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a guest
Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. /* 1 */
  2. {
  3. "email" : "",
  4. "hash" : "$2a$10$o/KduzQDUiREeNgLBuMcdOw652PYO5uaU048Sj9u5PQ6flnpajFG.",
  5. "fname" : "Emily",
  6. "lname" : "Deng",
  7. "expertise" : "I am a full stack developer and mobile application developer.",
  8. "language" : "node.js, javascript, Machine language, Swift",
  9. "_id" : ObjectId("55b5376707ce34ad4152338c"),
  10. "__v" : 0
  11. }
  13. /* 2 */
  14. {
  15. "email" : "",
  16. "hash" : "$2a$10$VhI3wS2DlCdYgEL6AB0cMermA6Prb9QvodJnWDdzCcnJrVropsZgK",
  17. "fname" : "John",
  18. "lname" : "Cook",
  19. "expertise" : "Scientific computing, statistical computing, numerical algorithms",
  20. "language" : "C++, Python, C#",
  21. "_id" : ObjectId("55b547a949c7b91a54cd054b"),
  22. "__v" : 0
  23. }
  25. /* 3 */
  26. {
  27. "email" : "",
  28. "hash" : "$2a$10$BrQFivYbMwn80P34F9tXL.s7kiZ2CADfK5vWbslaB/2pMOisFIRly",
  29. "fname" : "Sanath",
  30. "lname" : "Devalapurkar",
  31. "expertise" : "I am an expert in LaTeX.",
  32. "language" : "LaTeX.",
  33. "_id" : ObjectId("55b550dc49c7b91a54cd054c"),
  34. "__v" : 0
  35. }
  37. /* 4 */
  38. {
  39. "email" : "",
  40. "hash" : "$2a$10$CmFxbE/4uYNxau/UzSYM7.H3FXTpGtn67cPbHOLl7z3a6uMCNHCR2",
  41. "fname" : "Rohan",
  42. "lname" : "Pandit",
  43. "expertise" : "I make scientific Python code run faster. \r\n\r\nI have experience in multiprocessing, threading, Cython, NumPy, Numba/NumbaPro, and Intel MKL — standard tools in optimization.\r\n\r\n",
  44. "language" : "Python, Cython ",
  45. "_id" : ObjectId("55b57cf649c7b91a54cd054d"),
  46. "__v" : 0
  47. }
  49. /* 5 */
  50. {
  51. "email" : "",
  52. "hash" : "$2a$10$E3TzdKZ6.jEda6HZ/d5uSOicY9DYtqGAzIXO2CNKRJWJ1obcRfVAe",
  53. "fname" : "Michael",
  54. "lname" : "Ding",
  55. "expertise" : "Computer Science student with a couple of programming internship experience. Worked in digital imagery research and am currently lead web developer at a startup.\r\nBeen a web developer for 2+ years with the MEAN stack and also proficient in Java.",
  56. "language" : "Java, Javascript, C/C++, R",
  57. "_id" : ObjectId("55b57df749c7b91a54cd054e"),
  58. "__v" : 0
  59. }
  61. /* 6 */
  62. {
  63. "email" : "",
  64. "hash" : "$2a$10$M4z.HN27UKncLkak9pdQO.4Zqw8nVDZsF/40VHazNb2OY/P9zr8Qq",
  65. "fname" : "Blaž ",
  66. "lname" : "Šelih",
  67. "expertise" : "Satellite communication, short burst data, iridium SBD, Globalstar SBD, Inmarsat IsatM2M, GPS tracking, LRIT tracking, LRIT conformance testing",
  68. "language" : "c#, python",
  69. "_id" : ObjectId("55b63fc449c7b91a54cd0552"),
  70. "__v" : 0
  71. }
  73. /* 7 */
  74. {
  75. "email" : "",
  76. "hash" : "$2a$10$gjWj6XGlBIguIPodl8gHp.D5LaZCSM56ckC8ZciWTKblFdMk9G2ZG",
  77. "fname" : "Meinte",
  78. "lname" : "Boersma",
  79. "expertise" : "I work primarily in the field of model-driven software development and domain-specific language engineering. This means I can help you with (formal and meta) modelling, design and implementation of domain-specific modelling or programming languages (either textual with e.g. Xtext or otherwise) and generative or interpretational approaches for software creation.",
