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Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. Blood Wolf Moon Prep & Guidelines
  2. Please note- This information is all OOC information.
  4. When: Beginning at 12am SLT Jan 20th until 12am SLT Jan 21st
  5. Where: The Entirety of Lynnea.
  7. Q: What is it?
  8. A: (In Real Life): The Super Blood Wolf Moon is when the moon is nearly 30,000 miles closer to the earth, the 'blood' or rusty color is caused when the moon passes within the shadow of the earth (lunar eclipse) and finally, the phenomena is referred to as "Blood Wolf Moon" when this occurs during the winter. Mix all of those together- You get the upcoming Super Blood Wolf Moon the US is expecting on Jan. 20th.
  9. (In Valesk): This is an intense magical phenomena that rarely occurs. No one is able to control or determine the cause. There are many reason suspected, however. The Gods of Calamity are who usually the blame is cast upon.
  11. What To Expect:
  12. -A general sense of unease will befall Valesk
  13. -Shifters, Blood Drinkers and all other Creatures of the night will be affected
  14. **Forced Shifting, Insatiable Appetite, Aggression, Brawls, An overall frenzied mindset etc
  15. -If the character is glamored, it will lose the ability and the true form will show through.
  16. -Those with enchanted items to assist in not shifting/glamor/lessening their true nature will still be affected in some way.
  17. -StoryWeavers will be roaming the whole of Valesk to spur random bursts of RP associated with this event. No set person is assigned to a single place though.
  20. The Guidelines:
  21. *Remember- All In Character Actions will reap In Character Consequences. (ICA=ICC)
  22. Don't want to pay the price for a bad deed? Don't do the deed. RP will not be voided.
  24. *Reasonable Right to Life: Lynnea is a consent to kill sim, HOWEVER, immensely supports In Character Consequences for In Character Actions. What this means is, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Don't wander into the fire and expect not to get burned. Common sense. If you know there is a risk, acknowledge it, and proceed if you wish. You can die if all actions lead up to this. Do not cry to the administration!
  26. * Please note that while playing a sentient animal (or while shifted as a sentient animal), you cannot physically speak a language such as Common, Elvish, Abyssal, etc. Mundane Animals have (3) HP.
  27. -Magical Creatures (Unicorns, Gryphons, etc) are able to use telepathy to communicate.
  29. *Damage to any roleplay structures must be reported and approved. If you are going to sabotage a building or area within roleplay; alert the Lead of the Area, or, a Moderator before proceeding. We just want a heads up!
  31. *Burglary/Robberies are encouraged here! However; you must a. Contact the owner of the establishment before your roleplay and collaborate with them on how the scene should/might go, or b. If none is present during your attempts, please contact an online Lead or Moderator to help you with your scene. In either scenario, the owner/lead/person being stolen from needs to be informed of what has been stolen OOCly.
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