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Sep 19th, 2017
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  1. Bash Scripting are a collection of basic linux commands like cp and ls written together.
  2. A program is a blob of binary codes while a process is run of a program.
  3. Bash scripts usually start with ./ eg ./myscript, this is to indicate that it's a bash so the system looks through the $PATH and locates the script.
  4. It begins with a Shebang.
  5. A Shebang is the first line of a bash script that begins with #! and written without spaces in between to point the sysytm to the bash program
  6. A script can also be run with just the bash in front like bash myscript.
  7. Bash scripting was initially made for just interface until it's use extended to scripting.
  8. It is used by system administrators, linux/unix users etc
  9. An example of a bash script:
  10. #!bin/bash
  11. echo Hello world
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