

Mar 22nd, 2019 (edited)
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  1. !Currency [tells you how much punkcash you have]
  2. !Social [gives you links to my socials]
  3. !Uptime [Tells you how long I've been streaming]
  4. !addquote (name of person you're quoting) (quote) [adds a quote to our list]
  5. !bn [gives you my battlenet for both accounts]
  6. !followage [Tells you when you started following my dumbass]
  7. !give (user) (amount) [gives punkcash from your account to someone else]
  8. !golden [lists the current golden weapons I have]
  9. !hours [tells you how many hours of my stream you've watched]
  10. !lurk [lets me know you're doin a heckin lurk friendo]
  11. !quote [gives you a random quote from our saved list]
  12. !rank [tells you what rank you are]
  13. !rankup [Tells you how many hours you need to rank up]
  14. !rigged [use when you think something is rigged]
  15. !title [Tells you what the title of the stream is]
  16. !soundclips [gives you a link to the available sound clips you can use during stream!]
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