update 1.and.2: Changelog Bug Fix - Fixed an issue with weight achievements not being unlocked Bug Fix - Fixed a crash when leaving the game Balancing - Made fish tells more obvious in Digger Lake Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where the bank sticks were facing the wrong way on a peg in Digger Lake Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where only the host in Multiplayer could see fish 'shows' Bug Fix - Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where fish tells were stacking and not ending properly. Bug Fix - Fix issue where Host Migration in Multiplayer would fail if the new host had already been elected for a previous Host Migration. Bug Fix - Fixed Character in Multiplayer rarely not being able to claim a peg after host migration Bug Fix - Wind widget now correctly points in the direction of the wind from the camera POV. Bug Fix - Registration form text being cut off Bug Fix - Fixed player being able to leave the play area on Observatory Changelog: Added a Loading Screen to our initial boot flow to show that the game is actively loading. No more black screen on game boot.