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Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # UUID:
  3. # Classname: Last Usage
  4. Classes:
  5. Alchemist:
  6. Permission: gkits.alchemist
  7. Cooldown: 1440
  8. Items:
  9. '1':
  10. Material: POTION
  11. Data: 16456
  12. Amount: 1
  13. Displayname: '&3Famine Elixir'
  14. Lore:
  15. - ''
  16. - '§3§lElixir Effects:'
  17. - §9§l *§3 Hunger (0:30)
  18. - §9§l *§3 Weakness (0:45)
  19. - ''
  20. - §7§oThis elixir is used by fighters
  21. - §7§oto destroy their enemies by starving
  22. - §7§othem to death!
  23. - ''
  24. - §7§o(( Splash to use this elixir. ))
  25. Enchantments: []
  26. commands:
  27. - elixir give %player% Famine 1
  28. '2':
  29. Material: POTION
  30. Data: 16452
  31. Amount: 1
  32. Displayname: '&5Fermented Elixir'
  33. Lore:
  34. - ''
  35. - '§5§lElixir Effects:'
  36. - §d§l *§5 Slowness II (0:45)
  37. - §d§l *§5 Weakness (0:20)
  38. - ''
  39. - §7§oThis elixir is used by fighters to aid
  40. - §7§otheir destruction of enemies by poisoning
  41. - §7§othem with a fermented concoction!
  42. - ''
  43. - §7§o(( Splash to use this elixir. ))
  44. Enchantments: []
  45. commands:
  46. - elixir give %player% fermented 1
  47. '3':
  48. Material: POTION
  49. Data: 16395
  50. Amount: 1
  51. Displayname: '&aRotten Elixir'
  52. Lore:
  53. - ''
  54. - '§a§lElixir Effects:'
  55. - §2§l *§a Nausea (0:15)
  56. - §2§l *§a Poison (0:20)
  57. - ''
  58. - §7§oThis elixir is used by fighters
  59. - §7§oto aid their destruction of enemies
  60. - §7§oby harming them with debuffs!
  61. - ''
  62. - §7§o(( Splash to use this elixir. ))
  63. Enchantments: []
  64. commands:
  65. - elixir give %player% rotten 1
  66. '4':
  67. Material: POTION
  68. Data: 16421
  69. Amount: 1
  70. Displayname: '&cRestoration Elixir'
  71. Lore:
  72. - ''
  73. - '§c§lElixir Effects:'
  74. - §4§l *§c Instant Health II
  75. - §4§l *§c Regeneration II (0:10)
  76. - ''
  77. - §7§oThis elixir is used by healers
  78. - §7§oto aid their restoration of fighters
  79. - §7§oafter attacks!
  80. - ''
  81. - §7§o(( Splash to use this elixir. ))
  82. Enchantments: []
  83. commands:
  84. - elixir give %player% restoration 1
  85. '5':
  86. Material: POTION
  87. Data: 8230
  88. Amount: 1
  89. Displayname: '&9Aquatic Elixir'
  90. Lore:
  91. - ''
  92. - '§9§lElixir Effects:'
  93. - §1§l *§9 Water Breating (30:00)
  94. - ''
  95. - §7§oThis elixir is used by pirates
  96. - §7§oto aid their exploration of sunken ruins
  97. - §7§oand avoid drowning in water.
  98. - ''
  99. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  100. Enchantments: []
  101. commands:
  102. - elixir give %player% aquatic 1
  103. '6':
  104. Material: POTION
  105. Data: 8226
  106. Amount: 1
  107. Displayname: '&bMarathon Elixir'
  108. Lore:
  109. - ''
  110. - '§b§lElixir Effects:'
  111. - §3§l *§b Speed II (6:00)
  112. - ''
  113. - §7§oThis elixir is used by runners
  114. - §7§oto aid their long-range adventures
  115. - §7§oacross many worlds!
  116. - ''
  117. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  118. Enchantments: []
  119. commands:
  120. - elixir give %player% marathon 1
  121. '7':
  122. Material: POTION
  123. Data: 8227
  124. Amount: 1
  125. Displayname: '&eHaste Elixir'
  126. Lore:
  127. - ''
  128. - '§e§lElixir Effects:'
  129. - §6§l *§e Haste II (8:00)
  130. - ''
  131. - §7§oThis elixir is used by miners
  132. - §7§oto aid their excavation by speeding
  133. - §7§oup their digging.
