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a guest
Mar 30th, 2017
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  1. gamecheck:
  2. LOC_NOT_SET_ERROR: "Locations for the region were not set properly!"
  3. TEAM_SIZE_LOW_ERROR: "You have to set more teams!"
  4. NO_RES_SPAWNER_ERROR: "You didn't set any resource spawner!"
  5. NO_LOBBY_SET: "You didn't set a lobby!"
  6. TEAMS_WITHOUT_SPAWNS: "There are team(s) without a spawn location!"
  7. NO_ITEMSHOP_CATEGORIES: "No itemshop categories found!"
  8. NO_MAIN_LOBBY_SET: "You didn't set a main lobby even though you did set 'tomainlobby' to true"
  9. TEAM_NO_WRONG_BED: "One or more teams have no bed set!"
  10. TEAM_NO_WRONG_TARGET: "One or more teams have no respawn block set!"
  11. ingame:
  12. teams: "Csapatok"
  13. all: "Összes"
  14. record: "&e$record$&a a rekord ezen a pályán!"
  15. record-with-holders: "&aA rekord ezen a pályán &e$record$&a, a rekorder: $holders$"
  16. newrecord: "&aA $team$&csapat új rekordot állított fel: &6$record$"
  17. record-nobeddestroy: "&cA rekord nem menthető el, mert nem volt törött ágy!"
  18. teamwon: "Gratulálunk! A $team$ csapat nyert!"
  19. draw: "A játék döntetlennel fejeződött!"
  20. serverrestart: "A szerver $sec$ másodperc múlva újraindul!"
  21. gamestarting: "A játék kezdődik..."
  22. gamestarted: "A '$game$' játék elkezdődött!"
  23. backtolobby: "Vissza a lobbyba $sec$ másodperc múlva!"
  24. spectator: "Spectator"
  25. spectate: "&aSpectate"
  26. teamchest: "Csapat láda"
  27. noturteamchest: "Ez nem a csapatod ládája!"
  28. protectionleft: "Invulnerable for &c$length$&f second(s)!"
  29. protectionend: "You're now &cvulnerable&f again!"
  30. team-dead: "A $team$ csapat kiesett!"
  31. no-friendlybreak: "&cCan't break block under team-member!"
  32. teamchestdestroy: "&cEgyet, a te csapatod ládái közül elpusztítottak"
  33. title:
  34. map-builder: "Built by $builder$"
  35. win-title: "&6Gratulálunk!"
  36. win-subtitle: "A $team$&6 csapat nyerte a játékot, az idejük: &e$time$"
  37. shop:
  38. name: "Itemshop"
  39. newshop: "Use new shop"
  40. oldshop: "Use old shop"
  41. fullstackpershift: Multiply stacks per shift click
  42. onestackpershift: One stack per shift click
  43. player:
  44. left: "Player $player$ has left the game!"
  45. died: "$player$ died!"
  46. killed: "$killer$ killed $player$!"
  47. kicked: "$player$ was kicked!"
  48. waskicked: "You were kicked from the game!"
  49. blocks:
  50. ownbeddestroy: "You can't destroy your own bed!"
  51. beddestroyed: "$player$ destroyed bed of team $team$!"
  52. specials:
  53. rescue-platform:
  54. left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next rescue platform!"
  55. arrow-blocker:
  56. start: "You are protected from being hit by arrows for &c$time$&f second(s)."
  57. end: "&cYour arrow protection is over"
  58. left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next arrowblocker!"
  59. trap:
  60. trapped: "&eSomeone went into a &ctrap&e of your team!"
  61. protection-wall:
  62. left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next protection wall!"
  63. not-usable-here: "You cannot use the protection wall here!"
  64. warp-powder:
  65. cancelled: "&cYour teleport was cancelled!"
  66. start: "You will be teleported in &c$time$&f second(s). Don't move!"
  67. cancel: "&4Cancel teleport"
  68. multiuse: "&cYou started a teleportation already!"
  69. tntsheep:
  70. no-target-found: "No target player was found!"
  71. tracker:
  72. no-target-found: "No target player was found!"
  73. target-found: "$player$ is $blocks$ block(s) away from you."
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