  80. "language" : "At the moment primarily TypeScript/JavaScript with Xtend/Java. (Note that I'm only willing to answer questions with regards to the intersection of my expertise and any particular programming language.)",
  81. "_id" : ObjectId("55b6411049c7b91a54cd0553"),
  82. "__v" : 0
  83. }
  85. /* 8 */
  86. {
  87. "email" : "",
  88. "hash" : "$2a$10$QWvyV1U.wMqcVGX80BFUTOudsN1UmS9rcmS8i5WQnL1.bUH4puVf6",
  89. "fname" : "Demetri",
  90. "lname" : "Pananos",
  91. "expertise" : "I have earned a B.Sc in Applied Mathematics, and am currently pursuing my Master's in Applied Mathematics.\r\n\r\nMy expertise is in mathematical modelling, data analysis, and machine learning.\r\n\r\nMy most recent projects include sentiment analysis on tweets about vaccination, and automated analysis of experimental data for a group of biochemists studying Huntington's.\r\n\r\nI used machine learning algorithms to classify a set of tweets from California as either Pro-vaccine, Anti-vaccine, or Neutral. I then used this data to fit a mathematical model of infection.\r\n\r\nThe automated data analysis scripts made heavy use of panda's data frames and numpy arrays. What took researchers entire days to calculate now takes only seconds, leaving them more time to design and execute experiments, rather than sit and number crunch.",
  92. "language" : "Python, MATLAB, C++, Maple",
  93. "_id" : ObjectId("55b642a149c7b91a54cd0554"),
  94. "__v" : 0
  95. }
  97. /* 9 */
  98. {
  99. "email" : "",
  100. "hash" : "$2a$10$khWzhyHCioJZbw6aTDPIIeNo/CHTg0DDeiSHV3NLgZAyuDWGYJZEe",
  101. "fname" : "Chad",
  102. "lname" : "Brewbaker",
  103. "expertise" : "HPC (ported ruby1.8 with MPI bindings to the BlueGene/L), Bioinformatics (short read genome sequencing C++/MPI), Insurance (functional testing a commercial quote line Ruby/Webdriver), Embedded vehicle apps (C++/Qt/Spatialite), HealthIT web apps (section 5004 of Obamacare), Business consulting services (CTO of DataCulture LLC), ...\r\n\r\nMy hobby project is consulting with professional mathematicians in an intersection of combinatorial species, semigroup algorithms, generating functions, and automata.\r\n\r\nExample projects I would excel at: Packaging your C++ code as an AWS Lambda service, packaging your stateful code as a REST micro service, benchmarking your unwieldy cloud infrastructure so you can understand bottlenecks, finding you a team of developers for larger project work, consulting on bogged down projects to ensure there is true value from production software in 3-6 months, grant writing research, helping academic labs with software project management, onboarding grad students/post-docs with software engineering skills like test driven development, ...",
  104. "language" : "C++, C, Ruby, Haskell, Java, Scala, Python, Bash, C#, FORTRAN, AWK, Sed, Javascript, Elm, SQL, Clojure, Matlab, Mathematica ",
  105. "_id" : ObjectId("55b643fc49c7b91a54cd0555"),
  106. "__v" : 0
  107. }
