#=====================# Informacje #=====================# # Skript by XziomekX # Wersja: 2.0 # Wymagane pluginy: Skript #=====================# Zabraniam #=====================# # zarabiania na skrypcie # usuwania informacji o autorze #=====================# Zezwalam #=====================# # Edycje skryptu #=====================# Opcje #=====================# options: prefix: &8[&c&lWarnPro&8] variables: {warny.%player%} = 0 #=====================# Komendy #=====================# command /warn: description: Lista dostepnych komend permission: warn.help permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNie masz uprawnien! trigger: message "&2================ &6&l[ {@prefix} &6&l] &2================" message "&e/warn &8- &aLista dostepnych komend" message "&e/warns &8- &aInformacje o ilosci ostrzezen" message "&e/warnadd &8- &aDodaje ostrzezenie graczu" message "&e/warndel &8- &aUsuwa warny graczu" command /warnadd []: description: Dodaje ostrzezenie graczu permission: warn.admin permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNie masz uprawnien! trigger: send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 1% &c&lDostal ostrzezenie!" add 1 to {warny.%player%.%arg 1%} command /warns []: description: Informacje o ostrzezeniach permission: warn.gracz permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNie masz uprawnien! trigger: send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 1% &c&lma &c&l%{warny.%player%.%arg 1%}% &e&lze &c&l100" command /warndel []: description: Usuwa ostrzezenia graczu usage: /warndel permission: warn.admin permission message: {@prefix} &4&lNie masz uprawnien! trigger: send "{@prefix} &e&l%arg 1% &c&lma teraz &c&l0 &e&lostrzezen na koncie!" set {warny.%player%.%arg 1%} to 0 #=====================# Blokowanie przeklenstw, reklam, poprawa ort #=====================# on chat: replace all "kurwa" and "chuj" and "cipa" and "ciota" and "jebany" and "spierdalaj" and "gej" and "pedal" and "murzyn" and "cygan" with "&c&l*****&f" in the message message contains "csrv": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "gomc": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "fhmc": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "owncraft": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "Zapraszam na serwer": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "IP": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "hostmc": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "pl": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "net": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "com": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "cba": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "ugu": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "eu": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "org": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "en": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "eu": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" message contains "us": execute console command "/kick %player% {@prefix} &c&lZakaz reklamowania serwerow lub stron!" replace all "muj" with "m&4ó&fj" in the message replace all "ktury" with "kt&4ó&fry" in the message replace all "hlep" with "&4ch&fle&4b&f" in the message replace all "twuj" with "tw&4ó&fj" in the message replace all "ruszczka" with "r&4ódz&fka" in the message replace all "csrv" with "****" in the message replace all "gomc" with "****" in the message replace all "fhmc" with "****" in the message replace all "owncraft" with "****" in the message replace all "Zapraszam na serwer" with "****" in the message replace all "hostmc" with "****" in the message replace all "pl" with "**" in the message replace all "eu" with "**" in the message replace all "net" with "**" in the message replace all "com" with "**" in the message replace all "cba" with "**" in the message replace all "ugu" with "**" in the message replace all "org" with "**" in the message replace all "en" with "**" in the message replace all "eu" with "**" in the message replace all "us" with "**" in the message replace all "en" with "**" in the message replace all "Zapraszam na serwer IP" with "**" in the message