  134. - ''
  135. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  136. Enchantments: []
  137. commands:
  138. - elixir give %player% haste 1
  139. '8':
  140. Material: POTION
  141. Data: 8270
  142. Amount: 1
  143. Displayname: '&fEscapist Elixir'
  144. Lore:
  145. - ''
  146. - '§f§lElixir Effects:'
  147. - §7§l *§f Speed III (0:10)
  148. - §7§l *§f Invisibility (1:00)
  149. - §7§l *§f Weakness II (0:05)
  150. - ''
  151. - §7§oThis elixir is used by burglars
  152. - §7§oto aid their escape from their targets
  153. - §7§oby hiding their tracks for a quick getaway!
  154. - ''
  155. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  156. Enchantments: []
  157. commands:
  158. - elixir give %player% escapist 1
  159. '9':
  160. Material: POTION
  161. Data: 8265
  162. Amount: 1
  163. Displayname: '&4Magmatic Elixir'
  164. Lore:
  165. - ''
  166. - '§4§lElixir Effects:'
  167. - §c§l *§4 Fire Resistance (30:00)
  168. - ''
  169. - §7§oThis elixir is used by blacksmiths
  170. - §7§oto aid their item forging in the deep
  171. - §7§ohot regions of the nether!
  172. - ''
  173. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  174. commands:
  175. - elixir give %player% magmatic 1
  176. Enchantments: []
  177. '10':
  178. Material: POTION
  179. Data: 8201
  180. Amount: 1
  181. Displayname: '&dFused Elixir'
  182. Lore:
  183. - ''
  184. - '§d§lElixir Effects:'
  185. - §5§l *§d Strength II (1:30)
  186. - §5§l *§d Speed II (1:30)
  187. - ''
  188. - §7§oThis elixir is used by travelers
  189. - §7§oto aid their destruction of enemies
  190. - §7§oin long, intense battles!
  191. - ''
  192. - §7§o(( Drink to use this elixir. ))
  193. Enchantments: []
  194. commands:
  195. - elixir give %player% Fused 1
  196. Extras:
  197. Permission: gkits.extras
  198. Cooldown: 1440
  199. Items:
  200. '1':
  201. Material: DIAMOND_HOE
  202. Data: 0
  203. Amount: 1
  204. Displayname: '&2&l×&a&l*&2&l× &a&l&nSELLWAND&f &2&l×&a&l*&2&l×'
  205. Lore:
  206. - §r
  207. - '§a§lItem Information:'
  208. - §2§l * §aRight-Click a chest with
  209. - §2§l * §athis wand to sell its contents.
  210. - ''
  211. - §2§l *§a Uses §f500
  212. Enchantments:
  213. - Glow;1
  214. '2':
  215. Material: DIAMOND_HOE
  216. Data: 0
  217. Amount: 1
  218. Displayname: '&3&l×&b&l*&3&l× &b&l&nHARVESTER HOE&f &3&l×&b&l*&3&l×'
  219. Lore:
  220. - §r
  221. - '§b§lInformation:'
  222. - ' §3§l* §bAutomatically transfers sugarcane'
  223. - ' §3§l* §bto your inventory when farmed.'
  224. - §r
  225. - §b§o(( §f§oLeft-Click§b§o to use ))
  226. - §r
  227. Enchantments:
  228. - DURABILITY;1
  229. '3':
  230. Material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  231. Data: 0
  232. Amount: 1
  233. Displayname: '&d&l×&5&l*&d&l× &d&l&nSHOCKWAVE&8 (&d&n11x11&8) &d&l×&5&l*&d&l×'
  234. Lore:
  235. - §d§oBreaks block in a §5§o11x11§d§o radius
  236. Enchantments:
  237. - DIG_SPEED;5
  238. - DURABILITY;3
  239. '4':
  240. Material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  241. Data: 0
  242. Amount: 1
  243. Displayname: '&c&lTray Pickaxe &7(11x11)'
  244. Lore:
  245. - §7This magical pickaxe will destroy netherrack trays in ,
  246. - §7making your base building much easier.
