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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. '1018' => 'Šim spēlētāja vārdam atbilst vairāki. Izmēģini {servera} versiju.',
  2. '1019' => 'Tu neesi klanā.', '1020' => 'Es nezinu kas par lietu "%s" ir.', # itemname
  3. '1021' => 'Tev nav nekas ko salīdzināt "%s" uzvilkts.', # itemname
  4. '1022' => 'Tu neesi veikalā.',
  5. '1023' => 'Tu nezini šo gudrību.',
  6. '1024' => 'Tu vari uzlabot atrbiūtus,parsmes, zināšanas un burvestības. Arī tu vari uzlabot savu esenci.',
  7. '1025' => 'Tev ir jāiemācās %s sākumā.', # field
  8. '1026' => 'Tev jau ir sasniegts maksimālais līmenis %d priekš %s.',
  9. '1027' => 'Tev vajag %d karmu lai uzlabotu savu bāzes līmeni %s no %d uz %d, bet tev ir tikai %d karma.',
  10. '1028' => '%s nav šeit vai arī ir vairāki šādi varianti.',
  11. '1029' => 'Tev nav šī lieta.',
  12. '1030' => 'Tu nevari samainīt vienas un tās pašas lietas.',
  13. '1031' => 'Tu neesi ārā no šīs vietas.',
  14. '1032' => 'Tu neesi komandas līderis.',
  15. '1033' => 'Tava koamnda kustās. pamēģini komandu kad salaisties.',
  16. '1034' => 'Tu nevari pārlikt uz skriešanas režīmu kad tev ir 2 līmenis.',
  17. '1035' => 'Pazemes cietumā tev nav stiprinājumi.',
  18. '1036' => 'Šī komanda nestrādā pazemes cietumā.',
  19. '1037' => 'Tu nevari uzglabāt šos stiprinājumus.',
  20. '1038' => 'Lūdzu ievadi pozitīvu lietu skaitu.',
  21. '1039' => 'Tu nevari likt stiprinājumus %s.', # mount name
  22. '1040' => 'Tev nav tik daudz %s.', # itemname
  23. '1041' => 'Tev %s(%s/%s) nav istabas priekš %d tava %s (%s).', # mountname, stored, storage, amt, itemname, weight
  24. '1042' => 'Tev nav šīs lietas stiprinājumos.',
  25. '1043' => 'Tev nav tik daudz %s tavos %s.', # itemname, mountname
  26. '1044' => 'Lūdzu pagaidi %s pirms raksti.', # duration
  27. '1045' => 'Dubulto spelētājus tu , lai es beigtu rakstīt šo ziņu.',
  28. '1046' => 'Neviens tev nečukstēja %s.', # duration
  29. '1047' => 'Tev sākumā ir jāiemācās alķīmija.',
  30. '1048' => 'Tev nav šī burvestība.',
  31. '1049' => 'Tev nav %s burvestība tik augstā līmenī.', # spellname
  32. '1050' => 'tev nav %s.',
  33. '1051' => 'Sruma brūvēšana neizdevās un pudele, un mandragora ir pazudusi.',
  34. '1052' => 'The "%s" spell works in combat only.', # spellname
  35. '1053' => 'You cannot cast a spell with a level smaller than 0.',
  36. '1054' => 'You cannot cast %s level %s because your spell level is only %s.', # spellname, levelneed, levelhave
  37. '1055' => 'You need %s MP to cast %s level %s, but you only have %s.', # needmp, spellname, level, #havemp
  38. '1056' => 'You failed to cast %s. %s MP wasted.%s',
  39. '1057' => %2$2 kļūda pārbaudot %1$s
  40. '1058' => 'Tev nevajadzētu izmest šo lietu.',
  41. '1059' => 'Tu nevari samainīt savu ekipējumu pazemes cietumā kad tas ir slēgts.',
  42. '1060' => 'Tu nevari uzbrukt šaj komandai atkal. Lūdzu uzgaidi %s.', # duration
  43. '1061' => 'Smieklīgi. Tu iedevi kaut ko sev. Problēmas?',
  44. '1062' => 'Lūdzu ieraksti pozitīvu nuyen skaitu.',
  45. '1063' => 'Šis varētu maksāt %s bet tev ir tikai %s.', # nuyen
  46. '1064' => 'Šis spēlētājs nav tavā komandā.',
  47. '1065' => 'Tu vari tikai kontrolēt ar pulti NPC',
  48. '1066' => 'Tikai šīs pults komandas ir pieejamas: %s.', # rawlist
  49. '1067' => 'Tev nav %s uzģērbts.', # type
  50. '1068' => 'Tu jau izmeklēt %s. IAL: %s.',
  51. '1069' => 'Šī vieta ir nezināma vai arī atbilst vairāki varianti.',
  52. '1070' => 'Šī vieta nav %s.',
  53. '1071' => 'Tu jau esi iekšā %s.',
  54. '1072' => 'Lūdzu ieraksti vietu kur gribi teleportēties.',
