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Nov 5th, 2017
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  2. Vuk says, "I fully expect Deep Ones VG"
  3. -<OOC>- B says, "Lol"
  4. Vuk says, "If there are no Deep Ones, I'll be disappointed"
  5. Vault Girl says, "listen scigga"
  6. Vault Girl says, "idc what dissapoints u"
  7. Vault Girl says, "XD"
  8. Vault Girl learned not every1 will always be happeh
  9. Vault Girl says, "so I settle for being happy if at least 1 person is XD"
  10. Vuk says, "I mean come on, mutated deathclaws in Dunwich?"
  11. Vuk says, "That would be awesome <also scary>"
  12. Vault Girl says, "ur face is a deep one"
  13. Vault Girl says, "crater marked from zits"
  15. Vuk says, "Meet not keep*"
  16. B says, "I want to read that wasteland tale."
  17. Vault Girl says, "B did awesome."
  18. Vault Girl says, "Was glad to see her in action!"
  19. Vault Girl says, "SHe found the terminal! That was brilliant."
  20. Vuk says, "I shall encourage her to join VT6 now!"
  21. B says, "Yay! Shot once and missed. Just glad I didn't shoot anyone in the back by mistake."
  22. Vault Girl says, "lol"
  23. B says, "Or on purpose."
  24. Vuk says, "I haven't done that yet either."
  25. Vuk kinda surprised since I basically stand there and yell 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!' whilst firing a Minigun into every thing..
  26. Vault Girl says, "Part of why I made it clsoe quarters is to avoid any friendly fire on something massive and because it was kinda CQC with being in an enclosed area vs scorpion mech haha"
  27. Vuk says, "Ashur fucked it up da butt"
  28. Vault Girl says, "He's a tank/bruiser"
  29. Vault Girl says, "I expect no less."
  30. Carter Griffin almost shot Sammy the other day but I didn't
  31. Vault Girl says, "He's not very good at avoiding or doing other stuff."
  32. Vault Girl says, "So he should be able to do what he does well. XD"
  33. Vault Girl says, "I liked Lucette's trick shot, I'm glad I added that attack type"
  34. Vuk says, "That whole second wind thing, just made it so epic."
  35. Vuk says, "He literally died, got up, and fucked it in the butt"
  36. Vault Girl says, "second wind/unstoppable are meant for tanks so they can yeah"
  37. Vault Girl says, "keep on fighting"
  38. Vault Girl says, "He didn't literally die though"
  39. Vuk says, "Well yanno what i meant. a Giant hanger filling robot fell on him :P"
  40. Vault Girl says, "I'm not sure how you manage to toss that in there. Hitting 0HP is not 'dying'."
  41. Vault Girl says, "Second Wind/Unstoppable are just literally being so damn tough that when the odds are going bad and ur chips are down you push that much harder"
  42. Carter Griffin says, "Dying is a relative term."
  43. Vault Girl says, "kinda like int he movies when you see the action hero getting his ass kicked"
  44. Carter Griffin says, "Also honestly at this point literally is also a relative term."
  45. Vault Girl says, "then he just suddenly comes back and is like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YOU ALL"
  46. Vault Girl says, "No, I still disagree 100% that dying is the appropriate terminology in any sense, sorry."
  47. Vault Girl says, "Dying is quite specific."
  48. Vault Girl says, "You're welcome to your opinion, of course, but 'relative' to this system, it is not appropriate."
  49. Vuk says, "Well I'm still a bit confused on the 0 HP thing. I always thought it was KO'd, but last night people were like discussing it in terms of ..uh, 0 HP and burn karma or make a new PC?"
  50. Vault Girl knows all that was so unnessecary but so was the extra two cents tossed in after her answer.
  51. Vault Girl says, "news death"
  52. Vault Girl says, "not sure why such a plain file is so hard to find."
  53. Vault Girl says, "It's literally the top row"
  54. Vuk says, "<Also darn it VG it sounds alot better when he literally is crushed to death, and THEN he gets up and Puny God Hulk Smashes the robot!>"
  55. Vault Girl says, "IDK about that"
  56. Decius has arrived.
  57. Vault Girl says, "If he was crushed to death, he's dead. Stop misusing the term death, it's really grating on me."
  58. Decius heads over to Upgrade Room
  59. Decius has left.
  60. Vault Girl says, "If that wasn't obvious by my commentary here."
  61. (New BB Message (19/67) posted to 'Tales from the Wasteland' by Vuk: A Journal Entry about Ashur)
  62. Carter Griffin says, "I'm relative to this system."
  63. Carter Griffin is relative to reality.
  64. Vault Girl says, "Like sorry, if you see something agitates me and I correct you on here about it, and you choose to keep trying to prod me, you deserve anything I unleash on you after."
  65. Vuk says, "If I end up being shot by a dildo now.."
  66. Vault Girl considers that a fair and not so subtle warning to anyone who wants to keep antagonizing her.
  67. Vault Girl says, "People doing this nonsense is why I turned off newbie channel and no longer help on it."
  68. Vault Girl says, "If I give my official stance for this game, whether you like it or agree, that's it."
  69. Vuk says, "So why the heck was dominic saying he'd need to make a NEW character if he hit 0 HP? Or is that him just not getting what KO means?"
  70. Vault Girl says, "Him, you and others incapable of reading news death or ignoring every time this convo comes up and we correct people."
  71. Vuk has been dropped to 0 HP, I thought it was a KO. Dominic had me confused by constantly bringing up karma spends and shit concerning KOs
  72. <Newbie> Jacqueline says, "Does anyone know how to look at one of multiple items in inventory?"
  73. Stockton has arrived.
  74. Vault Girl says, "Unless you're warned it's death"
  75. Vault Girl says, "It's just a KO."
  76. Stockton heads over to Grid Hub
  77. Stockton has left.
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