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a guest
Sep 4th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. 0: "Okay.",
  3. 1: "Careful!",
  4. 2: "Get Back!",
  5. 3: "We need wards.",
  6. 4: "Stun now!",
  7. 5: "Help!",
  8. 6: "Push now",
  9. 7: "Well played!",
  10. 8: "Missing!",
  11. 9: "Missing top!",
  12. 10: "Missing mid!",
  13. 11: "Missing bottom!",
  14. 12: "Go!",
  15. 13: "Initiate!",
  16. 14: "Follow me",
  17. 15: "Group up",
  18. 16: "Spread out",
  19. 17: "Split up and farm",
  20. 18: "Attack now!",
  21. 19: "Be right back",
  22. 20: "Dive!",
  23. 21: "On my way",
  24. 22: "Get ready",
  25. 23: "Bait",
  26. 24: "Heal",
  27. 25: "Mana",
  28. 26: "Out of mana",
  29. 27: "Skills on cooldown",
  30. 28: "Ultimate ready",
  31. 29: "Enemy returned",
  32. 30: "All enemy heroes missing!",
  33. 31: "Enemy incoming!",
  34. 32: "Invisible enemy nearby!",
  35. 33: "Enemy has rune",
  36. 34: "Split push",
  37. 35: "Coming to gank",
  38. 36: "Requesting a gank",
  39. 37: "Fight under the tower",
  40. 38: "Deny the tower!",
  41. 39: "Buy a courier please",
  42. 40: "Can anyone upgrade the courier?",
  43. 41: "We need detection",
  44. 42: "They have detection",
  45. 43: "Buy a Town Portal Scroll",
  46. 44: "Re-use courier",
  47. 45: "Deward please",
  48. 46: "Building Mekansm",
  49. 47: "Building Pipe of Insight",
  50. 48: "Stack and pull please",
  51. 49: "Pull creeps please",
  52. 50: "Pulling creeps",
  53. 51: "Stack neutrals",
  54. 52: "Jungling",
  55. 53: "Roshan",
  56. 54: "Affirmative",
  57. 55: "Wait",
  58. 56: "Pause please!",
  59. 57: "Current Game Time",
  60. 58: "Check runes please",
  61. 59: "Let's smoke gank!",
  62. 60: "Good luck, have fun",
  63. 61: "Nice",
  64. 62: "Thanks!",
  65. 63: "Sorry",
  66. 64: "Don't give up!",
  67. 65: "That just happened",
  68. 66: "Game is hard",
  69. 67: "New meta",
  70. 68: "My bad",
  71. 69: "I immediately regret my decision",
  72. 70: "Relax, you're doing fine",
  73. 71: "A hero is missing!",
  74. 72: "A hero has returned!",
  75. 73: "Good game",
  76. 74: "Good game, well played",
  77. 75: "Good game",
  78. 76: "Good game, well played",
  79. 77: "What should I buy?",
  80. 78: "I'm retreating",
  81. 79: "Space created",
  82. 80: "Whoops",
  83. 81: "Destroy the tower, then get back",
  84. 82: "Destroy the barracks, then get back",
  85. 83: "Ward the bottom rune",
  86. 84: "Ward the top rune",
  87. 85: "Zeus Ult Now!",
  88. 86: "Ba-dum tishh",
  89. 87: "Charge",
  90. 88: "Frog",
  91. 89: "Crash and burn",
  92. 90: "Applause",
  93. 91: "Sad trombone",
  94. 92: "Crickets",
  95. 93: "Drum roll",
  96. 94: "Headshake",
  97. 95: "Crybaby",
  98. 96: "Patience from Zhou",
  99. 97: "玩不了啦!",
  100. 98: "Боже, ты посмотри вокруг, что происходит!",
  101. 99: "Waow",
  102. 100: "破两路更好打, 是吧?",
  103. 101: "Жил до конца, умер как герой",
  104. 102: "They're all dead!",
  105. 103: "天火!",
  106. 104: "Ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, что сейчас произошло!",
  107. 105: "Brutal. Savage. Rekt.",
  108. 106: "加油!",
  109. 107: "Это ГГ",
  110. 108: "It's a disastah!",
  111. 109: "走好, 不送",
  112. 110: "Это. Просто. Нечто."
  113. }
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