{ "name": "DBZ World", "author": [ "XxkakapaxX", "Raiden" ], "summary": "Hi! I am Goku! Will you help the Z warriors to defeat the bad guys? Or will you help them to destroy the Earth? It's your choice! My brother Raditz has teamed up with Nappa and Turles to try and destroy the earth, while the Ginyu force is out for revenge as well! Watch out for Frieza, Cooler and King Cold. They're after the Dragon Balls! The Majin Mafia awakened Buu and now they want to defeat Z Warriors! Beware of Cell's Faction, he's going to absorb all of us! Broly and Paragus are here for revenge as well, but with friends like Vegeta and Gohan at my side, I'm sure there's NOTHING we can't handle! Found a bug? PM Me! (XxkakapaxX) Special thanks to DatXFire and XerxesBreak for helping us with JSON Malformations and some code errors as well.", "sides": [ { "side": "saiyans", "translation": "Evil Saiyans", "winmsg": "The saiyans, ~Players~, conquered the land..." }, { "side": "gogeta", "translation": "Gogeta", "winmsg": "Of course Gogeta wins. Did you expect any less of ~Players~?" }, { "side": "majin", "translation": "Majin Mafia", "winmsg": "Lord Babidi and his minions, ~Players~, destroyed the universe!" }, { "side": "ginyu", "translation": "Ginyu Force", "winmsg": "~Players~: Ginyu Force rules!" }, { "side": "hell", "translation": "Alliance from Hell", "winmsg": "The mighty alliance , ~Players~ , escaped from Hell!" }, { "side": "galactic", "translation": "Galactic Conquerors", "winmsg": "Frieza and his family, ~Players~, have finally gained immortality!" }, { "side": "village", "translation": "Z Warriors", "winmsg": "Goku and his friends, ~Players~, saved the world from evil!" }, { "side": "cell", "translation": "Cell Faction", "winmsg": "The Cell Faction, ~Players~, has destroyed all life on Earth..." }, { "side": "buu", "translation": "Buu", "winmsg": "Buu , ~Players~ , ate all people of the world!" }, { "side": "pilaf", "translation": "Pilaf", "winmsg": "How the hell did Pilaf, ~Players~ ,win!?" }, { "side": "bardock", "translation": "Bardock", "winmsg": "I, ~Players~, FINALLY DEFEATED YOU, FRIEZA!" }, { "side": "legendary", "translation": "Legendary Warriors", "winmsg": "The legendary warriors, ~Players~, destroyed everyone on the galaxy..." } ], "roles": [ { "role": "baka", "translation": "Pilaf", "side": "pilaf", "help": "You are Pilaf, a rather weak evil villain. You can't really win in any kind of fight, so instead you've decided just to side with whoever wins as long as it's not those pesky Z-Warriors!", "winningSides": [ "legendary", "saiyans", "ginyu", "galactic", "cell", "majin", "buu" ], "actions": {} }, { "role": "villager", "translation": "Earthling", "side": "village", "help": "You are a random person of Earth!! You don’t' have any commands, but if you're lucky you just might get some hax on what may happen during the night.", "info": "A normal citizen from Earth that can get hax on what may happen during the night. Sided with Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.05, "revealPlayer": 0.02 } } } }, { "role": "dragonball", "translation": "Dragon Ball", "side": "village", "help": "You are a Dragon Ball, 1 of seven used to summon Shenron. You know who the other Dragon Balls are, but since you're not alive your votes count as 0. Because you are needed to summon Shenron, he gave you the powers of /wish. No one knows what would happen if you use it...", "info": "A connector that can use /wish to do a random action. Sided with Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "vote": 0, "startup": "role-reveal", "night": { "wish": { "command": { "kill": 0.1, "stalk": 0.1, "inspect": 0.1, "protect": 0.1, "safeguard": 0.1, "poison": 0.1 }, "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 19 } } } }, { "role": "bomb", "translation": "Chiaotzu", "side": "village", "help": "You are Chiaotzu. You're small, white-ish blue and you wear a funny hat most times. During the night and during the day you will kill your attacker. You'll die as well, but that's unavoidable. Also, because you're so small you have no vote. As you know Tien since you were a baby, you have reveal on him.", "info": "A day and night bomb with a vote of 0 that knows the BG. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "startup": { "revealRole": "tien" }, "vote": 0, "kill": { "mode": "killattacker", "msg": "±Shenron: BOOM!!!" }, "daykill": "bomb", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ tried to kill ~Self~, but Chiaotzu grabbed on to him and blew them both up." } }, { "role": "scell", "translation": "Cell", "side": "hell", "help": "You are Cell, an android created by Dr. Gero to be the strongest fighter in the universe. You were defeated by Gohan, but now you're back from Hell and you've decided to team up with Frieza to take revenge on the Saiyans. Use your /kamehameha to kill someone during the night.", "info": "A killer who has DNA of almost all of earth's greatest warriors. Sided with the Alliance from Hell", "actions": { "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 9 } } } }, { "role": "cell", "translation": "Cell", "side": "cell", "help": "You are Cell, an android created by Dr. Gero to be the strongest fighter in the universe. You are only at your first stage of power though. Every other night you can /transform to become even stronger. As you are now, you can only /kamehameha 1 target a night. Oh, and your kills are shared with the Cell Jrs.", "info": "A killer who uses the Kamehameha wave and can transform every other night to become more powerful. Sided with the Cell Faction.