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Dec 15th, 2017
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  1. History Fair Project Outline
  3. What type of project are you doing?
  4. Performance
  5. What is your topic? Eva Mozes Kor and her process towards forgiveness.
  7. Main argument? (Thesis)
  8. Eva Mozes Kor was a young Jewish girl when Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power in her hometown in Romania in 1940. When Eva was 6 she and her family were sent Auschwitz-Birkenau; where death upon arrival was almost certain. However, Eva and her twin sister Miriam were spared the gas chambers but were instead experimented on by Dr. Josef Mengele, who was fascinated by twins. His goal was to find a way to increase the birthrate of an Aryan master race through twins. The medical experimentations took a toll on both Eva and her sister but both were fortunate enough to be liberated by the Soviet Union. While, the Kor sisters suffered tremendously because of the cruel experiments, Eva decided to compromise her and the Jewish Survivor Community’s feelings regarding Dr. Mengele and decided to publicly forgive him of his transgressions. In doing so she is seen as a traitor to the Holocaust survivor community, but at least she is at peace and is truly free.
  10. How many sources do you have?
  11. 30
  13. What will the set-up of your project look like? You may sketch it or just explain. Be thorough.
  14. I’ll be dressing up as Eva Kor and pretend that it is her trying to get her story through before she passes. It will be as if I am making a documentary but through performance. I will be sitting in a living room chair in front of a camera with a nightstand to the side to give it a homely feel. I will go into detail of her experiences as if I am her and then show the audience the path to her forgiveness.
  18. Historical Context. This needs to be in detail. The rubric requires that you include this so be as thorough as you can be. We can cut words out later.
  20. This was during WWII which was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. Germany invaded a decent amount of Europe. Another large event that was happening was the Holocaust which is a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and its World War II collaborators killed six million Jews. There was a nazi doctor named Josef Mengele who worked at Auschwitz from May 1943 to January 1945, conducting pseudo-scientific medical experiments. His favorite experiments were conducted on young twins. Anxious to make a name for himself, Mengele searched for the secrets of heredity. The Nazi ideal of the future would benefit from the help of genetics, according to Nazi doctrine. If so-called Aryan women could assuredly give birth to twins who were sure to be blond and blue-eyed, the future could be saved by increasing the birthrate of an Aryan master race through twins.
  21. At concentration camps there is a ramp and the officer at the ramp gets to decide whether a jew lives or dies. When Mengele took his turn as the selector on the ramp, unlike most of the other selectors, he arrived sober. With a small flick of his finger or riding crop, a person would either be sent to the left or to the right, to the gas chamber or to hard labor.Mengele would get very excited when he found twins. The other officers who helped unload the transports had been given special instructions to find twins, dwarfs, giants or anyone else with a unique hereditary trait. About 3,000 twins were pulled from the masses on the ramp, most of them children; only around 200 survived. When the twins were found, they were taken away from their parents.
  22. Since the children were “Mengele twins” they were treated differently from the other prisoners. Though they suffered through medical experiments, the twins were often allowed to keep their hair and allowed to keep their own clothes. The children weren’t necessarily afraid of Mengele in fact he was often known to appear with pockets full of candy and chocolates, to pat them on the head, talk with them, and sometimes even play. Many of the children, especially the younger ones, called him "Uncle Mengele."
  23. Besides having blood drawn, the twins underwent various medical experiments. Mengele kept his exact reasoning for his experiments a secret. Many of the twins that he experimented on weren't sure for what purpose the individual experiments were for or what exactly what was being injected or done to them. These injections caused severe pain and injections into the spine and spinal taps were given with no anesthesia. Diseases, including typhus and tuberculosis, would be purposely given to one twin and not the other. When one died, the other was often killed to examine and compare the effects of the disease.
  29. Start your project here. Your student composed words. Be mindful of your word count.
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