{ "name": "Mythology", "author": "Redsnake", "summary": "Mt. Olympus is being attacked, and several of the gods and nameless demigods are ready to defend their home. Can they defeat the wily Gorgons and their leader Medusa, who evades PL, and the evil Underworld? You'd best watch out for Hades - he can kill once at night, and once in the day. And Kronos is to be feared - whoever he votes dies...", "sides": [ { "side": "mafia1", "translation": "Underworld" }, { "side": "mafia2", "translation": "Gorgons" }, { "side": "village", "translation": "Olympians" }, { "side": "basilisk", "translation": "Basilisk" }, { "side": "kronos", "translation": "Kronos" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "villager", "translation": "Demigod", "side": "village", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.08, "revealPlayer": 0.04 } } } }, { "role": "apollo", "translation": "Apollo", "side": "village", "help": "God of Light and Truth. Every other day your powers are magnified, allowing you to /illuminate someone, revealing both of your roles. If you are killed during the day, as a dying wish your killer is revealed. ", "info": "Can illuminate (expose) someone every other day (reveals self as well). If daykilled, reveals role of attacker before dying. ", "actions": { "standby": { "illuminate": { "command": "expose", "target": "AnyButSelf", "recharge": 2, "msg": "Use /illuminate now to reveal yourself and your target!", "exposemsg": "~Self~ flashes a smile at ~Target~. Suddenly, the sun glints bright overhead, and in a moment of truth, he is revealed to be the ~Role~!" } }, "daykill": "revealkiller", "daykillrevengemsg": "In a dying explosion of light, ~Self~ reveals ~Target~ as the ~Role~!" } }, { "role": "inspector", "translation": "Athena", "side": "village", "help": "Goddess of Wisdom. Use your powers to find out someones role. Type /Inspect [name] to find his/her identity! ", "actions": { "night": { "inspect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 30 } } } }, { "role": "poseidon", "translation": "Poseidon", "side": { "random": { "village": 0.5, "mafia1": 0.5 } }, "help": "God of the Seas. Brother of both Zeus and Hades, no one knows what side you have taken. Every night, you can use /flipper to send a dolphin after someone to discover who they visit.", "info": "Can send a dolphin to stalk someone during the night. Can be allied with Olympians or Underworld.", "actions": { "night": { "flipper": { "command": "stalk", "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 69 } }, "startup": { "team-revealif": [ "mafia1" ] } } }, { "role": "bodyguard", "translation": "Ares", "side": "village", "help": "God of War. Use your powers to prevent someone's death. You may protect one person per night, make it count! Type /Protect [name] to protect someone! Your vote also counts as 2.", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 3 } }, "vote": 2, "startup": "role-reveal" } }, { "role": "bodyguard0", "translation": "Ares", "side": "village", "help": "God of War. Use your powers to prevent someone's death. You may protect one person per night, make it count! Type /Protect [name] to protect someone! You have a vote of 1.", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 3 } }, "startup": "role-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafia1", "translation": "Cerberus", "side": "mafia1", "help": "Three-headed dog of the Underworld, and servant of Hades. You have a small chance to discover the Pretty Lady. Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "hax": { "distract": { "revealPlayer": 0.1 } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "werewolf", "translation": "Basilisk", "side": "basilisk", "help": "Feared creature of the night. You can paralyze and consume one person per night. Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 10 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You sway seductively to your target but it's the Basilisk! You attempt to scream but its menacing gaze is stifling and you are unable to utter a sound as the creature slithers towards you...", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ tried to distract you last night. You found her to be a pleasant meal." }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ], "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "hooker", "translation": "Aphrodite", "side": "village", "help": "Goddess of Love. Use your powers to pacify someone for a single night. Type /Distract [name] to distract someone! Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "night": { "distract": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1, "distractmsg": "While you attempted to carry out your nightly activities, you instead found yourself irresistibly enamoured with a breathtaking woman who appeared from nowhere. You have no regrets the next morning, though your partners seem to be a bit miffed.", "teammsg": "You were unable to act last night, as your teammate was too busy with Aphrodite." } } } }, { "role": "mayor", "translation": "Zeus", "side": "village", "help": "God of the Gods. You rule the Olympians, and thus your vote counts as 4. You dont have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "vote": 4 } }, { "role": "kronos", "translation": "Kronos", "side": "kronos", "help": "Leader of the Titans, you are all alone after your tyranny. However, you control immense power, and a single vote by you will vote someone out. You don't have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day!", "winIfDeadRoles": [ "mafia1", "werewolf", "vigilante", "mafia2", "mafiaboss2", "mafiaboss1", "samurai" ], "actions": { "vote": 100 } }, { "role": "spy", "translation": "Hermes", "side": "village", "help": "God of Spies and Thievery. Use your powers at night to find out who the evil people are. You can find out who is going to get killed next!(no command for this ability) Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.3, "revealPlayer": 0.11 } } } }, { "role": "vigilante", "translation": "Themis", "side": "village", "help": "Titan of Law and Order. The Olympians have requested your help to keep the peace. Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!(dont kill the good people!)", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 19 } } } }, { "role": "mafia2", "translation": "Gorgon", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Your head is writhing with snakes that terrify even the most hardened God. You have a small chance to discover the Bodyguard! Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "hax": { "protect": { "revealPlayer": 0.1 } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafiaboss2", "translation": "Medusa", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Most powerful of the Gorgons. You have the power to appear as a normal Demigod at will, and so the Inspector will see you as a villager. You may type /kill [name] to kill someone (shared with team), as well as use /gaze to have another, individual kill per night. You are immune to the charms of Aphrodite. ", "info": "Can kill one person per night (shared with team) as well as one extra kill. Inspects as Demigod, unable to be distracted.", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" }, "gaze": { "command": "kill", "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 13, "broadcast": "none" } }, "distract": { "mode": "ignore" }, "inspect": { "revealAs": "villager" }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafiaboss1", "translation": "Hades", "side": "mafia1", "help": "Lord of the Underworld. Your veil of Darkness protects you from the feeble spying attempts of Hermes and the Demigods. (Perhaps it would be wise for your minions to allow you to make the killing decisions?) You may also kill one person during the day, while your aura of Night keeps you hidden. Type /Kill [name] to kill someone, during either phase!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ], "startup": "team-reveal", "standby": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "msg": "It's daytime, but you are cloaked in Darkness. Type /Kill to get rid of your nemesis.", "killmsg": "A dark shadow appears behind ~Target~ and grows into a menacing form. A black aura surrounds them, and both Hades and ~Target~ are taken to the Underworld." } } } }, { "role": "samurai", "translation": "Achilles", "side": "village", "help": "While mortal, the Olympians have deemed you strong enough to survive their cause. However, you are not beyond disposable, and so you kill in the daylight where your name will be revealed. Type /Kill [name] during the day phase to kill someone! You will be revealed when you kill, so make wise choices! You are allied with the Good people.", "actions": { "standby": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill now using /kill [name] :", "killmsg": "~Self~ pulls out a sword and strikes it through ~Target~'s chest!" } } } }, { "role": "miller", "translation": "Chronos", "side": "village", "help": "God of Time, you are allied with the Olympians. However, you are too often confused with Kronos, and thus the Inspector sees you as him. You dont have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "inspect": { "revealAs": "kronos" } } } ], "roles1": [ "bodyguard0", "mafia1", "inspector", "werewolf", "hooker", "villager", "mafia1", "villager", "villager", "villager", "mayor" ], "roles2": [ "bodyguard", "mafia1", "mafia1", "inspector", "hooker", "villager", "mafia2", "mafia2", "villager", "spy", "villager", "mayor", "kronos", "samurai", "mafiaboss1", "miller", "mafiaboss2", "apollo", "villager", "vigilante", "poseidon", "samurai", "villager", "werewolf", "villager", "villager", "werewolf", "mafia1", "mafia2", "bodyguard" ], "villageCantLoseRoles": [ "mayor", "vigilante", "samurai", "bodyguard" ], "killmsg": "±Olympus: ~Player~ (~Role~) has been cast off from Mount Olympus!" }