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles", "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 9 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "convertmsg": "Oh no! Cell's gotten stronger!", "newRole": "cell2", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "cell" ] } } } }, { "role": "cell2", "translation": "Cell", "side": "cell", "help": "You are now at your second form, more powerful than your first form. During the night you can now kill 2 people with /kamehameha and /cannon, although the second one only has a 50% chance of working. After 1 night you can /transform to your third form!", "info": "A killer who has a chance of killing 2 AND can transform. Sided with the Cell Faction.", "actions": { "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 10 }, "cannon": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 11, "failChance": 0.5 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "initialrecharge": 1, "newRole": "cell3", "convertmsg": "Cell's getting even stronger!!", "canConvert": [ "cell2" ] } } } }, { "role": "cell3", "translation": "Perfect Cell", "side": "cell", "help": "You are now at your third form, MUCH more powerful than your first form. Now you can kill 2 people a night with your Kamehameha! Oh joy!!!", "info": "A killer who can kill 2 targets a night with his /kamehameha.", "actions": { "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "limit": 2, "priority": 8 } } } }, { "role": "celljr", "translation": "Cell Jr.", "side": "cell", "help": "You are a Cell Jr, a small blue form of cell that is as powerful as his first form. Because of this you can /kamehameha someone during the night.", "info": "Basic mafia bad guy. Sided with the Cell Faction.", "actions": { "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 8 } } } }, { "role": "bgcelljr", "translation": "Cell Jr.", "side": "cell", "help": "You are a Cell Jr, a replica of cell's perfect form that's about as tall as Kid Gohan and blue. Instead of killing though, your job is to /guard Cell.", "info": "A mafia bodyguard. Sided with the Cell Faction.", "actions": { "night": { "guard": { "command": "protect", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 3 } } } }, { "role": "bulma", "translation": "Bulma", "side": "village", "help": "You are Bulma, a blue-haired girl who is a scientist, as well as Vegeta's wife. Because you are a beautiful girl, you can /distract someone to prevent them from acting. You also have a scanner that you picked up from one of the saiyans who came to Earth. It might tell you if someone is going to be killed.", "info": "A beautiful distracter that might get hax with her scanner. Sided with the Z-warriors.", "actions": { "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.09, "revealPlayer": 0.12 } }, "night": { "distract": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "Bulma took you to her house... You stayed all the night there and you couldn't ~Action~ anyone!", "teammsg": "Bulma took your partner to her house... You went to find him and you couldn't ~Action~ anyone!" } } } }, { "role": "tien", "translation": "Tien", "side": "village", "help": "You are Tien, a three-eyed fighter who uses the Dodan Ray and Tri Beam. But you also have immense physical strength due to your intense training. Thanks to this you can protect up to two targets with /protect. Since Chiaotzu is your partner, you know who he is.", "info": "A three-eyed bodyguard. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 4, "broadcast": "role", "limit": 2 } }, "startup": { "revealRole": "bomb" } } }, { "role": "krillin", "translation": "Krillin", "side": "village", "help": "You are Krillin, a bald-headed midg- small person who is also friends with Goku! Every other night you can /disc to hit someone with a destructo disc. Every third night you can also use /solarflare to distract a target.", "info": "A vigilante/pl that kills every 2 nights and distracts every 3 nights. Sided with the Z-Warriors!", "actions": { "night": { "disc": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Team", "priority": 19, "recharge": 1, "msg": "Destructo Disc!!" }, "solarflare": { "command": "distract", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 19, "recharge": 2, "distractmsg": "SOLAR FLARE!!", "teammsg": "Your team got distracted by Krillin's solar flare." } } } }, { "role": "majin", "translation": "Majin Buu", "side": "village", "help": "You are Majin Buu, a former bad guy. You used to want to kill people, but since you expelled all of your evilness you're now a good person. You're not very important...or are you?", "info": "A villager with a fancy name pretty much. Might get lucky though. Sided with the Z-Warriors." }, { "role": "absorbed", "translation": "Absorbed Buu", "side": "buu", "help": "You have been absorbed by Super Buu. You now avoid all types of kills, have a vote of 0, and have become sided with Buu. After 2 nights you should be converted to a bomb version of Majin Buu. But if not, just /OMGWTFBBQ after 4 nights of being Absorbed Buu and poof! Become SSJ4 Gogeta.", "info": "A completely useless role that's sided with Buu Brigade. If not converted in two nights you can OMGWTFBBQ.", "actions": { "vote": 0, "night": { "omgwtfbbq": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "gogeta", "initialrecharge": 4, "recharge": 9999, "canConvert": [ "absorbed" ] } } } }, { "role": "evil", "translation": "Evil Buu", "side": "buu", "help": "You are Evil Buu, the evil energy that was expelled from Majin Buu. Every other night you can /chocolate someone to turn them to chocolate and eat them! And on night 2 you can /convert Majin Buu to Super Buu. If you're not converted at some point, you can /OMGWTFBBQ yourself.", "info": "A killer/converter who turns people to chocolate to eat them every other night. and can convert Majin Buu to Super Buu. If not converted to absorbed, can OMGWTFBBQ. Sided with Buu.", "actions": { "night": { "chocolate": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 12, "initialrecharge": 1, "recharge": 1 }, "convert": { "command": "convert", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "superbuu", "initialrecharge": 