

Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. on break:
  2. if "%target block%" is "crops":
  3. if data of event-block is not 7:
  4. if player is not holding hoe:
  5. cancel event
  6. "%target block%" is "crops"
  7. data of event-block is 7
  8. cancel event
  9. drop 1 wheat named "&d&l小麦" with lore "&e&l64個集めて右クリックすると100円入手できる"
  10. drop 1 seeds
  11. chance of 10%:
  12. drop 1 dirt
  13. chance of 10%:
  14. drop 1 sand
  15. chance of 80%:
  16. drop 1 seeds
  17. chance of 20%:
  18. drop 1 oak log
  19. chance of 1%:
  20. drop 1 carrot
  21. chance of 1%:
  22. drop 1 potato
  23. chance of 1%:
  24. drop 1 oak sapling
  25. set data of event-block to 0
  26. player have 1 seeds
  27. remove a seeds from player
  29. on break:
  30. if "%target block%" is "freshly planted potato plant":
  31. cancel event
  32. "%target block%" is "stage 8 potato plant"
  33. cancel event
  34. drop 1 potato named "&d&lポテト" with lore "&e&l64個集めて右クリックすると200円入手できる"
  35. chance of 80%:
  36. drop 1 potato named "&d&lポテト" with lore "&e&l64個集めて右クリックすると200円入手できる"
  37. chance of 5%:
  38. drop 1 string
  39. chance of 3%:
  40. drop 1 gunpowder
  41. chance of 5%:
  42. drop 1 sugar cane
  43. chance of 5%:
  44. drop 4 clay
  45. chance of 3%:
  46. drop 2 glowstone dust
  47. chance of 3%:
  48. drop 1 slimeball
  49. set data of event-block to 0
  50. player have 1 potato
  51. remove a potato from player
  53. command /skdebug:
  54. permission:sk
  55. trigger:
  56. if {debug%player%} is not set:
  57. set {debug%player%} to 1
  58. send "有効"
  59. else:
  60. delete {debug%player%}
  61. send "無効"
  63. on rightclick:
  64. {debug%player%} is 1
  65. send "%target block%"
  67. on rightclick:
  68. {debug%player%} is 1
  69. send "%player's tool%"
  71. on break:
  72. if "%target block%" is "freshly planted carrot plant":
  73. cancel event
  74. "%target block%" is "carrot plant"
  75. data of event-block is 7
  76. cancel event
  77. drop 1 carrot named "&aニンジン" with lore "&e&l64個集めて右クリックすると200円入手できる"
  78. chance of 50%:
  79. drop 1 cobblestone
  80. chance of 10%:
  81. drop 1 sand
  82. chance of 80%:
  83. drop 1 carrot named "&aニンジン" with lore "&e&l64個集めて右クリックすると200円入手できる"
  84. chance of 10%:
  85. drop 1 coal ore
  86. chance of 1%:
  87. drop 1 gold ore
  88. chance of 1%:
  89. drop 1 gold ore
  90. chance of 1%:
  91. drop 1 lapis lazuli ore
  92. chance of 1%:
  93. drop 1 redstone ore
  94. chance of 15%:
  95. drop 1 iron ore
  96. set data of event-block to 0
  97. player have 1 carrot
  98. remove a carrot from player
  100. on chat:
  101. if {owner.%player%} is 1:
  102. cancel event
  103. broadcast "&e[鯖主]&d%player% &7>>> &r%message%"
  104. loop all players:
  105. play sound "" to loop-player with volume 5 and pitch 1
  106. stop
  107. cancel event
  108. broadcast "&d%player% &7>>> &r%message%"
  109. loop all players:
  110. play sound "" to loop-player with volume 5 and pitch 1
  112. command /ownerchat:
  113. permission:sk
  114. trigger:
  115. set {owner.%player%} to 1
  116. send "seted"
  118. on join:
  119. if {first%player%} is not set:
  120. set the join message to "&a%player%さん&cが初めてサーバーに参加しました!"
  121. stop
  122. set the join message to "&a%player%さん&cがログインしました!"
  124. on quit:
  125. set the quit message to "&a%player%さん&bがログアウトしました!"
  128. on walking on sea lantern:
  129. if {first%player%} is not set:
  130. give 32 dirt to player
  131. give 32 seeds to player
  132. give 1 wooden hoe to player
  133. give 2 water bucket to player
  134. set {first%player%} to 1
  135. set {money::%player%} to 0
  137. every 2 ticks:
  138. loop all players:
  139. send action bar from "&a所持金:%{money::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
  141. on right click with wheat:
  142. player have 64 wheat
  143. wait a tick
  144. remove 64 wheat from player
  145. add 100 to {money::%player%}
  147. on right click with carrot:
  148. player have 64 carrot
  149. wait a tick
  150. remove 64 carrot from player
  151. add 200 to {money::%player%}
  153. on right click with potato:
  154. player have 64 potato
  155. wait a tick
  156. remove 64 potato from player
  157. add 200 to {money::%player%}
  159. on sign change:
  160. line 1 is "建材ガチャ"
  161. set line 1 to "&a&l===建材ガチャ==="
  163. on right click:
  164. clicked block is sign
  165. line 1 is "&a&l===建材ガチャ==="
  166. if {money::%player%} >= 100:
  167. remove 100 from {money::%player%}
  168. set {_num2} to a random integer between 1 and 7
  169. if {_num2} is 1:
  170. give 32 block of quartz to player
  171. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  172. if {_num2} is 2:
  173. give 32 chiseled quartz block to player
  174. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  175. if {_num2} is 3:
  176. give 32 pillar quartz block to player
  177. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  178. if {_num2} is 4:
  179. give 32 white terracotta to player
  180. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  181. if {_num2} is 5:
  182. give 32 white concrete to player
  183. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  184. if {_num2} is 6:
  185. give 32 white concrete powder to player
  186. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  187. if {_num2} is 7:
  188. give 32 white wool to player
  189. play raw sound "entity.player.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
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