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Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. aurora set up a freeze min 1
  2. if u wanna freeze early, the deep ward is wasted cus it will be expired by the time u want to push
  3. if u still wanna put 2 wards at the beginning put one for the jungle at river and one at the stairs
  5. aurora support sucks donger, but if u wanna do it start with E
  7. min 1:40 u lost 3 cs for chasing down offlaner, other support wouldve probably secured the kill
  8. especially with wraith E u waste so much potential
  9. 3. you keep pushing the lane instead of helping riktor with cc (sendback + aurora ring)
  10. but also the ward showed riktor that ramp was on his way. belica as well on mid. either call the duo lane to secure the buff and take a 3v2 or give it up and dont risk dying for the buff
  11. 3:30 there is no point for you to rotate over to mid. u basically just leech xp off of the midlaner who needs it. u are not getting mid tower anyways that early with just 2 people.
  12. 5:30 juli should never die against belica in a 1v1
  13. 6:30 dont come from behind -> no point risky
  14. min 9 keep comparing the amount of allie and enemy minions, if they're about to push in tower help adc to thin them out
  15. min 9:06 when riktor goes for riktor buff, 2enemies are close to him, jungler and adc missing, prolly nearby. he gets out with veilstepper and then takes a 2v5 fight (gadget backing, you and adc still on your lane) and is luckily the only one dying for it. good team wouldve wiped you there. red 'the god' Kappa rescues ryan though.
  16. 10:30 u guys are 20 secs too early for that push (siege spawning). sidelanes were not pressuring so they could rotate to defend their t1 midtower and take kills.
  17. 12:40 you had vision on all enemies and were in a poistion for a 3v2 fight in your favor on mid. apparently out of range for an engage? good rotation then to right and good kills leading to t1 mid takedown
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