1, "recharge": 9999, "canConvert": [ "majin" ] }, "omgwtfbbq": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "gogeta", "initialrecharge": 5, "recharge": 9999, "canConvert": [ "evil" ] } }, "startup": { "revealRole": "majin" } } }, { "role": "superbuu", "translation": "Super Buu", "side": "buu", "help": "You are Super Buu, the evil energy having taken over your body and twisting your form to this. At night you can /absorb Evil buu, rendering him completely useless. Then the night after that you can /genocide1, /genocide2, and /genocide3 to kill up to three targets, although your accuracy decreases by 30% for every genocide after the first one. After 4 nights as Super Buu you can become Kid Buu.", "info": "A killer who /absorbs Evil Buu and can /genocide up to 3 targets, then can /transform to Kid Buu after about 4 nights. Sided with Buu.", "actions": { "night": { "genocide1": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 15 }, "genocide2": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 15, "failChance": 0.3 }, "genocide3": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 15, "failChance": 0.6 }, "absorb": { "command": "convert", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "absorbed", "recharge": 9999, "canConvert": [ "evil" ] }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "kid", "recharge": 9999, "initialrecharge": 3, "canConvert": [ "superbuu" ] } }, "startup": { "revealRole": "evil" } } }, { "role": "kid", "translation": "Kid Buu", "side": "buu", "help": "You are Kid Buu, now you're completely evil! Every 3rd night you can /mystic to curl up into a ball, protecting yourself from death. You can also /kamehameha someone with no chance of missing. You can't be haxed either. Oh, and you can /expel absorbed buu to make him Uub, but why do that? I mean it's not like you want that fat blob around, right?", "info": "A killer/converter who kills with the Kamehameha every other night. Can convert Absorbed Buu to Uub. Sided with Buu Brigade.", "actions": { "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 12 }, "mystic": { "command": "protect", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 2, "recharge": 2 }, "expel": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "uub", "initialrecharge": 1, "recharge": 9999, "canConvert": [ "absorbed" ] } }, "startup": { "revealRole": "absorbed" }, "avoidHax": [ "kamehameha" ] } }, { "role": "uub", "translation": "Uub", "side": "village", "help": "You are now Uub. The good that was left over from Majin Buu somehow created you, and you have no recollection of ever being Majin Buu. If someone kills you, they'll die if it's during the night. If it's during the day, you're screwed.", "info": "A nightkill bomb sided wtih the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": "killattacker", "msg": "±Uub: You attacked Uub, but he put up a fight, killing the both of you with a Super Explosive Wave!" } } }, { "role": "broly", "translation": "Broly", "side": "legendary", "help": "KAKAROT! You are Broly... you want to kill Kakarot because he almost killed you when he cried while he was a baby (lol). Type /Blast [name] to kill someone, and you will avoid hax! After 4 nights you can expel your legendary power and become the Legendary Super Saiyan with /transform. Anyone who tries distracting you dies.", "info": "A bad warrior that can /Blast (kill) someone during the night. Avoids hax and kills distracters. Can power up to his Legendary Super Saiyan form. Sided with the Legendary Warriors", "actions": { "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract Broly, but he blasted you instead of his intended target!", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You destroyed her instead!" }, "avoidHax": [ "Blast" ], "night": { "Blast": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 10 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "OnlySelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 2, "initialrecharge": 3, "newRole": "brolyss", "canConvert": [ "broly" ], "convertmsg": "±Shenron: KAKAROT!" } } } }, { "role": "brolyss", "translation": "Legendary Super Saiyan Broly", "side": "legendary", "help": "You are the super saiyan of the legend... The most powerful of all... Use your /blast [name1] to kill everybody on your way. Also you have a revealing daykill.", "info": "Legendary Super Saiyan whose power is rivaled by only a few select warriors. Can kill at night and 1 during day. Keeps evading hax and kills distractors. Sided with Legendary Warriors.", "actions": { "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract Broly, but he blasted you instead of his intended target!", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You destroyed her instead!" }, "avoidHax": [ "Blast" ], "night": { "Blast": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 15 } }, "standby": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Blast someone using /destroy. WARNING: You will be revealed when you do this", "killmsg": "~Self~ shots a powerful destroying blast to ~Target~, making them explode." } } } }, { "role": "brolysfatha", "translation": "Paragus", "side": "legendary", "help": "You are Broly’s father! You need to protect him with /protect, so he can kill forever!", "info": "Broly's father who protects his son. Sided with Legendary Warriors.", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 8, "broadcast": "role" } }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "sfrieza", "translation": "Frieza", "side": "hell", "help": "You are Frieza, an alien overlord who ruled, then destroyed the planet Vegeta. Now you, Cooler, and King Cold are searching for the dragon balls so you can obtain immortality. Kill anyone who stands in your way with your /deathbeam.", "info": "A killer who blasts a beam of energy through your chest. Sided with the Alliance from Hell.