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Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. Depressione is a state of low mood and adversion to activity.
  2. Or Major depressive disorder and dysthymia,mood disorders that features depressed moods are commonly referred to as "simply" depression
  3. So i don't think it is anything where you can take profit.
  4. But many people does,maybe not by having a profit but something that gives to you fame.(A Clean example is Marina Joyce,for those who don't know who marina joyce is and what she did,just search something like "marina joyce case")
  5. Also i think it isn't something you can joke about...
  6. I just want to remind that it is a disease and therefore you maybe not be joking.
  7. Also right now being "depressed" it's like a viral thing.
  8. Like:"I Wanna Be Cool,so i'm gonna say that I am depressed and i practise autolesionism."
  9. That's what many people from 10 to 15 years says.
  10. And that has to be shown with a fake sad face and by listening to some sad rap or any other music type,obv it's sad,'cause it wouldn't let me look like a depressed guy.
  11. Then if you see someone that say is depressed anyway help him,because you can't know if he is really depressed or not,but you HAVE to help him.
  12. After all of this depression is -as I said before- something serious that can become a real disease.
  13. But,well,you may said:"FFS SAKES CRASH SAY SOMETHING GOOD".
  14. Well,I'm gonna say something good.
  15. You remember 13 Reasons Why?It helped many people to go out of depression it is even a nice serie,so,i'll recomend you to watch it,it showed the story of hannah baker a depressed girl that gas suicided,but many details come out and some people thinked about it.
  16. We could go on for like an hour talking about depression but this was something I wanted to say
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