  247. - ''
  248. - '§c§lItem Information:'
  249. - §4§l *§c Radius §711x11
  250. - §4§l *§c Destroys §7Netherrack
  251. - ''
  252. - §7§o(( Break a block to use this pickaxe! ))
  253. Enchantments:
  254. - Glow;1
  255. '5':
  256. Material: STICK
  257. Data: 0
  258. Amount: 1
  259. Displayname: '&7&l×&f&l*&7&l× &f&l&nCRAFTWAND&f &7&l×&f&l*&7&l×'
  260. Lore:
  261. - §r
  262. - '§f§lInformation:'
  263. - ' §7§l* §fTurns ores into blocks'
  264. - ' §7§l* §fand nuggets into ingots!'
  265. - §r
  266. - §7§o(( §f§oLeft-Click§7§o on a chest to use ))
  267. Enchantments:
  268. - DURABILITY;3
  269. '6':
  270. Material: EYE_OF_ENDER
  271. Data: 0
  272. Amount: 1
  273. Displayname: '&5&l×&d&l*&5&l× &5&l&nXRAY TORCH&f &5&l×&d&l*&5&l×'
  274. Lore:
  275. - §r
  276. - '§5§lInformation:'
  277. - §r §d§l* §fLeft click the X-ray Torch while
  278. - §r §d§l* §funderground in order to see ores
  279. - §r §d§l* §faround you underground.
  280. - §r
  281. - §7§o(( §f§oLeft-Click§f§o to use ))
  282. Enchantments: []
  283. '7':
  284. Material: HOPPER
  285. Data: 0
  286. Amount: 1
  287. Displayname: '&4&l×&c&l*&4&l× &c&l&nMOB HOPPER&f &4&l×&c&l*&4&l×'
  288. Lore:
  289. - §r
  290. - '§c§lInformation:'
  291. - §4§l *§c Mob hoppers automatically place
  292. - §4§l *§c mob drops in the same chunk as
  293. - §4§l *§c the hopper into the hopper.
  294. - §r
  295. - §7§o(( §f§oRight-Click§7§o to place ))
  296. Enchantments: []
  297. '8':
  298. Material: HOPPER
  299. Data: 0
  300. Amount: 1
  301. Displayname: '&2&l×&a&l*&2&l× &a&l&nCROP HOPPER&f &2&l×&a&l*&2&l×'
  302. Lore:
  303. - §a
  304. - '§a§lInformation:'
  305. - §2§l *§a Crop hoppers automatically place broken
  306. - §2§l *§a crops broken crops in the same chunk as
  307. - §2§l *§a the hopper into the hopper.
  308. - ''
  309. - §7§o(( §f§oRight-Click§7§o to place ))
  310. Enchantments: []
  311. '9':
  312. Material: BLAZE_ROD
  313. Data: 0
  314. Amount: 1
  315. Displayname: '&6&l×&e&l*&6&l× &e&l&nLIGHTNING WAND &6&l×&e&l*&6&l×'
  316. Lore:
  317. - §r
  318. - '§e§lInformation:'
  319. - §6§l *§e Right-Click to summon a blast of lightning
  320. - §r
  321. - §7§o(( §f§oRight-Click§7§o to use! ))
  322. Enchantments: []
  323. '10':
  324. Material: ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME
  325. Data: 0
  326. Amount: 1
  327. Displayname: '&4&l×&c&l*&4&l× &c&l&nCHUNKBUSTER&f &4&l×&c&l*&4&l×'
  328. Lore:
  329. - §r
  330. - §c§lItem Information
  331. - ' §4§l* §cDeletion Size §8» §f1 Chunk'
  332. - ' §4§l* §cWarmup Time §8» §f5 Seconds'
  333. - §r
  334. - §c§lChunk Buster Restrictions
  335. - ' §4§l* §cLand Claim §8» §fOwned Land'
  336. - §r
  337. - §c§lWARNING §8- §fThis item deletes §c§nan entire chunk§f.
  338. - '§fRun away from the chunk to ensure that you '
  339. - §f do not die or fall when it activates.