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 9 } } } }, { "role": "frieza", "translation": "Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are Frieza, an alien overlord who ruled, then destroyed the planet Vegeta. Now you, Cooler, and King Cold are searching for the dragon balls so you can obtain immortality. Kill anyone who stands in your way with your /deathbeam. Every other night you can use /transform to power up to an ever stronger body, gaining more strength and speed.", "info": "A killer who blasts a beam of energy through your chest and can transform every other night to become more powerful. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 9 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "convertmsg": "What's this? Frieza's...transforming!?", "newRole": "frieza2", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "frieza" ] } }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "frieza2", "translation": "Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are now at your second form, more powerful than your first form. During the night you can now kill 2 people with /deathbeam and /deathbeam2, although the second one only has a 50% chance of working. After 1 night you can /transform to your third form!", "info": "A killer who has a chance of killing 2 AND can transform. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 8 }, "deathbeam2": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 8, "failChance": 0.5 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "initialrecharge": 1, "newRole": "frieza3", "convertmsg": "Uh-oh! Frieza's transforming again!", "canConvert": [ "frieza2" ] } } } }, { "role": "frieza3", "translation": "Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are now at your third form, MUCH more powerful than your first form. During the night you can now kill 2 people with /deathbeam and /deathbeam2, and now the second one has a 75% chance of working. After 1 night you can /transform to your third form!", "info": "A killer who has a chance of killing 2 again, but with more percent to hit AND can transform. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 8 }, "deathbeam2": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 8, "failChance": 0.25 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "initialrecharge": 1, "convertmsg": "Surprise surprise. Frieza has another transformation! Hopefully this is the last one...", "newRole": "frieza4", "canConvert": [ "frieza3" ] } } } }, { "role": "frieza4", "translation": "Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are now at your fourth form, your second most powerful form. During the night you can easily kill 2 people with /deathbeam, and now after 2 night you can /100 to take yourself to 100% max power!", "info": "A killer that kills twice during the night AND can transform. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 8, "limit": 2 }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "initialrecharge": 2, "newRole": "100frieza", "convertmsg": "Oh my GOSH! Frieza hit 100% Max power! Who let that happen!?", "canConvert": [ "frieza4" ] } } } }, { "role": "100frieza", "translation": "100% Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are now at your most powerful! Kill up to 2 insolent monkeys with your /deathbeam at night, then during the day kill another with /supernova! You don't reveal when you do this, so go nuts.", "info": "A killer that kills during the night and the day. Converts Robotic Pieces into Mecha Frieza if dies. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 22 } }, "standby": { "supernova": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill now using /supernova[name]! Don't worry, you won't reveal.", "killmsg": "Frieza used his/her Super Nova attack and completely obliterated ~Target~!" } }, "onDeath": { "convertRoles": { "armour": "mecha" }, "convertmsg": "Frieza's finally -! Wait a minute, is that...Frieza!? He's a robot now!?" } } }, { "role": "armour", "translation": "Robotic pieces", "side": "galactic", "help": "Well, this is a shame. You just are some useless robotic pieces (that means no vote power or actions. You can't be killed), or are you?.", "info": "A completely useless role that's sided with Galactic Conquerors. Converts to Mecha Frieza when 100% Power Frieza dies.", "actions": { "vote": 0, "kill": { "mode": "ignore" }, "daykill": "evade" } }, { "role": "mecha", "translation": "Mecha Frieza", "side": "galactic", "help": "You have been used to be part of an alien, so you've been transformed into an alien cyborg! During the day you can kill 2 opponents with your /supernova and your /deathbeam, though the second one reveals you. Thanks to your enhanced reflexes you also evade nightkills and distracters can't affect you.", "info": "A dual daykiller that can't die at night and ignores distract. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "standby": { "supernova": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill now using /supernova[name]! Don't worry, you won't reveal. You can use /deathbeam too, but it will reveal you. Use it when you really need it!", "killmsg": "Frieza used his/her Super Nova attack and completely obliterated ~Target~!" }, "deathbeam": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "killmsg": "~Self~ shot ~Target~ through their chest with his Deathbeam!!" } }, "distract": { "mode": "ignore" }, "kill": { "mode": "ignore" } } }, { "role": "ssgohan", "translation": "Gohan", "side": "village", "help": "You powered up to super saiyan! Now with your enhanced physical abilities, you have a 50% chance to dodge any attack that would kill you during the night! You still get your inspect, so that's pretty good. After 2 nights as super saiyan you can /powerup again to Super Saiyan 2, at which point you get 70% evade chance AND a nightkill!", "info": "An inspector who senses the power levels of enemies and can go super saiyan 2! Also has 50% chance to evade nightkills. