

Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. c: &c[Checked]&6
  4. command /ver:
  5. trigger:
  6. message "{@c} Your MC version %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version% on Skript %skript version%"
  7. stop
  8. on first join:
  9. add 1 to {log.hensuu}
  10. set {log::%{log.hensuu}%} to "&a%player% &6IP &e%ip of player%"
  11. command /iplog:
  12. permission: skript.admin
  13. trigger:
  14. set {c.logs} to 1
  15. loop {log.hensuu} times:
  16. broadcast "%{log::%{c.logs}%}%"
  17. add 1 to {c.logs}
  18. command /actionbar [<text>]:
  19. trigger:
  20. if arg 1 is not set:
  21. message "&a&o/actionbar &5(text)"
  22. stop
  23. set action bar of all players to "%colored arg 1%"
  24. command /title [<text>]:
  25. trigger:
  26. if arg 1 is not set:
  27. message "&a&o/title &5(text)"
  28. stop
  29. else:
  30. send all players title "%colored arg 1%" for 1 seconds with 0.5 seconds fade in and 0.5 seconds fade out
  31. command /hidetab [<text>] [<player>] [<player>]:
  32. trigger:
  33. if arg 1 is not set:
  34. message "&a&o/hidetab &8(&dShow&8/&cHide) &e(player) &e(player)"
  35. stop
  36. if arg 1 is "hide":
  37. if arg 2 and arg 3 is set:
  38. hide arg 2 in tablist of arg 3
  39. if arg 1 is "show":
  40. if arg 2 and arg 3 is set:
  41. show arg 2 in tablist of arg 3
  42. if arg 1 is "allhide":
  43. if arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  44. hide player in tablist of all players
  45. if arg 1 is "allshow":
  46. if arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  47. show all players in tablist of all players
  48. command /recive [<text>]:
  49. trigger:
  50. set {_skin} to retrieved skin from url "%arg%"
  51. set {_skin} to player
  52. stop
  54. command /allpackettypes [<string>]:
  55. permission: admin
  56. usage: /allpackettypes [filter]
  57. trigger:
  58. if string-arg is set:
  59. message "&2Messaging all packettypes that contain &6%string-arg%&2!"
  60. else:
  61. message "&2Messaging all packettypes!"
  62. loop all packettypes:
  63. if string-arg is set:
  64. if "%loop-value%" contains string-arg:
  65. message "&a%loop-value%"
  66. else:
  67. message "&a%loop-value%"
  68. #retrieved [(slim)] skin (from (file|url) %-string%|of %-offlineplayer%) [[with] timeout %-timespan%]
  69. command /java:
  70. trigger:
  71. set {_java} to java version of server
  72. send "&6Java Ver is &a%{_java}%"
  73. command /syo-monai:
  74. trigger:
  75. hide player from all players
  76. if existance of file "Servers" is true:
  77. broadcast "&6Exist"
  78. on server list ping:
  79. broadcast "&6server list ping"
  80. set the motd to "&6&l&nJoin now!"
  81. set the fake max players count to 256
  82. options:
  83. d: &a[&8Debug&a]&6
  84. on packet event play_client_flying:
  85. broadcast "&8Debug Flying"
  86. #redis[[ ]bungee] server id [(for|of) this bungee[[ ]cord]]
  87. on script load:
  88. broadcast "&8Debug hacked &6Script name &a%loaded script names%"
  89. command /arrytab [<player>]:
  90. trigger:
  91. set amount of columns in player's array tablist to 4
  92. set amount of rows in player's tablist to 20
  93. set display name of tab 1, 1 for player to "Hello!"
  94. #(show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]
  95. on chat:
  96. set {_chat} to message hashed with MD5
  97. cancel event
  98. broadcast "%{_chat}%"
  99. #%strings% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256) #hashed chat text
  100. command /versions <text>:
  101. trigger:
  102. set {ver} to arg
  103. send "%arg%"
  105. command /test:
  106. trigger:
  107. if minecraft version is "%{ver}%":
  108. broadcast "aa"
  109. else:
  110. broadcast "ss"
  111. #version check
  112. on chat:
  113. if message contains ".gh":
  114. set {_chat} to sub text of message from characters 5 to character 100
  115. broadcast "%{_chat}%"
  116. evaluate "%{_chat}%"
  117. #characters
  118. on chat:
  119. replace all "%{nonono::*}%" with "おまんこー" in the message
  120. command /no <text>:
  121. trigger:
  122. set {nonono::*} to arg 1
  123. on chat:
  124. if message contain "%{nonono::*}%":
  125. cancel event
  126. broadcast "dame"
  127. #chat cancel
  128. on packet:
  129. if event-string is "PacketPlayOutTabComplete":
  130. set {_a} to packet field "a"
  131. broadcast "&e%player% &a%{_a}%"
  132. #tab complete
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