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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2018
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  2. Its Ben - Last Friday at 6:50 PM
  3. Chat Spam
  4. 10 Minute Tempmute
  5. 1 Hour Tempmute
  6. 1 Hour Tempban
  8. Creating Chat Spam (Ex: Whoever says 1 in chat gets my god sword, etc)
  9. 20 Minute Tempmute
  11. Excessive Caps (8+ charas in caps)
  12. Warn
  13. 1 Hour Tempmute
  14. 3 Tempmute
  16. Homopobic Slurs
  17. 1 Hour Tempmute
  18. 3 Day Tempmute
  19. 1 Day Tempmute
  21. Racism (Note: “nigga” is not allowed nor are any obvious racial slurs, "nig" Is also against the rules.)
  22. 3 Hour Tempmute
  23. 1 Day Tempmute
  24. 3 Day Tempmute
  26. Staff Disrespect
  27. 1/2 hour mute
  28. 2 hour mute
  29. 6 hour mute
  31. Server Disrespect
  32. 1 Week Tempmute
  34. Suicidal Encouragement / Death Threats
  35. 1 Day Tempmute
  36. 1 Day Tempban
  37. Freezing Minecraft
  38. Warning
  39. 3 Day Tempban
  41. Block Glitching / Glitching
  42. Warning
  43. 3 Day Tempban
  45. Faction Creation / Disband Spam
  46. Warning
  47. 1 Day Tempban
  48. Wasting Staff Time, as in false reports, lying to staff and so on.
  49. Warning
  50. 1 Day Tempban
  52. Inappropriate item name (Racist slurs, “kys” comments)
  53. Warning
  54. 3 Hour Tempban
  56. Inappropriate Faction Name (Note: Only punish the player who changed the faction name and make sure its severe)
  57. Warning
  58. 12 Hour Tempban
  59. 1 Day Tempban
  61. Abuse of /helpop
  62. Warning
  63. 6 Hour Tempban
  65. Kill Boosting (Farming alts or yourself)
  66. Warn
  67. 1 Day Tempban
  69. Cobble Monsters
  70. Warn
  71. 12 Hour Tempban
  73. Blocking up spawners.
  74. Warn
  75. 3 Hour Tempban
  76. Insiding
  77. 45 Day Tempban
  79. Mute Evasion
  80. 6 Hour Tempban
  81. 3 Day Tempban
  82. Permanent Ban
  84. Lying to Staff
  85. 7 Day Tempban
  86. X-Ray
  87. 14 Day Tempban (Admitted)
  88. 30 Day Tempban (Not Admitted but obvious / found in SS)
  89. Unapproved Modifications (Note: Check forums / Allowed Mods for list)
  90. 3 Day Tempban
  92. Inappropriate IGN (Note: Only if the name contains “Nigg**” or “Kys”)
  93. Permanent Mute (Bring player in Discord, and if they refuse to change their name, perm mute until they can prove to you that they changed it, then unmute
  94. Hacking [Admitted] (Note: If player was using an Autoclicker or Macro please ban using those punishments)
  95. 30 Day Tempban
  97. Hacking [Not Admitted]
  98. Permanent IP Ban
  99. Refusal to SS (Note: Trolling, Not Joining TS after Given Time)
  100. Permanent IP Ban
  102. Logging Out Whilst Frozen (Note: Do not ban if the player logouts of Decimate during SS, but did not close his/her minecraft)
  103. Permanent IP Ban
  104. Ban Evasion (Note: Include “If Sibling join Discord” in Ban Reason)
  105. Permanent IP Ban
  107. Auto-clicker / Macros (Note: If they admit, still permanent)
  108. Permanent IP Ban
  109. Abusing a Server Glitch
  110. Permanent IP Ban
  112. DDOS / DOX Threats
  113. Permanent IP Ban
  114. Advertising (Note: Only if they post IP of server in public chat)
  115. Permanent Ban
  117. Advertising Shops / Accounts (Note: Advertising that they’re selling capes, accounts, or general shops not associated with Decimate)
  118. 3 Day Mute
  119. Perm Mute
  121. Scamming in-game items for IRL payments (Ex. Buying a rank for someone and then not receiving the other end of the trade.)
  122. Permanent IP Ban
  124. Releasing Personal Information (Note: Real Full Names, Phone Numbers, Addresses, Skype Usernames, IP Addresses)
  125. Permanent IP Ban
  127. Booter / IP Stresser (Note: Found in SS)
  128. Permanent IP Ban
  129. Abusing a Glitch
  130. Permanent IP Ban
  132. Posting Fake IPS In Chat (Note: ./Alts the IP or IPs like
  133. Permanent Mute
  134. @everyone Rules added here as we are no longer using the website sorry it took so long and my lack of time on the server.(edited)
  135. No hacked clients or use of hacks, you will be banned for hacking. Use of a hacked client is a perm ban offence, as hackers deprive fair playing players of fun in the game, and thus deserve the harshest of punishments.
  136. No advertising other servers or discords.
  137. While swearing is allowed, no racial remarks or sexual slurs are allowed.
  138. Cobble monstering is not permitted which will result in a warn, then a tempban. (Note: Cobble monsters will be removed in the first warning)
  139. No abusing glitches.
  140. Respect the staff. Do not disrespect staff, if you disagree with the rules, talk to higher staff.
  141. Blocking up spawners or watering them is strictly forbidden and a bannable offence.
  142. Factions are not allowed to create / utilize cobweb defenses, regen walls, auto sand comps, or tnt detectors.
  143. No doxxing people, period, you will be banned on discord and in game for it. We don't tolerate this type of thing.
  144. No racial disrespect. Meaning no racial slurs, you may not say nigga, nigger, or anything that resembles such racial words. Find other ways to insult people without bringing sexuality or race into it.
  145. No disrespecting religions.Or making fun of people's religions.
  146. No terrorist jokes.
  147. Do not accuse players of hacking. If you suspect a hacker, record it and report to forums or get your friend or someone to record it.
  148. Left shooters will stay disabled.
  149. No impersonating a staff member.
  150. Factions are allowed a 20 chunk buffer only, do not "bitch claim" during grace periods either. An admin will remove anything over the 20 chunk allotment.
  151. Auto cannons are allowed, but only under Y level 50. Again, report a faction with proof of a faction using one above this level..
  152. Do not spam /f commands, doing so is a punishment.
  153. Insiding is not allowed.
  154. Tp killing is allowed.
  155. Do not impersonate other players, it is considered insiding.
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