  109. /* 10 */
  110. {
  111. "email" : "",
  112. "hash" : "$2a$10$aW4tgw3kQV5i8jzcRLxU8uzPdp0uQjUiRyJdDJ83PNrcbxlt0vnJi",
  113. "fname" : "Carass",
  114. "lname" : "Jean",
  115. "expertise" : "Background in Mechanical Engineering, more than 15 years in programming.\r\n",
  116. "language" : "C, C++, Java, Matlab, Fortran, JavaScript, C#",
  117. "_id" : ObjectId("55b647ce49c7b91a54cd0556"),
  118. "__v" : 0
  119. }
  121. /* 11 */
  122. {
  123. "email" : "",
  124. "hash" : "$2a$10$DG2edSKbmocI.5x2yLZrtOIoRx2Su1ngTewlwOEyFhCLYm2sS8KC2",
  125. "fname" : "Josh",
  126. "lname" : "Fisher",
  127. "expertise" : "Educational animations for K-12 mathematics.",
  128. "language" : "Javascript, Python, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery",
  129. "_id" : ObjectId("55b64e9049c7b91a54cd0558"),
  130. "__v" : 0
  131. }
  133. /* 12 */
  134. {
  135. "email" : "",
  136. "hash" : "$2a$10$qLqWSPWvOwaBLmLT3EcAu.GXJh.Tj/04CbBMo0yJC6DatS/0joW5C",
  137. "fname" : "Steven ",
  138. "lname" : "Solomon",
  139. "expertise" : "I have 5 years of experience working with legacy code bases and bringing them under test. I have worked with .Net professionally for 3 years, 1 year with iOS and 1 year as a FED working with a legacy coffeescript and AngularJS codebase. What makes a code legacy? According to Michael Feathers \"Legacy code is code without tests\". This type of code is hard to change and frequently referred to as \"technical debt\". I work to create a SOLID foundation where this mess can be cleaned up. This is in opposition to the usual tactic of leaving the mess until the developers scream for a rewrite.",
  140. "language" : "C#.Net, Java, Javascript, Coffeescript, Objective-C and some ruby.",
  141. "_id" : ObjectId("55b6584d49c7b91a54cd0559"),
  142. "__v" : 0
  143. }
  145. /* 13 */
  146. {
  147. "email" : "",
  148. "hash" : "$2a$10$wjCnDw/MDr2ddqPOPbBzH.e6z4dTfoSemadWZvmq8Poo/31GdyBIC",
  149. "fname" : "Scott",
  150. "lname" : "Jones",
  151. "expertise" : "Optimizing performance in various languages, parsing.",
  152. "language" : "C, Julia, Caché ObjectScript, Assembly (x86, x86-64, Power)",
  153. "_id" : ObjectId("55b65ae949c7b91a54cd055a"),
  154. "__v" : 0
  155. }
  157. /* 14 */
  158. {
  159. "email" : "",
  160. "hash" : "$2a$10$3aCAJyNJRi4QdCVLY0gLlesmEo1HAE.d/yKSuxR2vMtpTYAUiZasi",
  161. "fname" : "Chase",
  162. "lname" : "Zimmerman",
  163. "expertise" : "Client side and Server side web-development. As a recent graduate, I am eager to help out other, because I know if it wasn't for the amazing support of the Computer Science presence online I wouldn't be where I am today.",
  164. "language" : "C, C++, C#, HTML, PHP, CSS",
  165. "_id" : ObjectId("55b66a3249c7b91a54cd055b"),
  166. "__v" : 0
  167. }
  169. /* 15 */
  170. {
  171. "email" : "",
  172. "hash" : "$2a$10$aP0I0RqGLtnXHDkZG14.3OmFXgQsDrDf7.bZ.W9K5gu/0TxZKUbM6",
  173. "fname" : "Raj",
  174. "lname" : "S",
  175. "expertise" : "Experienced in computational physics. Writing numerical algorithms to solve mathematical problems and simulating physical systems. \r\nUndergraduate education in Physics with emphasis on scientific computing. In progress: Graduate degree in Computational Condensed Matter physics",
