \--'\_|/| | |____| ' | | ' [ # TeaMp0isoN ][ # ProtocoL ] | || ||| |\ \ | | | || | | || /___/| | | ____ | | [ # The Adipiscing ][ # 3nvi ] | ||____|/| | | ||\ \ / /|| | | || \____|\ | | | | / // [ # ircx ][ # Yovi ] |____| |____| |____|| \_____\/____/ ||\____\|____||____ ' /||\ ___\/ /| /___// [ # Anonymous ][ # Antihero ] | | | | | | \ | || | /| | | || /_____/ || | /____/ | |` | [ # NetBashers ][ # Anarchymous ] |____| |____| |____| \|____||____|/ \|____|____||____| | / \|___| | / |____| [ # The Gentlemen ][ # d0ct0rd0c ] \( \( )/ \( )/ \( )/ \( |_____|/ \( |____|/ \( [ # Peoples Liberation ][ # C0rrupt.net ] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )/ ' )/ ' [ Front ][ # CyberWarNews ] ' ' [----------------------------------------] ,---,_ , ______ _______ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ______ ______ _______ _> `'-. .--'/ | \/ \ ____|\ \ |\ \ / /|| | | | ___|\ \ | \/ \ .--'` ._ `/ <_ / /\ \ / /\ \ | \ \ / / || | | || \ \ / /\ \ >,-' ._'.. ..__ . 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I have mined your databases and concluded that you should have spent more time researching website security instead of uranium enrichment :) =================== Admin Login =================== Username: siduser Password: qaz123bnm =================== For future reference, it's generally a bad idea to leave your admin credentials in plaintext, especially when your security is this shitty. *------------------------------------------*-------------------------------*------------------------------------------* | Database: host356 | Database: master | Database: host355 | |------------------------------------------|-------------------------------|------------------------------------------| | _tblSeminarList | spt_fallback_db | AFS1 | | BackUp2-SearchFirst_ | spt_fallback_dev | Afs1388_M | | BackUp2-SearchFirst__ | spt_fallback_usg | Count_Fa | | BackUp-SearchFirst | spt_monitor | dtproperties | | Count_En | spt_values | pdfFa | | dtproperties |-------------------------------| sysdiagrams | | pdfEn | Database: msdb | tblClntErrors | | sysc |-------------------------------| tblCopy | | tblcounter | backupfile | tblcounter | | tblJcr | backupmediafamily | tblError | | TblJCR- | backupmediaset | tblErrors | | tblJournal | backupset | tblJcr | | tblJournalList | logmarkhistory | TblJCR-- | | tblPap | restorefile | tblJCRReport | | tblPaper | restorefile | tblJournal | | tblPrvJournals | restorehistory | tblJournalList | | tblReferBook | suspect_pages | TblLog | | tblReferCD |-------------------------------| tblPaper | | tblReferEncyclopedia | Database: hostplan | tblReferBook | | tblReferFinal |-------------------------------| tblReferCD | | tblReferJournal | dtproperties | tblReferEncyclopedia | | tblReferNewsPaper | sysdiagrams | tblReferFinal | | tblReferPaperBook | T1 | tblReferJournal | | tblReferSeminar | tblDepartment | tblReferJournalFa | | tblReferSite | tblDepartment_Afs | tblReferJournalTMP | | tblSelWebsite | tblDiploma | tblReferNewsPaper | | TblSeminar | tblErrors | tblReferPaperBook | | tblSeminarList | TblLog | tblReferSeminar | | TblSeminarListSubject | tblPerson | tblReferSite | | tblSeminarSubject | tblPlan | tblSelWebsite | | TblSeminarType | tblPlanFile | TblSeminar | | tblSPaper | tblPlanSubject | tblSeminarList | | tblSPaperType | tblPlanType | TblSeminarListSubject | | tblSubject | tblSubject | tblSeminarSubject | | tblSubjectJcr | tblTeam | TblSeminarType | | tblSubmit | tblType | tblSPaper | | tblSubmitPaper | tblUsers | tblSPaperType | | tblSubmitTrace | tblVariable | tblSubject | | tblSWriter | updateplan | tblSubjectJcr | | tblSWriterBank | view_tblPlan_tblPlanSubject_R | tblSubmit | | tblTableID | View_tblTeam_tblPerson_R | tblSubmitPaper | | tblTypeJournal | view_Writers_R | tblSubmitTrace | | tblWriter | viewListPlan | tblSWriter | | tblWriterBank |-------------------------------| tblSWriterBank | | Users | Empty Databases | tblTableID | | V_PaperJournal_OF |-------------------------------| tblTypeJournal | | V_PaperJournal_To | tempdb | tblUsers | | VClnt_Paperinfo | model | tblVariable | | View_ShowPaper | dbsnewpaperfa | tblWriter | | VIEW_tblJournal_tblJournalList | dbsnewpaperen | tblWriterBank | | View_tblJournal_tblTypeJournal |-------------------------------| tblWriterBankSimilar | | VIEW_tblPaper_tblJournalList_tblJournal | | Users | | VIEW_tblSPaper_tblSeminar | | V_PaperJournal_Of | | VIEW_TblSwriter_TblSPaper_TblSwriterBank | | V_PaperJournal_To | | VIEW_Tblwriter_TblPaper_TblwriterBank | | VClient_PaperInfo | | viewAlltrimJournal | | VClnt_PaperInfo | | ViewAlltrimPaper | | VClnt_SearchPaper | | viewAlltrimSeminar | | VClnt_SearchPaper_pdf | | ViewAlltrimSPaper | | VClnt_SearchSPaper | | viewAlltrimSWriter | | VClnt_SearchSPaper_Bac | | viewAlltrimWriter | | VClnt_SPaperInfo | | viewDefaultJournal | | View_Paper | | viewJournalList | | View_ShowPaper | | viewPaper | | View_ShowPaperBac | | viewSearchFirst | | VIEW_tblJournal_tblJournalList | | viewSearchPaper | | View_tblJournal_tblTypeJournal | | viewSubmit | | VIEW_tblPaper_tblJournalList_tblJournal | | viewWriterPaper | | VIEW_TblSwriter_TblSPaper_TblSwriterBank | | viewWriterPaperNew | | VIEW_Tblwriter_TblPaper_TblwriterBank | *------------------------------------------* | viewAlltrimJournal | | ViewAlltrimPaper | | viewAlltrimSeminar | | ViewAlltrimSPaper | | viewAlltrimSWriter | | viewAlltrimWriter | | viewCitationJournal_test | | viewDefaultJournal | | viewJournalList | | viewJournals | | viewPaper | | viewpapercitation | | VIEWPaperCitationUnion | | ViewPaperNoEdit | | viewSearchFirst | | viewSearchPaper | | viewSearchPaperBac | | viewSearchPaperN | | ViewSPaper | | viewSubmit | | VIEWtest1 | | viewWriterPaper | | viewWriterPaperNew | | vwClientMostPaperCount | | vwClntJCRMostPaperCount | *------------------------------------------* =================================================================================================================================================== 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 ] =================================================================================================================================================== _____ _ __ ______ _ / ____| | | / _| | ____| | | | | __ _____ _____ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ ___ | |_ | |__ __ _ _ _ _ __ | |_ | | |_ |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| / _ \| _| | __| / _` | | | | '_ \| __| | |__| | (_) \ V / __/ | | | | | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | (_) | | | |___| (_| | |_| | |_) | |_ \_____|\___/ \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| \___/|_| |______\__, |\__, | .__/ \__| __/ | __/ | | |___/ |___/|_| =================================================================================================================================================== 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 ] =================================================================================================================================================== Admin Accounts: *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* | ID UName UPass Decrypted | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0 admin feca9c2610cdb61b6789c6374019f691 M@sad2011 | | 1 msad 6599746e506aab8051e6a8787332ef67 sabrymsad | | 2 gags f936e30e9daa03aecb2b4a6225c1bb4e gags2010 | | 5 debuguser dcddb75469b4b4875094e14561e573d8 00000 | *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | Table Name | Columns | |---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | V_NotActive_Orgs | org_ID, org_name, org_tel, emp_name, emp_tel | | V_nonsupp_months_progress | mnth, count(*) | | V_org_progress | crdate, count( * ) | | V_orgs_hierarchy | ar_name, count( * ) | | V_orgs_months_progress | mnth, count(ID) | | V_supp_months_progress | mnth, count(*) | | V_tenders_months_progress | mnth, count(ID) | | activations | ID, userType, ActivationCode, userID | | activities | id, en_name, ar_name | | cities | id, en_name, ar_name, Country | | comments | ID, user, comment, commD | | coutries | id, short_code, en_Name, ar_Name | | employees | ID, stName, ndName, rdName, UName, UPass, gender, email, address, mob, tel, fax, job, org, Mngr, crDate | | files_types | ID, Desc, en_Desc, from_status, to_status | | limited_tend_supp | TenID, SuppID | | news | ID, title, pubName, pubD, contents, Desc | | nonsuppactivities | nonSuppID, ActID | | nonsuppliers | ID, stName, ndName, rdName, UName, UPass, gender, email, address, country, city, mob, tel, fax, job, Active, | | | lang, crDate | | not_approved_sup | ar_name, count(suppliers.id) | | org_types | ID, Desc, en_Desc | | orgs | ID, ar_name, en_name, address, en_address, tel, fax, website, email, org_type, parent_org, crDate | | suppactivities | SuppID, ActID | | suppliers | ID, UName, UPass, ar_name, en_name, comm_no, tax_no, sales_tax_no, country, city, address, postal, taxes_org, | | | tel, fax, email, stName, ndName, rdName, comments, Org, Active, lang, crDate | | taxes_org | ID, ar_name, en_name, city | | ten_files | ID, TenID, ftype, Desc, en_Desc, fname | | ten_nat | ID, Desc, en_Desc | | ten_status | ID, Desc, en_Desc | | ten_supp | TenID, SuppID, dDate | | ten_types | ID, Desc, en_Desc | | tenactivities | TenID, ActID | | tenders | ID, ar_name, en_name, num, yr, org, ttype, tnat, entryD, pubD, subD, openD, techD, endD, RFP_price, RFP_price_s, | | | prim_ins, desc, cond, comm, desc_en, comm_en, cond_en, status | | users | ID, UName, UPass, UType, SuppID, NonID, EmpID, lang, first_login | | users_backup | ID, UName, UPass, UType, SuppID, NonID, EmpID | | userstypes | ID, Desc | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* The following is just a preview. There are close to 500 government organizations listed in the file below. ================================================================= Download the full Orgs table: ================================================================= http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/AQBHIQE7/Orgs_Table.xlsx_links http://mir.cr/AQBHIQE7 ================================================================= Name: General Authority For Government Services Address: Port Said Street - Al-Azhar - Cairo 391 Phone: 225102733 Fax: 225102733 Website: www.mof.gov.eg/generalorg Email: info@mof.gov.eg Name: Ministry of State for Administrative Development Address: 13 Salah Salem street, Misr Al-Gadida, Cairo Phone: 24000100 Fax: 22628003 Website: www.ad.gov.eg Email: info@etenders.gov.eg Name: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Address: Smart Village 28 kilo Cairo/Alex highway Phone: 35341300 Fax: 35370537 Website: www.mcit.gov.eg Email: etender@mcit.gov.eg Name: Ministry Of Transportation Address: Egyptian Government Phone: 2024000223 Fax: 2024000255 Email: mnagar@ad.gov.eg Name: Social security fund for workers in the government sector Phone: 27946324 Fax: 27957763 Website: http://nosi.gov.eg/pio/portal/home Email: nosisifwgs@maktoob.com Name: Hydro Power Plant Executive Authority Phone: 222907617 Fax: 222293986 Website: http://hppea.gov.eg Email: hppea@yahoo.com Name: 10 Ramadan City Authority Phone: 15410437 Fax: 15410438 Website: www.10ramadancity.com Email: tenthramadan_city@yahoo.com Name: Academy Of Scientific Research And Technology Phone: 327921292 Fax: 327921292 Website: http://www.asrt.sci.eg Email: moshtarayatasrt@gmail.com =================================================================================================================================================== 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 ] =================================================================================================================================================== ##### ## / ### ## /##### /## # #/ ### /#### // / / ### ### ## ## / ### / / / ### # ## ## /## / / ### ## ## / ## ## ## ## ### /### ## /### ## /### / ## ### /### /### ### /### ## ## ## ### / ### / ##/ ### / ## / ### / / ## ###/ #### / / ### / ###/ #### / ## ## ## ## / ###/ ## ###/ ## / ###/ / ## ## ###/ / ###/ ## ###/ ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## / ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## /######## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## / ## ## ## ## ## ## ## / / ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## /###/ / ## ## /# ## /# ## ## ## /#### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## / ########/ ### / ####/ ## ####/ ### / ###### / #### ## / ### ### ###### ### ### / #### ##/ ### ## ### ##/ #### / ## #/ ### ### #### ### ### # # ## ## =================================================================================================================================================== 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 ] ===================================================================================================================================================