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.5 } }, "night": { "sense": { "command": "inspect", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 }, "powerup": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ss2gohan", "initialrecharge": 2, "convertmsg": "Gohan's powered up to Super Saiyan 2!", "canConvert": [ "ssgohan" ] } } } }, { "role": "ss2gohan", "translation": "Gohan", "side": "village", "help": "You powered up to super saiyan 2! Now being even faster, you get a chance to kill someone at night with /masenko! You also have a 70% chance of evading nightkills!", "info": "A second vigilante for the village that has a 70% chance of dodging nightkills. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.7 } }, "night": { "masenko": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 17 } } } }, { "role": "cooler", "translation": "Cooler", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are Cooler, Frieza's brother and son of King Cold. During the night you can /guard Frieza or Cold from death, and you also have a 75% evade chance because of your amazing speed. After the 6th night you can /transform to your super form!", "info": "A bodyguard that can transform after 5 nights and evades 3/4 kills. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors!", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.75 } }, "night": { "guard": { "command": "protect", "target": "Any", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "broadcast": "role" }, "transform": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "supercooler", "initialrecharge": 5, "canConvert": [ "cooler" ] } }, "distract": { "mode": "ignore", "msg": "~Distracter~ came to you, but it didn't affect you." }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "supercooler", "translation": "Super Cooler", "side": "galactic", "help": "You have transformed to your super form! During the night you can kill up to 3 targets with /kill! Ah, now you see why you have to wait so long to transform. Anyone who tries to distract you dies.", "info": "A killer with 3 targets and kills distracters. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "Any", "common": "Team", "priority": 9, "broadcast": "role", "limit": 3 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract Cooler, but you got killed instead.", "msg": "You had a visitor last night. You were so amused by the attempt you focused ALL of your rage on ~Distracter~" } } }, { "role": "cold", "translation": "King Cold", "side": "galactic", "help": "You are King Cold, Father of Frieza and Cooler. Being a king, you have a vote of 75. You also know who Frieza and Cooler are, so try to connect them since they don't know who the other is.", "info": "A mayor with 75 votes who is the father of Cooler and Frieza. Sided with the Galactic Conquerors.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles", "vote": 75 } }, { "role": "jeice", "translation": "Jeice", "side": "ginyu", "help": "You are Jeice, a red-skinned alien who is part of the Ginyu Force. During the night you can /scan someone with your scouter, discovering their identities.", "info": "An inspector who uses a Scouter to find someone's identity. Sided with the Ginyu Force.", "actions": { "night": { "scan": { "command": "inspect", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 } }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "sgohan", "translation": "Gohan", "side": "village", "help": "You are Gohan, son of Goku. Due to your saiyan heritage, along with your training, you've gained the ability to /sense enemy power levels, discovering who they are.", "info": "An inspector who senses the power levels of enemies. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "night": { "sense": { "command": "inspect", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 } } } }, { "role": "gohan", "translation": "Gohan", "side": "village", "help": "You are Gohan, son of Goku. Due to your saiyan heritage, along with your training, you've gained the ability to /sense enemy power levels, discovering who they are. After a couple of nights you can /powerup to super saiyan! While a super saiyan you have a high chance of evading nightkills, and you can still inspect. And since you trained with Mr. Piccolo, you know who he is.", "info": "An inspector who senses the power levels of enemies and can go super saiyan! Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "startup": { "revealRole": "mayor3" }, "night": { "sense": { "command": "inspect", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 }, "powerup": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ssgohan", "initialrecharge": 2, "canConvert": [ "gohan" ] } } } }, { "role": "burter", "translation": "Burter", "side": "ginyu", "help": "You are Burter, a blue-skinned alien who is part of the Ginyu Force and rumored to be the fastest in the universe. During the night you can /follow someone to discover who they visit during the night. Also you have a one-time /kill that will out speed a bodyguard.", "info": "A stalker/one-time-killer who uses his speed to follow people and kill anyone he wants even if bodyguarded. Sided with the Ginyu Force.", "actions": { "night": { "follow": { "command": "stalk", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 30 }, "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "recharge": 3423 } }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "recoome", "translation": "Recoome", "side": "ginyu", "help": "You are Recoome, a red-orange haired humanoid alien who is part of the Ginyu Force. During the night you can /eraser someone to kill them with your Recoome Eraser Cannon.", "info": "A killer who shoots