  55. '1073' => 'Šī pilsēta ir nezināma.',
  56. '1074' => 'Tu nevari lietot teleportu šajā vietā.',
  57. '1075' => 'Tu nevari teleportēties uz %s jo %s do(es) min līmenis %s.',
  58. '1076' => 'Tev vajag vismaz %s līmeni %s lai teleportētu %s savus komandas biedrus.',
  59. '1077' => 'Tev vajag %s MP lai uzbrūvētu šo serumu ', bet tev ir tikai %s.',
  60. '1078' => 'Tu nevari pārbaudīt šo burvestību pazemes cietumā.',
  61. '1079' => 'Tu nevari teleportēties pazemes cietumos.',
  62. '1080' => 'Tu nevari kustēties jo %s ir miris.',
  63. '1081' => 'Tu nevari kustēties jo %s nes par lielu smagumu.',
  64. '1082' => 'Tu nevari pārvietoties jo %s tev nav #aslset.',
  65. '1083' => 'Tu nevari medīt savus komandas biedrus.',
  66. '1084' => 'Tu nevari medīt %s Tāpēc, ka tu esi %s un esi %s iekšā %s.',
  67. '1085' => 'You cannot join NPC parties.',
  68. '1086' => 'You cannot join your own party.',
  69. '1087' => 'The party does not want you to join.',
  70. '1088' => 'The party has reached the maximum membercount of %d.',
  71. '1089' => 'This player is not in your party.',
  72. '1090' => 'You cannot kick yourself.',
  73. '1091' => '%s is already the party leader.',
  74. '1092' => 'You cannot give leadership to NPCs.',
  75. '1093' => 'You are not in a party.',
  76. '1094' => 'You should not use this command to swap leader position. Please use the #(le)ader command.',
  77. '1095' => 'You are already leader of your party.',
  78. '1096' => 'Your leader does not allow to takeover the leadership.',
  79. '1097' => 'Please wait %s and try again.',
  80. '1098' => 'There is currently no enemy available.',
  81. '1099' => 'You cannot do this when you are in a party.',
  82. '1100' => 'You cannot afford to use the bank. This cost %s and you only have %s to spare.',
  83. '1101' => 'You don`t have that item in your bank.',
  84. '1102' => 'You do not have that much %s in your bank.', # itemname
  85. '1103' => 'You cannot push %s because you only carry %s.', # nuyen, nuyen
  86. '1104' => 'You cannot pop %s, because you only have %s in your bank account.', # nuyen, nuyen
  87. '1105' => 'There are no shops here.',
  88. '1106' => '%s does not have a shop.', # player
  89. '1107' => '%s\'s shop is empty.', # player
  90. '1108' => 'This shop does not offer this item.',
  91. '1109' => 'The minimum price for an item is %s.',
  92. '1110' => 'Your price exceeds the max price.',
  93. '1111' => 'All your bazar slots are in use. Try #pop or #buyslot.',
  94. '1112' => 'You don`t have that item in your bazaar.',
  95. '1113' => 'You do not have that much %s in your bazaar.',
  96. '1114' => 'The fee for popping %d items out of your bazar is %s, but you only have %s.',
  97. '1115' => 'You cannot buy items from your own shop.',
  98. '1116' => 'You tried to purchase %d %s, but the shop only offers %d.',
  99. '1117' => 'Your input exceeds the max length of %d characters.',
  100. '1118' => 'You cannot enter this location.',
  101. '1119' => 'You cannot destroy a clan when it\'s not empty and cleaned.',
  102. '1120' => 'You are already in the "%s" clan.',
  103. '1121' => 'This clan or player is unknown.',
  104. '1122' => 'This clan has reached it\'s member limit of %d.',
  105. '1123' => 'You were already applying for a clan, your old request has been deleted.',
  106. '1124' => 'You do not have the right permissions.',
  107. '1125' => '%s did not request to join your clan.',
  108. '1126' => 'Your clan has reached it\'s limit of %s members. You can purchase more slots via the #manage function.',
  109. '1127' => 'You do not have the minimum level of %s to create a clan.',
