
HTTP Status Codes (JSON)

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. {
  2. "1xx informational": [
  3. {
  4. "code": 100,
  5. "description": "Client should continue with request",
  6. "url": ""
  7. },
  8. {
  9. "code": 101,
  10. "description": "Server is switching protocols",
  11. "url": ""
  12. },
  13. {
  14. "code": 102,
  15. "description": "Server has received and is processing the request",
  16. "url": ""
  17. },
  18. {
  19. "code": 103,
  20. "description": "Resume aborted PUT or POST requests",
  21. "url": ""
  22. },
  23. {
  24. "code": 122,
  25. "description": "URI is longer than a maximum of 2083 characters",
  26. "url": ""
  27. }
  28. ],
  29. "2xx success": [
  30. {
  31. "code": 200,
  32. "description": "Standard response for successful HTTP requests",
  33. "url": ""
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "code": 201,
  37. "description": "Request has been fulfilled; new resource created",
  38. "url": ""
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "code": 202,
  42. "description": "Request accepted, processing pending",
  43. "url": ""
  44. },
  45. {
  46. "code": 203,
  47. "description": "Request processed, information may be from another source",
  48. "url": ""
  49. },
  50. {
  51. "code": 204,
  52. "description": "Request processed, no content returned",
  53. "url": ""
  54. },
  55. {
  56. "code": 205,
  57. "description": "Request processed, no content returned, reset document view",
  58. "url": ""
  59. },
  60. {
  61. "code": 206,
  62. "description": "Partial resource return due to request header",
  63. "url": ""
  64. },
  65. {
  66. "code": 207,
  67. "description": "XMLl, can contain multiple separate responses",
  68. "url": ""
  69. },
  70. {
  71. "code": 208,
  72. "description": "Results previously returned",
  73. "url": ""
  74. }
  75. ],
  76. "3xx redirection": [
  77. {
  78. "code": 300,
  79. "description": "Multiple options for the resource delivered",
  80. "url": ""
  81. },
  82. {
  83. "code": 301,
  84. "description": "This and all future requests directed to the given URI",
  85. "url": ""
  86. },
  87. {
  88. "code": 302,
  89. "description": "Response to request found via alternative URI",
  90. "url": ""
  91. },
  92. {
  93. "code": 303,
  94. "description": "Response to request found via alternative URI",
  95. "url": ""
  96. },
  97. {
  98. "code": 304,
  99. "description": "Resource has not been modified since last requested",
  100. "url": ""
  101. },
  102. {
  103. "code": 305,
  104. "description": "Content located elsewhere, retrieve from there",
  105. "url": ""
  106. },
  107. {
  108. "code": 306,
  109. "description": "Subsequent requests should use the specified proxy",
  110. "url": ""
  111. },
  112. {
  113. "code": 307,
  114. "description": "Connect again to different uri as provided",
  115. "url": ""
  116. },
  117. {
  118. "code": 308,
  119. "description": "Resumable HTTP Requests",
  120. "url": ""
  121. }
  122. ],
  123. "4xx client error": [
  124. {
  125. "code": 400,
  126. "description": "Request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax",
  127. "url": ""
  128. },
  129. {
  130. "code": 401,
  131. "description": "Authentication is possible but has failed",
  132. "url": ""
  133. },
  134. {
  135. "code": 402,
  136. "description": "Payment required, reserved for future use",
  137. "url": ""
  138. },
  139. {
  140. "code": 403,
  141. "description": "Server refuses to respond to request",
  142. "url": ""
  143. },
  144. {
  145. "code": 404,
  146. "description": "Requested resource could not be found",
  147. "url": ""
  148. },
  149. {
  150. "code": 405,
  151. "description": "Request method not supported by that resource",
  152. "url": ""
  153. },
  154. {
  155. "code": 406,
  156. "description": "Content not acceptable according to the Accept headers",
  157. "url": ""
  158. },
  159. {
  160. "code": 407,
  161. "description": "Client must first authenticate itself with the proxy",
  162. "url": ""
  163. },
  164. {
  165. "code": 408,
  166. "description": "Server timed out waiting for the request",
  167. "url": ""
  168. },
  169. {
  170. "code": 409,
  171. "description": "Request could not be processed because of conflict",
  172. "url": ""
  173. },
  174. {
  175. "code": 410,
  176. "description": "Resource is no longer available and will not be available again",
  177. "url": ""
  178. },
  179. {
  180. "code": 411,