  176. "language" : "Matlab,Python,Julia,C,C++,Fortran",
  177. "_id" : ObjectId("55b66ac649c7b91a54cd055c"),
  178. "__v" : 0
  179. }
  181. /* 16 */
  182. {
  183. "email" : "",
  184. "hash" : "$2a$10$iLCp3MD6TKhEnng9P7Qgqu78SkD4pTE/Wmgjvf50ogWHBoN1We4lC",
  185. "fname" : "Karsten",
  186. "lname" : "Ahnert",
  187. "expertise" : "Scientific computing\r\nNumerical analysis\r\nNumerical physics\r\nSoftware design\r\nSoftware architecture\r\nDesign pattern\r\nModern C++",
  188. "language" : "C++ Python",
  189. "_id" : ObjectId("55b66ec149c7b91a54cd055d"),
  190. "__v" : 0
  191. }
  193. /* 17 */
  194. {
  195. "email" : "",
  196. "hash" : "$2a$10$hRZZx8.9.z0S1Y6Dd4BKnev0XolhDwvmaCr4BLt7Gey66hGXBib.i",
  197. "fname" : "Matan",
  198. "lname" : "Nassau",
  199. "expertise" : "",
  200. "language" : "",
  201. "_id" : ObjectId("55b6772749c7b91a54cd055e"),
  202. "__v" : 0
  203. }
  205. /* 18 */
  206. {
  207. "email" : "",
  208. "hash" : "$2a$10$kxx9UeAc99urt9OT7QPOyOrOUFVysPNfJvhk2jGJoHT1CWUI9RuxW",
  209. "fname" : "Sam",
  210. "lname" : "",
  211. "expertise" : "",
  212. "language" : "",
  213. "_id" : ObjectId("55b679ac49c7b91a54cd055f"),
  214. "__v" : 0
  215. }
  217. /* 19 */
  218. {
  219. "email" : "",
  220. "hash" : "$2a$10$BersbLgU5SNqX7LgSqorcOmUKGe02lxAr7lP0IzQFwvjpqFReUM/O",
  221. "fname" : "Petar",
  222. "lname" : "Maymounkov",
  223. "expertise" : "Distributed systems, massive data processing and ML at scale. Neural networks. Spectral Graph Theory and algorithm design.\r\nPast works:",
  224. "phone" : "",
  225. "language" : "Go, C++, functional languages.",
  226. "_id" : ObjectId("55b6935655828ed00935053b"),
  227. "__v" : 0
  228. }
  230. /* 20 */
  231. {
  232. "email" : "",
  233. "hash" : "$2a$10$LO3ODLeg3jQDBB7dWzfIh.GJogZ37avuumSli8Go6kKqbVYcrSOvK",
  234. "fname" : "Neil",
  235. "lname" : "Singer",
  236. "expertise" : "Dynamic Systems — Modeling and Analysis\r\n-Advanced MATLAB/Simulink programming\r\n-Advanced Mathematica programming\r\n-Advanced SystemModeler programming\r\n-Adjoint analysis\r\n-Bond graphs\r\n\r\nControl Systems\r\n-Input Shaping(tm) Expert\r\n-Digital feedback control systems\r\n-Servo systems\r\n-Trajectory generation\r\n-Energy saving Control\r\n\r\nOptimization\r\n-Extensive use of GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) including construction of GAMS externals in C Code\r\n-Linear/Nonlinear/MIP optimization for many applications\r\n\r\nEmbedded Microcontrollers\r\n-Extensive use of various microcontrollers by Texas Instruments, Microchip, Parallax and Arduino\r\n-Extensive use of Code Composer",
  237. "phone" : "9143566969",
  238. "language" : "Mathematica, SystemModeler, Matlab, Simulink, GAMS, real-time C",
  239. "_id" : ObjectId("55b6fba755828ed00935053c"),
  240. "__v" : 0
  241. }
  243. /* 21 */
  244. {
  245. "email" : "",
  246. "hash" : "$2a$10$L1B/w5mkjLCHaLf1KARueulpVFJGTNHt2RJOlvNgziA64kRPwQrAG",
  247. "fname" : "Jason",
