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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. ExpiresActive On
  2. <FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|ai|eps|psd|zip)$">
  3. # Only need to set one of etag OR last-modified. Go with last-modified
  4. # as recommended by Google Page Speed.
  5. FileETag None
  7. # If Last-Modified is sufficiently far back chances are browser will not
  8. # refetch asset (Google Page Speed).
  9. Header set Last-Modified "Mon, 10 Jan 2005 10:00:00 GMT"
  11. # Set Cache-Control to public, this will overwrite the max-age header
  12. # set by ExpiresDefault (max-age AND Expires are not both needed according
  13. # to Google Page Speed). Public cache-control means proxies may cache static
  14. # assets, also allows Firefox to cache assets over SSL.
  15. Header set Cache-Control "public"
  17. # Deliberately set to almost a year, just in case some weirdness could ever
  18. # happen if we slightly exceeded a year due to time zone inconsistencies.
  19. ExpiresDefault "now plus 51 weeks"
  20. </FilesMatch>
  22. <FilesMatch "favicon\.ico$">
  23. # Treat favicon.ico bit differently as some browsers may not use the favicon
  24. # fingerprinted path given in the page head tag.
  25. ExpiresDefault "now plus 1 month"
  26. </FilesMatch>
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