a Ki-blast out of his mouth. Sided with the Ginyu Force.", "actions": { "night": { "eraser": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 14 } }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "guldo", "translation": "Guldo", "side": "ginyu", "help": "You are Guldo, a green-skinned alien who is part of the Ginyu Force. He can also stop time. During the night you avoid nightkills, and during the day you can /timestop someone to expose their identity.", "info": "A nightkill evader who can expose someone during the day. Sided with the Ginyu Force.", "actions": { "standby": { "timestop": { "command": "expose", "target": "AnyButTeam", "msg": "You can type /timestop [name] to reveal someone's role!", "exposemsg": "Guldo pointed his hands at ~Target~ and held his breath, stopping ~Role~ in their tracks!" } }, "kill": { "mode": "ignore" }, "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles" } }, { "role": "ginyu", "translation": "Ginyu", "side": "ginyu", "help": "You are Ginyu, a purple-skinned alien who is leader of the Ginyu Force. Being the leader of the Ginyu Force, you don't really need to do much. You have +15 vote though. You reveal any daykiller that kills you.", "info": "Ginyu Force Leader and also mayor. Reveals daykillers. Sided with the Ginyu Force.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles", "vote": 15, "daykill": "revealkiller", "daykillrevengemsg": "Ginyu gathered all his strength and morphed into his murderer, revealing ~Target~ as ~Role~" } }, { "role": "raditz", "translation": "Raditz", "side": "saiyans", "help": "You are Goku's older brother, Raditz! You can use your scouter to /scan someone to find out what someone's role is. Report your findings to Nappa.", "info": "Long haired evil brother of Goku. Inspects people with his scouter so Nappa knows who to kill. Sided with Evil Saiyans", "actions": { "night": { "scan": { "command": "inspect", "priority": 1, "common": "Self", "target": "AnyButTeam" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "snappa", "translation": "Nappa", "side": "saiyans", "help": "You are the mighty Nappa! With your /kill you can devastate those who try to oppose you! You kill any distracters and avoid haxs. Also, with your scouter, you can discover who the distracter is.", "info": "Bald evil saiyan who gets hax on distract. Evades haxs and kills any distracters. Sided with Evil Saiyans.", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 20, "broadcast": "role" } } } }, { "role": "nappa", "translation": "Nappa", "side": "saiyans", "help": "You are the mighty Nappa! With your 2 /kill(s) you can devastate those who try to oppose you! You kill any distracters and avoid haxs. Also, with your scouter, you can discover the distracter!", "info": "Bad evil saiyan who gets hax oh Krillin's distract. Evades haxs and kills any distracters. Sided with Evil Saiyans.", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 20, "broadcast": "role", "limit": 2 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract Nappa, but he killed you instead!", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You killed them instead!" }, "hax": { "solarflare": { "revealTeam": 0.15, "revealPlayer": 0.05 } }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ], "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "turles", "translation": "Turles", "side": "saiyans", "help": "You are the crazy guy Turles! After eating the fruit of the Tree of Might, your powers become invincible. With those powers you can /protect one of your allies during the night! Also, you have some haxs about the other killers.", "info": "Insane Evil Saiyan whose main priority is to protect his allies. Sided with Evil Saiyans.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal", "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 2, "broadcast": "role" } }, "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.15, "revealPlayer": 0.05 } } } }, { "role": "kingvegeta", "translation": "King Vegeta", "side": "saiyans", "help": "You are King Vegeta, Father of Vegeta and king of the saiyans. You have a vote of -74. You also know who your saiyan mates are.", "info": "King of the Evil Saiyans who can negate almost any vote with his vote of -74. Sided with Evil Saiyans.", "actions": { "startup": "team-reveal-with-roles", "vote": -74 } }, { "role": "sgoku", "translation": "Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You are Goku, son of Bardock, brother of Raditz, father of Gohan, and husband of Chichi! Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Anywho, during the day you have the ability to /kamehameha someone to kill them with your signature move, the Kamehameha wave!", "info": "Good guy revealing daykiller. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "standby": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Destroy somebody using /kamehameha[name] :", "killmsg": "~Self~ charged his Kamehameha and blasted ~Target~, completely obliterating them!" } } } }, { "role": "vegeta", "translation": "Vegeta", "side": "village", "help": "You are Vegeta, son of King Vegeta, father of Trunks, and husband of Bulma! You used to be a bad guy, but now you're a 'sort of' good guy. If someone tries to daykill you, you will kill them instead with your Galick Cannon (although he says Galick Gun for some reason). After 2 nights you can go /supersaiyan, which will give you a nightkill!", "info": "Good guy that revenges daykills and can use /supersaiyan to power himself up. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "daykill": "revenge", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ tried to kill Vegeta, but was unprepared when Vegeta fought back and killed him with his Galick Gun.", "night": { "supersaiyan": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ssvegeta", "initialrecharge": 2, "canConvert": [ "vegeta" ] } } } }, { "role": "ssvegeta", "translation": "SSJ1 Vegeta", "side": "village", "help": "You've finally obtained the rank of Super Saiyan! But since you're not as strong as Kakarot (Goku), you kill during the night with /kill and your evade chance is 20%. If Babidi finds you he'll be able to convert you to Majin Vegeta.", "info": "Good guy that revenges daykills and is also a vigilante. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.2 } }, "daykill": "revenge", "daykillrevengemsg": "~Target~ tried to kill Vegeta, but was unprepared when Vegeta fought back and killed him with his Final Flash.", "night": { "finalflash": { "common": "Self", "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "priority": 18 } } } }, { "role": "majinvegeta", "translation": "Majin Vegeta", "side": "majin", "help": "Babidi infused you with some dark energy/magic. Now you're stronger than Goku is in his supersaiyan form! Now you get a non-revealing daykill with your /bigbang attack!! And if you choose to, you can get a revealing daykill as well with /final explosion, but this one will reveal you.", "info": "Bad guy that kills twice during the day (One hidden, but the other reveals). Sided with the Majin Mafia.", "actions": { "standby": { "bigbang": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Destroy somebody using /bigbang [name] :", "killmsg": "'I'll blow you into OBLIVION! Big Bang attack!!!' ~Target~ was unprepared for the attack, and was killed." }, "final": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "killmsg": "~Self~ used his most powerful attack, the FINAL EXPLOSION!! ~Target~ was caught in the blast radius and died, but Majin Vegeta was too tired to move afterwards. Maybe he used too much energy." } } } }, { "role": "babidi", "translation": "Babidi", "side": "majin", "help": "You're Babidi, the evil mastermind behind the creation of Buu! During the night you can /majin someone to infuse them with powers. Once you find Vegeta with your /inspect, you should /majin him to make him your team's daykiller.", "info": "Little old mage that can inspect to find Vegeta and /majin him. Sided with Majin Mafia.", "actions": { "night": { "inspect": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 }, "majin": { "command": "convert", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Team", "priority": 21, "newRole": "majinvegeta", "recharge": 7564, "canConvert": [ "vegeta", "ssvegeta" ], "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "dabura", "translation": "Dabura", "side": "majin", "help": "You're Demon King Dabura, and you're sided with Babidi. During the night you can use your /demonblade to kill someone for lord Babidi and /spit to petrify someone and prevent someone from acting, although it only has a 50% chance of working. Try not to kill Vegeta though. Lord Babidi has plans for that one...", "info": "Evil demon that uses a sword and has a petrifying spit! Sided with the Majin Mafia.", "actions": { "night": { "demonblade": { "command": "kill", "common": "Self", "target": "AnyButSelf", "priority": 18 }, "spit": { "command": "distract", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 4, "failChance": 0.5 } } } }, { "role": "gogeta", "translation": "SSJ4 Gogeta", "side": "gogeta", "help": "You have somehow transformed to SSJ4 Gogeta, the only GT character allowed in this theme aside from Uub! Although you're technically a good guy, since you're the only one from Dragon Ball GT you just wanna kill everyone here with your six daykills!!! You also ignore nightkills! Just use /bbk to use your Big Bang Kamehameha x100!", "info": "Uber daykiller that kills six times a day. Sided with himself!", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": "ignore" }, "standby": { "bbk": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Destroy somebody using /bbk [name] :", "killmsg": "Big Bang KAMEHAMEHA! ~Target~ didn't stand a chance against SSJ4 Gogeta.", "limit": 6 } } } }, { "role": "goku", "translation": "Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You are Goku, son of Bardock, brother of Raditz, father of Gohan, and husband of Chichi! Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Anywho, during the day you have the ability to /spiritbomb someone to kill them with your signature move, the Spirit Bomb technique! During the night you can /kaioken to power yourself up! Also don't kill Vegeta. He's sided with you guys now.", "info": "Good guy with a revealing daykill that can use /kaioken to power himself up. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "startup": { "revealRole": "vegeta" }, "standby": { "spiritbomb": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Destroy somebody using /spiritbomb [name] :", "killmsg": "~Self~ charged up the Spirit Bomb and threw it at ~Target~, completely obliterating them!" } }, "night": { "kaioken": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "kokgoku", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "goku" ] } } } }, { "role": "kokgoku", "translation": "Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You've used the Kaioken technique to power yourself up, granting yourself a different type of daykill (but still only 1 daykill), a 15% evade chance, and the chance to go /supersaiyan!", "info": "Good guy with a revealing daykill that can use /supersaiyan to power himself up. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.15 } }, "standby": { "kaioken": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Destroy somebody using /kaioken [name] :", "killmsg": "~Self~ charged his Kaioken technique and destroyed ~Target~ with a flurry of melee attacks!" } }, "night": { "supersaiyan": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ssgoku", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "kokgoku" ] } } } }, { "role": "ssgoku", "translation": "SSJ1 Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You've powered up to the fabled rank of super saiyan! Now although you can no longer use the spirit bomb OR the Kaioken technique, you CAN use your /Angry Kamehameha to blast someone with a one-armed Kamehameha wave, and your evade chance is increased to 30%. After 1 night as a super saiyan you can power up from SSJ1 to SSJ2 with /powerup!", "info": "Good guy no-longer-revealing daykiller that can use /powerup to power himself up. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.3 } }, "standby": { "angry": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Defeat an opponent using /angry [name] :", "killmsg": "Goku charged up a Kamehameha with one arm, then blasted the full powered Ki attack at ~Target~, killing them almost instantly." } }, "night": { "powerup": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ss2goku", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "ssgoku" ] } } } }, { "role": "mayor3", "translation": "Piccolo", "side": "village", "help": "You are the Demon King, Piccolo! You were the same guy that Kami-Sama was, but he expelled you because you were bad. You are very strong and you can regenerate, which is why you evade nightkills. When Goku died after the fight with Raditz, you decided to train his son, Gohan (That's why you get teamreveal on him.). You have 3 votes because you still are the Demon King!", "actions": { "startup": { "revealRole": "gohan" }, "vote": 3, "kill": { "mode": "ignore" }, "daykill": "evade" } }, { "role": "ss2goku", "translation": "SSJ2 Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You've powered up to super saiyan 2! Now you can /itk someone during the day to kill them with an Instant Transmission Kamehameha. You also get a nightkill with /kamehameha, but be careful because sometimes the bad guys can hax you. Better to let Krillin or Vegeta kill instead. Use /powerup to power up to SSJ3! You also have a 40% evade chance.", "info": "Good guy no-longer-revealing daykiller that nightkill AND use /powerup to power himself up. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.4 } }, "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 18 }, "powerup": { "command": "convert", "target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "newRole": "ss3goku", "initialrecharge": 1, "canConvert": [ "ss2goku" ] } }, "standby": { "itk": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Defeat an opponent using /itk (Instant Transmission Kamehameha) [name] :", "killmsg": "Goku charged up a Kamehameha, then teleported up close and shot ~Target~ with it." } } } }, { "role":"dende", "translation": "Dende", "side": "village", "help": "You are Dende! You are a Namekian, the son Nº108 of Saichoro (The namekian's patriarch), and the God of the Earth! With your God powers you can /safeguard someone to protect them from poison and some other actions! You might get hax on the others, too.", "info": "A spy/safeguarder. Sided with Z warriors.", "actions": { "night": { "safeguard": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 3 } }, "hax": { "kamehameha": { "revealTeam": 0.12, "revealPlayer": 0.02 }, "distract": { "revealTeam": 0.12, "revealPlayer": 0.02 }, "protect": { "revealRole": 0.05 }, "kill": { "revealRole": 0.02 }, "sense": { "revealRole": 0.10, "revealPlayer": 0.03 } } } }, { "role": "ss3goku", "translation": "SSJ3 Goku", "side": "village", "help": "You've powered up to super saiyan 3! Now use your /dragonfist to punch a hole through someone's chest, you still have your same nightkill command from before! And also your evade chance is increased to 50%.", "info": "Good guy no-longer-revealing daykiller with a nightkill. Sided with the Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.5 } }, "night": { "kamehameha": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 18 } }, "standby": { "dragonfist": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "Defeat an opponent using /dragonfist [name] :", "killmsg": "Goku slammed a fist through ~Target~ with the force of a rushing dragon, killing them to death." } } } }, { "role": "bardock", "translation": "Bardock", "side": "bardock", "winningSides": [ "bardock", "village" ], "help": "You are Bardock, father of Goku and Raditz. You are on your own team, yet you can win with the Z-Warriors. Every 3 nights you can /kill someone. Since Goku is your most loved son, you have reveal on him.", "info": "A killer/conspirator who wins with himself or Z-Warriors.", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 17, "recharge": 2 } }, "startup": { "revealRole": "goku" } } } ], "roles1": [ "sgoku", "sfrieza", "villager", "villager", "sgohan", "dabura", "snappa", "tien", "dragonball", "scell" ], "roles2": [ "goku", "frieza", "villager", "baka", "villager", "dabura", "nappa", "dragonball", "tien", "villager", "bomb", "broly", "burter", "bulma", "mayor3", "villager", "cell", "dragonball", "jeice", "raditz", "krillin", "celljr", "guldo", "babidi", "bardock", "turles", "dende", "villager", "recoome" ], "roles3": [ "dende", "goku", "frieza", "villager", "villager", "dabura", "villager", "villager", "nappa", "cell", "celljr", "tien", "recoome", "mayor3", "villager", "baka", "bomb", "broly", "celljr", "burter", "cooler", "bulma", "jeice", "raditz", "guldo", "bgcelljr", "majin", "cold", "evil", "turles", "babidi", "krillin", "dragonball", "bardock", "vegeta", "kingvegeta", "ginyu", "cooler", "brolysfatha", "dragonball", "villager", "armour", "dragonball" ], "villageCantLoseRoles": [ "krillin", "goku", "ssgoku", "ss2goku", "ss3goku", "ssvegeta", "ssgohan", "ss2gohan" ], "killmsg": "±Shenron: ~Player~ (~Role~) has died.", "killusermsg": "Huh? Where'd this halo come from?", "lynchmsg": "±Shenron: ~Player~ was lynched! See you later, ~Role~!", "drawmsg": "No one survived that epic battle! What a shame..." }