{ "name": "GTA San Andreas", "sides": [ { "side": "mafia", "translation": "San Fierro Rifas" }, { "side": "mafia1", "translation": "Grove Street" }, { "side": "mafia2", "translation": "Los Santos Ballas" }, { "side": "village", "translation": "Civilians" }, { "side": "werewolf", "translation": "Toreno" }, { "side": "godfather", "translation": "CJ" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "villager", "translation": "Civilian", "side": "village", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! /Vote [NAME] To Remove People in the Day.", "actions": {} }, { "role": "inspector", "translation": "Detective", "side": "village", "help": "Type /Inspect [name] to find his/her identity!", "actions": { "night": { "inspect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 30 } } } }, { "role": "bodyguard", "translation": "Security", "side": "village", "help": "Type /Protect [name] to protect someone!", "actions": { "night": { "protect": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 5, "broadcast": "role" } }, "startup": "role-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafia", "translation": "San Fierro Rifa", "side": "mafia", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "werewolf", "translation": "Toreno", "side": "werewolf", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 10 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract the Werewolf (what an idea, srsly), you were ravishly devoured, yum !", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You devoured her instead !" }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ] } }, { "role": "hooker", "translation": "Girl at the Beach", "side": "village", "help": "Type /Distract [name] to distract someone! Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "night": { "distract": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 1 } } } }, { "role": "mayor", "translation": "Los Santos Mayor", "side": "village", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day! (your vote counts as 4)", "actions": { "vote": 4 } }, { "role": "spy", "translation": "Big Smoke", "side": "village", "help": "You can find out who is going to get killed next!(no command for this ability) Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "hax": { "kill": { "revealTeam": 0.33, "revealPlayer": 0.1 } } } }, { "role": "godfather", "translation": "Carl Johnson", "side": "godfather", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone! You can kill 2 targets, Type /kill [name2] again to select your second target!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 20, "limit": 2 } }, "distract": { "mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to seduce the Godfather, you just were killed!", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You killed her instead!" }, "avoidHax": [ "kill" ] } }, { "role": "vigilante", "translation": "Ryder", "side": "village", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!(dont kill the good people!)", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 19 } } } }, { "role": "mafia1", "translation": "Grove Street Homies", "side": "mafia1", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 12, "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafia2", "translation": "Los Santos Ballas", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "conspirator1", "translation": "Inactive Grove Member", "side": "mafia1", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! You are sided Grove Street Homies. Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "inspect": { "revealAs": "villager" }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "conspirator2", "translation": "Inavtive Balla Member", "side": "mafia2", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! You are sided Los Santos Ballas. Vote to remove people in the day!", "actions": { "inspect": { "revealAs": "villager" }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafiaboss1", "translation": "Sweet", "side": "mafia1", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone! You can't be distracted!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 12, "broadcast": "team" } }, "distract": { "mode": "ignore" }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "mafiaboss2", "translation": "Little Weasel", "side": "mafia2", "help": "Type /Kill [name] to kill someone! You can't be distracted!", "actions": { "night": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 11, "broadcast": "team" } }, "distract": { "mode": "ignore" }, "startup": "team-reveal" } }, { "role": "samurai", "translation": "Officer Tenpenny", "side": "village", "help": "Type /Kill [name] during the day phase to kill someone! You will be revealed when you kill, so make wise choices! You are allied with the Good people.", "actions": { "standby": { "kill": { "target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill now using /kill [name] :", "killmsg": "~Self~ pulls out a Fully Automatic Pistol and blows ~Target~'s Head off!" } } } }, { "role": "miller", "translation": "Hooded Pedestrian", "side": "village", "help": "You dont have any special commands during the night! Vote to remove people in the day! Oh, and insp sees you as Los Santos Ballas", "actions": { "inspect": { "revealAs": "mafia2" } } } ], "roles1": [ "bodyguard", "mafia", "inspector", "werewolf", "hooker", "villager", "mafia", "villager", "miller", "villager", "mayor" ], "roles2": [ "bodyguard", "mafia1", "mafia1", "inspector", "hooker", "villager", "mafia2", "mafia2", "villager", "villager", "villager", "mayor", "villager", "spy", "villager", "villager", "villager", "mafiaboss1", "villager", "vigilante", "villager", "godfather", "mafiaboss2", "samurai", "villager", "villager", "werewolf", "mafia1", "mafia2", "bodyguard" ], "villageCantLoseRoles": [ "mayor", "vigilante", "samurai" ] }