  110. '1128' => 'The name of your clan is too long or too short.',
  111. '1129' => 'A clan with this name already exists.',
  112. '1130' => 'Your slogan exceeds the maxlength of %d characters.',
  113. '1131' => 'You want to pop %s(+%s)=%s out of the clan bank, but it currently holds only %s.',
  114. '1132' => 'You try to push another %s into the clan bank, but it already holds %s/%s.',
  115. '1133' => 'You don\'t have that item in your clanbank.',
  116. '1134' => 'You don\'t have that much %s in your clanbank.',
  117. '1135' => 'Somehow the elevator is blocking this floor for you.',
  118. '1136' => 'You push the button but you are on the very same floor already.',
  119. '1137' => 'You don`t need to rest.',
  120. '1138' => 'The doctor says: "You don`t need my help, chummer".',
  121. '1139' => 'The doctor shakes his head: "No, my friend. Healing you will cost %s but you only have %s."',
  122. '1140' => 'There is no such item here.',
  123. '1141' => 'You already have %s implanted.',
  124. '1142' => 'You can not implant %s. It conflicts with %s.',
  125. '1143' => 'You don`t have enough essence(%s) to implant %s, which needs %s essence.',
  126. '1144' => 'The doctor shakes his head: "My friend, removing this from your body will cost %s, but you only have %s."',
  127. '1145' => 'Your character cannot learn %s.',
  128. '1146' => 'You have already learned %s.',
  129. '1147' => 'You need %s to learn this spell.',
  130. '1148' => 'You cannot search again.',
  131. '1149' => 'Your party members tried to crack the lock, but failed.',
  132. '1150' => 'Purchasing items by ID is disabled here, because of possible race conditions.',
  133. '1151' => 'I don`t want your %s.',
  134. '1152' => 'There are no trains planned for today.',
  135. '1153' => 'This target is unknown. Check available targets with #travel.',
  136. '1154' => 'You can not afford %d tickets for %s.',
  137. '1155' => 'This equipment has no special usage. You can equip it with #equip.',
  138. '1156' => 'Your weapon is already loaded.',
  139. '1157' => 'This item works only in combat.',
  140. '1158' => 'You can only craft equipment.',
  141. '1159' => 'You can only break statted items.',
  142. '1160' => 'The second item is not a rune.',
  143. '1161' => 'The rune has mixed mount and equipment modifiers. You have to split it first.',
  144. '1162' => 'This rune can only be applied to mounts.',
  145. '1163' => 'This rune can only be applied to equipment.',
  146. '1164' => 'Please "#mount clean" before you change it.',
  147. '1165' => 'The item string would get too long with another modifier.',
  148. '1166' => 'You can only split runes.',
  149. '1167' => 'This rune has only one modifier.',
  150. '1168' => 'The rune completely broke while splitting it. You don\'t need to pay.',
  151. '1169' => 'You can not reload a melee weapon, can you? Oo',
  152. '1170' => 'Your party is not moving.',
  153. '1171' => 'Your character has been created already. You can type #reset to start over.',
  154. '1172' => 'Your race is unknown or an NPC only race. Valid races: %s.',
  155. '1173' => 'Your gender is unknown. Valid genders: %s.',
  156. '1174' => "The command is not available for your current action or location. Try #c [<l|long>] to see all currently available commands.",
  157. '1175' => 'That\'s more than I offer, chummer.',
  158. '1176' => 'You cannot do surgery on your %s.',
  159. '1177' => 'You are at the minimum %s level of %s for your race.',
  160. //'1178' => '',
  161. //'1179' => '',
  162. //'1180' => '',
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