

Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. If you think positive thoughts throughout the Spiritual Laws of Money Review day and you build your life with those positive thoughts, there is virtually no way for you to fail. If you do not believe me, try it. I dare you. Here's to your success. You have heard the old Boy Scout axiom of the importance of always being prepared. It is often the difference between success and failure. Learn this and practice it and you will see an important difference in the results you get. Let's look at how you can put this to work for your success.
  3. There is nothing more unimpressive to others than being unprepared. Think about the last time someone was not prepared and mumbled excuses for why they were not prepared. How did that impress you. Not much is my guess. Most people shoot from the hip. They think they know enough to impress others with lots of talk and lots of excuses. They use what they are familiar with and gloss over what they do not know. They fail to prepare adequately because it takes work to prepare and people are naturally lazy.
  5. If you take the time to prepare and come across on top of things you will always impress others and you will look far better than your competitors who fumble their way through things. It is far more impressive to be well prepared and do an outstanding job than it is to fall down and beg forgiveness for your ill preparation. Know what you are expected to do in every situation. Read all you can about a situation you will be encountering and speak to others who have been there and know what needs to be done. Know beforehand what you will likely be asked and be prepared with the answers. Every time you say you do not know or you are not sure you do not impress anyone.
  7. No matter whom you will be speaking to or writing for you need to know who your audience is, what they expect, what they already know and what they want to hear. This requires work ahead of time. On average if you are making any kind of presentation you need to spend at least three hours of preparation for every hour you will be speaking. Use every source of information you can find to familiarize yourself with the subject matter you are speaking about and the audience you will be addressing.
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