
The Fluffy Factory: Waste Management

Jun 4th, 2012
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  1. “Owwies...”
  2. >”What's the matter, Grape?”
  3. >You are Grape, a purple earth fluffy.
  4. >You look up at the Mister, tears clinging to your face fluff.
  5. “Funny pwace huwt, no feew good...gif huggies, pwease?”
  6. >You just made special hugs with a pretty blue mare whose name escapes you.
  7. >This time, however, the special hugs hurt you a lot. It was very scary.
  8. “No wan' dese huggies anymo', huwt Gwape's funny pwace!”
  9. >You are picked up and put back into the other special hugs hole, which has a few other boy fluffies in it.
  10. >You try to bend down and lick the hurty spot, but you can't quite reach it.
  11. >A greyish-green fluffy whose name also escapes you is crying too, limping as he walks over.
  12. >”Fwiend haf owwies?” he asks, giving you a hug.
  13. “Big owwies, Gwape no wike...”
  14. >You watch the fluffies in the other hole. They all make special hugs.
  15. >Some of the boys really like it.
  16. >Some of them cry about owwies like you did.
  17. >They get put into the hole with you.
  18. >There are lots of friends in the hole after a while.
  19. >You try to play with each other, but it hurts to move around.
  20. >Suddenly, the Mister picks up a girl fluffy with wingies that was getting special hugs.
  21. >Why is she crying?
  22. >”No huwt no-no pwace!” she yells.
  23. >Oh no, she's making boo-boo juice from back there!
  24. >Her yellow fluff is turning red.
  25. >Mister puts her into the hole with you.
  26. “New fwiend okay?”
  27. >”Big owwies, no wike dose huggies, no wike...”
  28. >You and your friends give her hugs as best you can.
  29. >Some more time passes.
  30. >Two more girl fluffies are put in the hole, also making boo-boo juice.
  31. >You all try to play with each other, but the hurties in your funny places make it difficult.
  32. >The three girl fluffies get taken out.
  33. >Two of them, including the yellow one, come back.
  34. >You still try to play with each other, but it hurts too much.
  35. >Most of the others decide to take nappies after a while, so you do the same.
  36. >After a while, a bunch of noises wake you up.
  37. >All the fluffies are being given their nummies.
  38. >Except for you, and the others in the hole with you.
  39. “Mistas! Gwape hung'y! Pwease gif nummies!”
  40. >Other fluffies lean up on the side of the hole, crying and trying to climb out.
  41. >Neither Mister feeds you.
  42. >”No fo'get fwuffies! Fwuffies wan' nummies!” the yellow girl fluffy cries.
  43. >You don't get any nummies.
  44. >Not only does your funny place hurt, but now your tummy makes mad noises.
  45. >Not knowing what else to do, you try to give hugs to crying fluffies. It hurts.
  46. >You take some more nappies.
  47. >Mister wakes you up again.
  48. >He's picking up fluffies! Maybe it's time for nummies now!
  49. >He picks you up next. You wiggle your legs.
  50. >You're flying like the wingie friends talk about! It's so fun.
  51. >Mister drops you into a round, shiny stinky place. It stops being fun now.
  52. >There are no nummies here, just other fluffies.
  53. >They cry about owwies. Some of them have boo-boo juice coming out.
  54. “Mista, whewe nummies? Gwape hung'y, scawed! No smeww pwetty!”
  55. >He drops the yellow girl fluffy right on top of you.
  56. >Ow. Does he want you to give her special hugs?
  57. >That would hurt both of you!
  58. “No, Mista, no wan' huwt funny pwace! Gif nummies and huggies!”
  59. >Mister continues to drop fluffies on top of you.
  60. >Each one struggles and cries, as do the ones under you.
  61. >They start to kick you right in the funny place. It hurts you like nothing you've ever known before.
  62. >You make owwie poopies. The other fluffies smell it and make scared poopies.
  63. >You smell very not pretty now. At least, you think that. It's hard to smell.
  64. “Ge' off! Can' bweave!”
  65. >You struggle to part the sea of fluff around you, desperate to find fresh air.
  66. >Suddenly, everything moves.
  67. >Fluffies tumble around. You are tumbled around toward the top.
  68. “Mista! Gwape haf big owwies, pwease wet out stinky pwace!”
  69. >You look up. The shiny brights are white here, and the sky around them is white too.
  70. >You see other humans!
  71. “Hewp! Gwape scawed! Nee' nummies!”
  72. >Your pleas are lost in a torrent of terrified fluffy conversation.
  73. >You keep being bumped around with the other fluffies as everything moves.
  74. >Suddenly, you stop moving.
  75. >You've been shuffled all the way to the top.
  76. >You look up and see the white sky is very dark now.
  77. >There is only one shiny bright now, and it's very yellow.
  78. >Fluffies begin to get picked up.
  79. >Maybe it's nummies time now!
  80. >You can't see out of the stinky round, only hear.
  81. >Every fluffy that gets picked up becomes quiet after making strange noises.
  82. >It's scary. You don't like it.
  83. “Whewe fwiends go? Wha' noisies?”
  84. >Soon, you're the last fluffy in the stinky shiny place.
  85. “Mista, Gwape scawed! Gwape no wike dis!”
  86. >He picks you up.
  87. >You can see now. All your friends are in a big, green, stinky box.
  88. >They're taking nappies, but they all have boo-boo juice coming out.
  89. “Fwiends okay? Fwiends no wook ok--”
  90. >Mister puts your head holder down on the edge of the stinky box.
  91. “Mista? Wha doin'? Fwiends nee' huggies!”
  92. >He pushes down on the back of your head.
  93. >You hear two soft pops from your head holder, then a wave of pain overwhelms you.
  94. >It hurts so very much, you can't even think any longer.
  95. >You make the strange noises you heard earlier.
  96. >Mister throws you in with your friends.
  97. >They don't offer hugs. Most of them don't even move.
  98. “Waahgggageeguuh...”
  99. >Suddenly, it's very dark.
  100. >Mister shut the top of the stinky green box.
  101. >You try to cry for help, but only boo-boo juice comes out.
  102. >You're in terrible pain, but you're sleepy for some reason.
  103. >Maybe a nap will make the owwies stop?
  104. >You close your eyes.
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