  181. "description": "Request did not specify the length of its content",
  182. "url": ""
  183. },
  184. {
  185. "code": 412,
  186. "description": "Server does not meet request preconditions",
  187. "url": ""
  188. },
  189. {
  190. "code": 413,
  191. "description": "Request is larger than the server is willing or able to process",
  192. "url": ""
  193. },
  194. {
  195. "code": 414,
  196. "description": "URI provided was too long for the server to process",
  197. "url": ""
  198. },
  199. {
  200. "code": 415,
  201. "description": "Server does not support media type",
  202. "url": ""
  203. },
  204. {
  205. "code": 416,
  206. "description": "Client has asked for unprovidable portion of the file",
  207. "url": ""
  208. },
  209. {
  210. "code": 417,
  211. "description": "Server cannot meet requirements of Expect request-header field",
  212. "url": ""
  213. },
  214. {
  215. "code": 418,
  216. "description": "I'm a teapot",
  217. "url": ""
  218. },
  219. {
  220. "code": 420,
  221. "description": "Twitter rate limiting",
  222. "url": ""
  223. },
  224. {
  225. "code": 422,
  226. "description": "Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors",
  227. "url": ""
  228. },
  229. {
  230. "code": 423,
  231. "description": "Resource that is being accessed is locked",
  232. "url": ""
  233. },
  234. {
  235. "code": 424,
  236. "description": "Request failed due to failure of a previous request",
  237. "url": ""
  238. },
  239. {
  240. "code": 426,
  241. "description": "Client should switch to a different protocol",
  242. "url": ""
  243. },
  244. {
  245. "code": 428,
  246. "description": "Origin server requires the request to be conditional",
  247. "url": ""
  248. },
  249. {
  250. "code": 429,
  251. "description": "User has sent too many requests in a given amount of time",
  252. "url": ""
  253. },
  254. {
  255. "code": 431,
  256. "description": "Server is unwilling to process the request",
  257. "url": ""
  258. },
  259. {
  260. "code": 444,
  261. "description": "Server returns no information and closes the connection",
  262. "url": ""
  263. },
  264. {
  265. "code": 449,
  266. "description": "Request should be retried after performing action",
  267. "url": ""
  268. },
  269. {
  270. "code": 450,
  271. "description": "Windows Parental Controls blocking access to webpage",
  272. "url": ""
  273. },
  274. {
  275. "code": 451,
  276. "description": "The server cannot reach the client's mailbox.",
  277. "url": ""
  278. },
  279. {
  280. "code": 499,
  281. "description": "Connection closed by client while HTTP server is processing",
  282. "url": ""
  283. }
  284. ],
  285. "5xx server error": [
  286. {
  287. "code": 500,
  288. "description": "Generic error message",
  289. "url": ""
  290. },
  291. {
  292. "code": 501,
  293. "description": "Server does not recognise method or lacks ability to fulfill",
  294. "url": ""
  295. },
  296. {
  297. "code": 502,
  298. "description": "Server received an invalid response from upstream server",
  299. "url": ""
  300. },
  301. {
  302. "code": 503,
  303. "description": "Server is currently unavailable",
  304. "url": ""
  305. },
  306. {
  307. "code": 504,
  308. "description": "Gateway did not receive response from upstream server",
  309. "url": ""
  310. },
  311. {
  312. "code": 505,
  313. "description": "Server does not support the HTTP protocol version",
  314. "url": ""
  315. },
  316. {
  317. "code": 506,
  318. "description": "Content negotiation for the request results in a circular",
  319. "url": ""
  320. },
  321. {
  322. "code": 507,
  323. "description": "Server is unable to store the representation",
  324. "url": ""
  325. },
  326. {
  327. "code": 508,
  328. "description": "Server detected an infinite loop while processing the request",
  329. "url": ""
  330. },
  331. {
  332. "code": 509,
  333. "description": "Bandwidth limit exceeded",
  334. "url": ""
  335. },
  336. {
  337. "code": 510,
  338. "description": "Further extensions to the request are required",
  339. "url": ""
  340. },
  341. {
  342. "code": 511,
  343. "description": "Client needs to authenticate to gain network access",
  344. "url": ""
  345. },
  346. {
  347. "code": 598,
  348. "description": "Network read timeout behind the proxy",
  349. "url": ""
  350. },
  351. {
  352. "code": 599,
  353. "description": "Network connect timeout behind the proxy",
  354. "url": ""
  355. }
  356. ]
  357. }
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