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Mar 22nd, 2018
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  2. 40 "get your fucking hands up or your gonna get shot"
  3. 1/2 mins doing some wierd shit trying to get sus in a car
  4. 2:24 after the suspect is geting a bit bored of being pulled in and out of a car and asking what the fuck is going on and to be let go redskull finally says "shut up"
  5. 2:55 "you have illegal gun you have a license yes/no you have 3 seconds to answer that"
  6. 3:12 after giving the name as gordon "ok do you have a license to prove that? if you dont ill be giving you a ticket seizing everything you have if the ticket is more then 200k youll be sent to prison understand?"
  7. 4:26 seized both guns OUTSIDE OF PD (have to be taken to pd to do that unless the firearm was used against you in which case you are to remove from back pack and destroy once returning to pd)
  8. 5:00/5:26 youll be given a ticket for not giving me your name you also had illegal guns (had a handgun and a vermin) red says it was an AK but realises it wasnt
  9. 6:50 alright you wanna explain your actions? cos either way im not going to believe you as you killed someone when i had someone in custody
  10. 7:50 gang mate comes in (with ak) arouses cops attention redskull initiates gang mate runs off and kills red
  11. 8:00 gordon incapacitates gang mate and then insta finishes
  12. 8:51 goes back to the police car believing it could now magically be fixed
  13. 9:26 after being called out several times for finishing a guy off in greenzone gordon finally replies with "you better shut the fuck up dude holy shit you're just making it worse for yourself"
  14. 10:30 £150k ticket for killing a guy and lying you told me you're called gordon and thats a lie my fellow officer checked your license (which was never displayed) didnt say gordon
  15. 11:33 redskull disputes
  16. 12:20 pays ticket starts going on bout gvmt website
  17. 14:00 finally being let go
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