ang=0 vel=1 basket = {x=210,y=20,w=60,h=40} ball = {img=image.load("SYSTEM/resources/balls/usedball/ball.png"),x=240,y=136} ball.w= ball.img:width() ball.h= ball.img:height() radius=20 score=0 function colision(obj1,obj2) if obj1.x>= obj2.x and obj1.x+obj1.w <= obj2.x+obj2.w and obj1.y >= obj2.y and obj1.y+obj1.h <= obj2.y+obj2.h then return true else return false end end while true do ball.x=240+math.cos(math.rad(ang))*radius ball.y=136+math.sin(math.rad(ang))*radius ang=ang+vel draw.rect(basket.x,basket.y,basket.w,basket.h,,0,0)) ball.img:blit(ball.x,ball.y) if controls.up() then radius=radius+0.5 end if controls.down() then radius=radius-0.5 end if controls.r() then vel=vel+0.1 end if controls.l() then vel=vel-0.1 end if controls.analogx() >100 then vel=vel+0.5 end if controls.analogx() <-100 then vel=vel-0.5 end if"cross") then if colision(ball,basket) then score=score+10 end end screen.print(5,5,"Score: "..score.." Rad: "..radius.." Vel: "..vel) screen.print(5,25,"Up-Down radius") screen.print(5,45,"L-R velocity") if then a() end screen.flip() end