  340. - §r
  341. - §7§o(( §f§oPlace§7§o this item to activate it. ))
  342. Enchantments: []
  343. Boosted:
  344. Permission: gkits.boosted
  345. Cooldown: 4320
  346. Items:
  347. '1':
  348. Material: DIAMOND_HELMET
  349. Data: 0
  350. Amount: 1
  351. Displayname: '&c&l*&4&l×&c&l* &c&lBOOST &7&nHelmet&f &c&l*&4&l×&c&l*'
  352. Lore:
  353. - ''
  354. Enchantments:
  356. - DURABILITY;4
  357. '2':
  359. Data: 0
  360. Amount: 1
  361. Displayname: '&c&l*&4&l×&c&l* &c&lBOOST &7&nChestplate&f &c&l*&4&l×&c&l*'
  362. Lore:
  363. - ''
  364. Enchantments:
  366. - DURABILITY;4
  367. '3':
  368. Material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS
  369. Data: 0
  370. Amount: 1
  371. Displayname: '&c&l*&4&l×&c&l* &c&lBOOST &7&nLeggings&f &c&l*&4&l×&c&l*'
  372. Lore:
  373. - ''
  374. Enchantments:
  376. - DURABILITY;4
  377. '4':
  378. Material: DIAMOND_BOOTS
  379. Data: 0
  380. Amount: 1
  381. Displayname: '&c&l*&4&l×&c&l* &c&lBOOST &7&nBoots&f &c&l*&4&l×&c&l*'
  382. Lore:
  383. - §cGears III
  384. Enchantments:
  386. - DURABILITY;4
  387. '6':
  388. Material: GOLDEN_APPLE
  389. Data: 1
  390. Amount: 5
  391. Displayname: ''
  392. Lore:
  393. - ''
  394. Enchantments: []
  395. '5':
  396. Material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  397. Data: 0
  398. Amount: 1
  399. Displayname: ''
  400. Lore:
  401. - §cWither II
  402. - §7Poison II
  403. Enchantments:
  404. - DAMAGE_ALL;5
  405. - DURABILITY;4
  406. - FIRE_ASPECT;2
  407. Gui:
  408. title: Classes
  409. Items:
  410. NoPermissions:
  411. Material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  412. Data: 14
  413. Amount: 1
  414. Displayname: '&c&l&n%class%'
  415. Lore:
  416. - ''
  417. - '&4&l* &cYou don''t have permission to use this class.'
  418. - ''
  419. - '&c&lGKit Information:'
  420. - '&4&l * &cName &7%class%'
  421. - '&4&l * &cStatus &7Locked'
  422. - ''
  423. - '&c&lLOCKED'
  424. - ''
  425. - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))'
  426. Available:
  427. Material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  428. Data: 5
  429. Amount: 1
  430. Displayname: '&a&l&n%class%'
  431. Lore:
  432. - ''
  433. - '&a&lGKit Information:'
  434. - '&2&l * &aName &7%class%'
  435. - '&2&l * &aStatus &7Unlocked'
  436. - ''
  437. - '&a&lAVAILABLE'
  438. - '&r'
  439. - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))'
  440. Cooldown:
  441. Material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  442. Data: 1
  443. Amount: 1
  444. Displayname: '&6&l%class%'
  445. Lore:
  446. - ''
  447. - '&6&l* &eThis class is on cooldown.'
  448. - ''
  449. - '&e&lGKit Information:'
  450. - '&6&l * &eName &7%class%'
  451. - '&6&l * &eStatus &7Locked'
  452. - '&6&l * &eCooldown &7%time%'
  453. - ''
  454. - '&6&lLOCKED'
  455. - ''
  456. - '&7&o(( Tip: &f&oRight Click&7&o to view kit contents! ))'
  457. URL:
  458. Icons: {}
  459. Players:
  460. 317c380b-d8b1-48d5-9375-4a96dda61a1e:
  461. Alchemist: 1529713218090
  462. Extras: 1529713344661
  463. Boosted: 1529713931370
  464. d638ecb4-45bc-43d6-a259-cca0fb99557a:
  465. Extras: 1529713397132
  466. Boosted: 1529714003415
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