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Supermob coins cz

a guest
Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. gui:
  2. title: "&8&lMOB COINS"
  3. rows: 4
  4. decoration:
  5. mobcoins_item:
  6. material: "WATCH"
  7. name: "&b&lMOB COIN ITEMS"
  8. lore:
  9. - ""
  10. - "&2&l* &aTime Remaining&f: &7%normaltime%"
  11. - ""
  12. - "&7&o(( These items will automatically update to new items... ))"
  13. durability: 0
  14. slot: 5
  15. special_mobcoins_item:
  16. material: "WATCH"
  17. name: "&3&lSPECIAL MOB COIN ITEMS"
  18. lore:
  19. - ""
  20. - "&2&l* &aTime Remaining&f: &7%specialtime%"
  21. - ""
  22. - "&7&o(( These items will automatically update to new items... ))"
  23. durability: 0
  24. slot: 2
  25. amount_item:
  26. material: "DOUBLE_PLANT"
  27. name: "&3You currently have &b%coins% &3mobcoins"
  28. lore: []
  29. durability: 0
  30. slot: 27
  31. info_item:
  32. material: "BOOK"
  33. name: " "
  34. lore:
  35. - "&7&m-------------------------------------"
  36. - "&bMob Coins &7can be earned by killing &c&lHOSTILE &7mobs."
  37. - "&bMob Coins &7will allow you to buy items from the shop menu"
  38. - "&7Use &b/Mobcoins Help&7 for more!"
  39. - " "
  40. - "&3&lMobs that drop coins:"
  41. - "&bZombies, &bSkeletons and &bBlazes &7&o(5% chance)"
  42. - "&bCreepers and Endermans &7&o(8% chance)"
  43. - "&7&m-------------------------------------"
  44. - " "
  45. durability: 0
  46. slot: 35
  47. filler:
  48. enabled: true
  49. item:
  50. material: "STAINED_GLASS_PANE"
  51. name: " "
  52. durability: 15
  53. gui_open:
  54. sound:
  55. enabled: true
  56. type: "ENDERDRAGON_HIT"
  57. mobcoin_item:
  58. material: "DOUBLE_PLANT"
  59. name: "&b&lMob Coin &7(Rightclick to redeem)"
  60. lore:
  61. - "&3You can use these coins in &b/mobcoins"
  62. - "&3to purchase stuff"
  63. format:
  64. enabled: false
  65. locale: "US"
  66. mobcoin_normal_shop_update_hours: 24
  67. mobcoin_special_shop_update_hours: 72
  68. mobcoins_only_from_naturally_spawned_mods: false
  69. received_mobcoin_from_mob_message_sent: true
  70. close_gui_on_buy: true
  71. stacking_support: false
  72. disabled_worlds:
  73. - "disabledworld"
  75. NO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command"
  76. USAGE_MESSAGE: "&cUsage: %usage%"
  77. PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE: "&cCannot find the player %player%"
  78. PROFILE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE: "&cCannot find the profile %profile%"
  79. NOT_NUMERIC_MESSAGE: "&c%arg% should only contain numbers"
  80. GAVE_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&eYou gave &6%amount% &emobcoins to &6%player%"
  81. RECEIVED_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&eYou received &6%amount% &emobcoins from &6%sender%"
  82. GAVE_MOBCOIN_ITEMS_MESSAGE: "&eYou gave &6%amount% &emobcoin items to &6%player%"
  83. RECEIVED_MOBCOIN_ITEMS_MESSAGE: "&eYou received &6%amount% &emobcoin items from &6%sender%"
  84. NOT_PLAYER_MESSAGE: "&cYou need to be a player to execute this command"
  85. AMOUNT_CANT_BE_ZERO_MESSAGE: "&cThe withdrawal amount cannot be 0"
  86. NOT_ENOUGH_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&cYou do not have enough mobcoins to do that"
  87. WITHDREW_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&eYou withdrew &6%amount% &emobcoins"
  88. BOUGHT_REWARD_MESSAGE: "&eYou bought %reward% &efor &6%amount% &emobcoins"
  89. RECEIVED_MOBCOIN_FROM_MOB_MESSAGE: "&a&l+ %amount%⛁ Mobcoin &7(Mob)"
  90. REDEEMED_MOBCOIN_MESSAGE: "&eYou redeemed &6%amount% &emobcoins"
  91. MOBCOIN_NORMAL_SHOP_UPDATED_MESSAGE: "&e(&6&l!&e) The normal mobcoin items in &6/mobcoins &ehas been updated"
  92. MOBCOIN_SPECIAL_SHOP_UPDATED_MESSAGE: "&e(&6&l!&e) The special mobcoin items in &6/mobcoins &ehas been updated"
  93. MOBCOINS_OF_PLAYER_MESSAGE: "&6%player% &ehas &6%amount% &emobcoins"
  94. PLAYER_NOT_ENOUGH_MOBCOINS: "&c%player% does not have %amount% mobcoins"
  95. TOOK_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&eYou took &6%amount% &emobcoins from &6%player%"
  96. PLAYER_TOOK_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&6%player% &etook &6%amount% &emobcoins from your balance"
  97. SET_MOBCOINS_MESSAGE: "&6%player%&e's mobcoins balance has been set to &6%amount%"
  98. YOUR_MOBCOINS_SET_MESSAGE: "&eYour mobcoins balance has been set to &6%amount% &eby &6%player%"
  99. INVENTORY_FULL_MESSAGE: "&cYour inventory is full"
  100. INVENTORY_GOT_FILLED_MESSAGE: "&eYour inventory got filled so you could only withdraw &6%amount% &emobcoins"
  101. AMOUNT_INPUT_TOO_LONG: "&cThat amount input is too long"
  103. - '&8&m---------------------------'
  104. - '&3&l(!) Mobcoins Commands:'
  105. - '&b/mobcoins withdraw <amount>'
  106. - '&b/mobcoins viewcoins <player>'
  107. - '&8&m---------------------------'
  109. - '&8&m---------------------------'
  110. - '&3&l(!) Mobcoins Commands:'
  111. - '&b/mobcoins withdraw <amount>'
  112. - '&b/mobcoins viewcoins <player>'
  113. - ''
  114. - '&3&l(!) Admin Commands:'
  115. - '&b/mobcoins give <player> <amount> [-s]'
  116. - '&b/mobcoins take <player> <amount>'
  117. - '&b/mobcoins set <player> <amount>'
  118. - '&b/mobcoins giveitem <player> <amount>'
  119. - '&b/mobcoins refresh <category>'
  120. - '&b/mobcoins reload'
  121. - '&8&m---------------------------'
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