  248. "lname" : "Walsh",
  249. "expertise" : "Director of Engineering for web technology companies. ",
  250. "phone" : "8572075950",
  251. "language" : "JavaScript, Rails, Java",
  252. "_id" : ObjectId("55b788bc55828ed00935053e"),
  253. "__v" : 0
  254. }
  256. /* 22 */
  257. {
  258. "email" : "",
  259. "hash" : "$2a$10$OPlhxaJXc4XEORb0aWVHTeh/OtdNqX34a1FDUJ7p1RlwTjsAKjs6K",
  260. "fname" : "Petr",
  261. "lname" : "Kout",
  262. "expertise" : "I graduated from Columbia University with a physics degree and worked as an experimental physics researcher in Dr. Marka's group for years. On the side, I also co-founded and built several other dynamic, interactive websites. I have many years of experience in software engineering across a wide range of languages and framework platforms as well as years of experience in electronics and hardware engineering for the purpose of computer-controlled experimental physics instrumentation design and assembly.",
  263. "rate" : "$120",
  264. "language" : "Python, Django, PHP, Symfony2, C, HTML, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, JavaScript, Require.js, jQuery, Three.js, c3.js, bash, basic Linux administration, MATLAB, Scipy, Augmented Reality via Unity3D and Vuforia SDK, OpenCV, Cloud server deployment, Puppet, Fabric, AutoCAD, Electronics, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Pointgrey FlyCapture.",
  265. "_id" : ObjectId("55b85934983afe00137c13ce"),
  266. "__v" : 0
  267. }
  269. /* 23 */
  270. {
  271. "email" : "",
  272. "hash" : "$2a$10$OVNwtSSDUeP.USRCnVyMr.97e1GqdJuXFVfAyH1UgAiRc9j3YLnTi",
  273. "fname" : "Danny",
  274. "lname" : "Liu",
  275. "expertise" : "testing",
  276. "rate" : "420",
  277. "language" : "testing",
  278. "_id" : ObjectId("55b936d0983afe00137c13cf"),
  279. "__v" : 0
  280. }
  282. /* 24 */
  283. {
  284. "email" : "",
  285. "hash" : "$2a$10$M8WF.b8HUK1WjaDoZ/zACe2Wfxl01JpqRQBX73W7/OnW.vQBTpxFu",
  286. "fname" : "Igor",
  287. "lname" : "Rivin",
  288. "expertise" : "Regius professor of Mathematics at University of St Andrews; was head of R&D at Wolfram Research many years ago, was head of applications development at the QLISP project at Stanford, worked at Symbolics on Macsyma. Editor of \"Experimental Mathematics\", among other journals; top five rep on MathOverflow.",
  289. "rate" : "500",
  290. "language" : "Mathematica, python, C, Ruby, awk, Matlab",
  291. "_id" : ObjectId("55b943dc983afe00137c13d2"),
  292. "__v" : 0
  293. }
  295. /* 25 */
  296. {
  297. "email" : "",
  298. "hash" : "$2a$10$kkCVfwJYB2IodFsoBN/6We1JjfAbXRvA9bP6XwkM3H7cZhWXjvy7e",
  299. "fname" : "Brian",
  300. "lname" : "Singer",
  301. "language" : "nothing",
  302. "_id" : ObjectId("55b97c3348bf9cf45a6639aa"),
  303. "__v" : 0
  304. }
  306. /* 26 */
  307. {
  308. "email" : "",
  309. "hash" : "$2a$10$tISuCUh6NTGCbToBOnxkG.Hf/nM0tZGVgJTJlEepOBwPfZ8TX8J8u",
  310. "fname" : "test",
  311. "lname" : "testy",
  312. "language" : "nothing",
  313. "_id" : ObjectId("55b97f61be96d1ea631f0bcf"),
  314. "__v" : 0
  315. }
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