
Northwood Officials Rules

May 12th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. <size=24pt><align="center"><color=#ef0707>Northwood Official SCP: Secret Laboratory Server</color></align></size>
  3. <align="center"><size=18><color=#ff9100>Feel free to join our Discord and connect with other players in our heartwarming and friendly community!</color></size></align>
  5. <align="center"><size=18><color=#FFD700><link="">Click here for Discord invite or go to</link></color></size></align>
  7. <align="center">This Official Server is hosted by <b>Northwood Studio</b>. We currently have Five Official Servers,three in Canada and two in Europe.</align>
  9. <align="center"><size=18><color=#FFD700><link="">Interested in our patreon? Click here, or go to</link></color></size></align>
  11. <size=18pt><b><color=#ff2424>Official Server Rules</color></b></size>
  12. <color=#ff2424>1.</color> Cheating and exploiting<color=#ff2424>[1]</color> are strictly prohibited.
  13. <color=#ff2424>2.</color> Phishing, scamming, and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
  14. <color=#ff2424>3.</color> Racism, discrimination, and other offensive content is strictly prohibited.
  15. <color=#ff2424>4.</color> Harassment, toxicity, and baseless, out-of-game accusations against other players are strictly prohibited.
  16. <color=#ff2424>5.</color> Staff or player impersonation is strictly prohibited.
  17. <color=#ff2424>6.</color> Mic spamming is prohibited. Music is allowed, but must be stopped upon request.
  18. <color=#ff2424>7.</color> Advertisements, including server advertisements and streaming channel advertisements, must be kept to a minimum.
  19. <color=#ff2424>8.</color> Teaming and camping<color=#ff2424>[2]</color> are tolerated if they do not lead to round delays. This rule also applies to any sort of metagaming done by a Scientist or Class-D. Example: Delaying a round to satisfy personal objectives will not be tolerated.
  20. <color=#ff2424>9.</color> False reporting and abuse of the in-game reporting function is prohibited.
  21. <color=#ff2424>10.</color> Announcing moderators who have hidden tags is prohibited. Interfering with a moderator’s job is also prohibited.
  22. <color=#ff2424>11.</color> Encouraging others to violate server rules is prohibited.
  23. <color=#ff2424>12.</color> Team sabotage<color=#ff2424>[3]</color> as MTF/Chaos/SCPs is not allowed.
  24. <color=#ff2424>13.</color> Repeatedly leaving/suiciding to avoid an SCP, or spawning as a role you do not want to be is prohibited.
  25. <color=#ff2424>14.</color> Explicit Sexual Content, including extended discussion of it and/or roleplay, is prohibited.
  27. <color=#ff2424>[1]</color>  <align="center">Using in-game exploit spots, which are normally unreachable, is prohibited. Spots that can be reached by jumping on intentional props/railings are allowed.</align>
  29. <color=#ff2424>[2]</color> <align="center">Teaming that directly, or intentionally, leads to the death of teammates is prohibited. Staying in a room prolongedly is considered camping. Walking around in the same zone and staying in a corridor/tunnel are not considered camping.</align>
  31. <color=#ff2424>[3]</color> <align="left">MTF/Chaos - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:</align>
  32. <color=#186bf0>[1]</color><indent=15%>Turning Off Generators.</indent>
  33. <color=#186bf0>[2]</color><indent=15%>Killing obedient, cuffed Class-D/Scientists, unless you cuffed them.</indent>
  34. <color=#186bf0>[3]</color><indent=15%>Uncuffing and Recuffing Class-D/Scientists just to kill them.</indent>
  35. <color=#186bf0>[4]</color><indent=15%>Uncuffing Class-D/Scientists right before their escape.</indent>
  37. <align="left">SCPs - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:</align>
  38. <color=#186bf0>[1]</color><indent=15%>Closing/locking doors on teammates.</indent>
  39. <color=#186bf0>[2]</color><indent=15%>Intentionally letting the Nuke go off when it would cause SCPs to lose the round.</indent>
  41. <align="left">Scientists/Class-D - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:</align>
  42. <color=#186bf0>[1]</color><indent=15%>- Cuff Trading (the act of uncuffing someone you have previously cuffed, and providing them with a weapon so that they may cuff you — enabling you to play on the opposite team), is permitted. </indent>
  43. <color=#186bf0>[2]</color><indent=15%>- Players should note that Cuff Trading will put them at risk of breaking our rules regarding Teaming[2]. When, and if, this is the case, this will be left entirely up to the Moderator's discretion. </indent>
  44. <indent=20%>- MTF/Chaos are free to kill people who are caught attempting to carry out these 'deals'.</indent>
  48. <size=18pt><b><color=#ff2424>Contact</color></b></size>
  49. Please join our Official Discord <color=#FFD700><link="">(</link></color> to contact our staff directly for reporting Northwood Official Servers related incidents. For Ban appeals, also join the server, and read <color=#FFD700><link="">here</link></color> for our ban appeal channel for who to contact and what to send.
  51. <size=12pt><align="center"><b>Last updated: 3rd Jan 2023</b></align></size>
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