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Jun 14th, 2018
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  1. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
  2. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
  3. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  6. ; --------
  8. LagDelay := 2000
  9. SpinBlob := 100
  10. Interval := 100
  11. LoopCount := 25
  15. ; ---------
  17. Esc::ExitApp
  19. NextPage()
  20. {
  21. Click 1023, 613
  22. }
  24. DragDrop(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  25. {
  26. Click up
  27. Click %x1%, %y1%, do
  28. Sleep, 250
  29. MouseMove %x2%, %y2%
  30. Sleep, 250
  31. Click up
  32. }
  34. ClickCoin(x, y)
  35. {
  36. Click up
  37. Click %x%, %y%, down
  38. Sleep, 250
  39. Click up
  40. }
  42. LagDelay()
  43. {
  44. Global LagDelay
  45. Sleep, LagDelay
  46. }
  48. SpinBlob()
  49. {
  50. Global SpinBlob
  51. Global Interval
  52. Loop %SpinBlob%
  53. {
  54. MouseMove 725, 210
  55. Sleep, %Interval%
  56. MouseMove 725, 585
  57. Sleep, %Interval%
  58. MouseMove 987, 492
  59. Sleep, %Interval%
  60. MouseMove 987, 210
  61. Sleep, %Interval%
  62. }
  63. }
  65. ; RUN SCRIPT
  66. ; ----------
  68. StartGeneratingCoinsYeahBabyCPRDontBanMeIAmNoobAtGames()
  69. {
  70. Click 1107, 675
  71. Sleep, 250
  72. Click 571, 568
  73. Sleep, 250
  74. Click 609, 405
  75. Sleep, 1000
  76. Click 854, 613
  77. NextPage()
  79. ; PAGE 1
  81. Send, I am the busiest penguin I know.
  82. Send, Cleaning the windows at the Dojo.
  83. Send, Wiping them down and getting them shined.
  84. Send, Making sure no one has left streaks behind.
  85. Sleep, 3000
  86. DragDrop(1002, 380, 1002 ,150)
  87. Sleep, 4000
  88. DragDrop(888, 442, 746, 240)
  89. Sleep, 750
  90. ClickCoin(773, 331)
  91. NextPage()
  93. ; PAGE 2
  95. Send, Then one day while I was working away,
  96. Send, Wouldn't you know it, some penguins they came
  97. Send, and brought this container as big as a tree.
  98. Send, and filled to the top with glowing lime green!
  99. LagDelay()
  100. Sleep, 2000
  101. DragDrop(953, 528, 953, 170)
  102. Sleep, 100
  103. ClickCoin(898, 528)
  104. NextPage()
  106. ; PAGE 3
  108. Send, I gazed in amazement as they fell in.
  109. Send, Then one of them spoke to me with a grin,
  110. Send, It's a colorful party for all to express!
  111. Send, But while he was so happy, the place was a mess!
  112. LagDelay()
  113. Sleep, 4000
  114. Click 798, 185, down
  115. Sleep, 50
  116. SpinBlob()
  117. Click up
  118. NextPage()
  120. ; PAGE 4
  122. Send, There was paint on the walls and paint on the ceiling.
  123. Send, This paint-splattered place was so unappealing!
  124. Send, And just when I thought I could take it no more,
  125. Send, a penguin began to make tracks on the floor!
  126. LagDelay()
  127. Sleep 2000
  128. DragDrop(850, 621, 849, 412)
  129. Sleep, 2000
  130. DragDrop(895, 185, 840, 186)
  131. MouseMove 799, 232
  132. Click down
  133. Sleep, 1000
  134. Click up
  135. NextPage()
  137. ; PAGE 5
  138. Send, "I just cleaned the floor!" I loudly proclaimed,
  139. Send, "And now I will have to go mop it again!"
  140. Send, But wouldn't you know it, this mop that I used
  141. Send, Was dropped in the bucket of lime-colored ooze!
  142. LagDelay()
  143. Sleep, 1000
  144. DragDrop(975, 437, 790, 443)
  145. Sleep, 5000
  146. Click 711, 274
  147. Click 878, 272
  148. Click 950, 268
  149. Click 800, 368
  150. Sleep, 500
  151. ClickCoin(800, 368)
  152. NextPage()
  154. ; PAGE 6
  155. Send, Now I faced a decision of just what to do.
  156. Send, My mop was unusable thanks to this crew
  157. Send, The rags that I used were just far too worn out.
  158. Send, So I stood on that paint can and started to shout.
  159. LagDelay()
  160. Sleep, 500
  161. Click 720, 431, down
  162. Sleep, 250
  163. MouseMove 1125, 431
  164. Sleep, 250
  165. Click up
  166. Sleep, 250
  167. ClickCoin(783, 434)
  168. NextPage()
  170. ; PAGE 7
  171. Send, Then a penguin responded, "You seem so upset!
  172. Send, It's time for a party, but did you forget?"
  173. Send, Perhaps there's a way for me to help you.
  174. Send, And I think that I know just what we should do!
  175. LagDelay()
  176. Sleep, 3000
  177. ClickCoin(855, 238)
  178. Sleep, 2750
  179. Click 866, 592, down
  180. Sleep, 250
  181. MouseMove 965, 208
  182. Sleep, 250
  183. MouseMove 858, 439
  184. Sleep, 250
  185. MouseMove 1001, 292
  186. Sleep, 250
  187. ClickCoin(861, 246)
  188. NextPage()
  190. ; PAGE 8
  192. Send, The penguin she pointed towards a large box.
  193. Send, Containing some capes and a couple old socks.
  194. Send, "Let's use up these capes to clean up the mess!"
  195. Send, Now that's an idea I wouldn't have guessed!
  196. Sleep, 2000
  197. LagDelay()
  198. MouseMove 869, 585
  199. Global Interval
  200. Loop 5
  201. {
  202. Click down
  203. Sleep, %Interval%
  204. Click up
  205. Sleep, %Interval%
  206. }
  207. DragDrop(869, 585, 758, 285)
  208. DragDrop(869, 585, 964, 285)
  209. ClickCoin(987, 407)
  210. NextPage()
  212. ; PAGE 9
  214. Send, When the party was over, then everyone joined!
  215. Send, They helped clean the Dojo without needing a coin.
  216. Send, And when we were done, the place was so perfect.
  217. Send, You'd never have guessed it was once a green wreck!
  218. Send, The End
  219. LagDelay()
  220. ClickCoin(1023, 613)
  221. Sleep, 5500
  222. Click 353, 620
  223. Sleep, 1000
  224. Click 884, 369
  225. Sleep, 3000
  226. }
  228. ^t::
  229. Global LoopCount
  230. Loop %LoopCount%
  231. {
  232. StartGeneratingCoinsYeahBabyCPRDontBanMeIAmNoobAtGames()
  233. }
  234. Return
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