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Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. {
  2. "AREA": {
  3. "ERROR": {
  4. "NOTEXIST": "&aThe area %area% doesn't exist!",
  5. "ALREADYEXISTS": "&aThe area %area% already exists!"
  6. }
  7. },
  8. "COMMAND": {
  9. "RELOAD": {
  10. "RELOAD": "&aKoth &2>> &aReload complete"
  11. },
  12. "LISTS": {
  13. "EDITOR_AREA_TITLE": "&8========> &2KoTH area list &8<========",
  14. "LOOT_CMD_TITLE": "&8========> &2Loot command list &8<========",
  15. "LOOT_TITLE": "&8========> &2Available Loot chests &8<========",
  16. "EDITOR_AREA_ENTRY": "&a%area% &7- (%x%, %z%)",
  17. "LIST_ENTRY": "&7- &a%koth%",
  18. "LOOT_ENTRY": "&7- &a%loot%",
  19. "LIST_TITLE": "&8========> &2Available KoTHs &8<========",
  20. "LOOT_CMD_ENTRY": "&a(#%id%) &7- &a%command%"
  21. },
  22. "MODE": {
  23. "CHANGED": "&aYou succesfully changed the gamemode to: %entry%",
  24. "NOT_EXIST": "&aNo such gamemode exists!",
  25. "LIST_ENTRY": "&7- &7%entry%",
  26. "LIST_TITLE": "&8========> &2Available Gamemodes &8<========"
  27. },
  28. "LOOT": {
  29. "RENAME": "&aLoot succesfully renamed!",
  30. "CMD_CONFIG_NOT_ENABLED": "&eNote: commands are disabled in the config!",
  31. "CREATE": "&aLoot succesfully created!",
  32. "CMD_REMOVED": "&aLoot command succesfully removed!",
  33. "OPENING": "&aOpening %loot%.",
  34. "REMOVE": "&aSuccesfully removed the loot!",
  35. "CMD_NOTANUMBER": "&aThis is not a valid ID!",
  36. "CMD_INGAME_DISABLED": "&aCommands can't be managed from ingame! Must be through config!",
  37. "CHEST_TITLE": "&1%loot%s &8&lloot",
  38. "CMD_CREATED": "&aLoot command succesfully added!",
  39. "CMD_OPONLY": "&aYou must be an OP to manage commands!"
  40. },
  41. "IGNORE": {
  42. "STOP": "&aChat messages from &2KoTH &aare now shown.",
  43. "START": "&aChat messages from &2KoTH &aare now ignored."
  44. },
  45. "INFO": {
  46. "TITLE_SCHEDULE": "&8========> &2#%id% schedule info &8<========",
  47. "COLORS": [
  48. "&2",
  49. "&a"
  50. ],
  51. "TITLE_KOTH": "&8========> &2%koth% koth info &8<========",
  52. "TITLE_LOOT": "&8========> &2%loot% loot info &8<========"
  53. },
  54. "EDITOR": {
  55. "NAME_CHANGE": "&aChanged the name of the koth!",
  56. "LOOT_POSITION_SET": "&aLoot position succesfully set!",
  57. "AREA_ADDED": "&aYou succesfully added the area!",
  58. "AREA_DELETED": "&aYou succesfully deleted the area!",
  59. "LOOT_SETNOBLOCK": "&aYou need to look at the block where the chest should spawn!",
  60. "AREA_EDITED": "&aYou succesfully edited the area!",
  61. "LOOT_LINK": "&aChanged the link of the loot!",
  62. "LOOT_SECOND_CHEST": "&aChanged the side the second lootchest will spawn!"
  63. },
  64. "ENTITY": {
  65. "CHANGED": "&aYou succesfully changed the gamemode to: %entry%",
  66. "NOT_EXIST": "&aNo such capture entity exists!",
  67. "LIST_ENTRY": "&7- &7%entry%",
  68. "LIST_TITLE": "&8========> &2Available Capture Entites &8<========"
  69. },
  70. "TERMINATE": {
  71. "ALL_KOTHS": "&aYou have terminated all koths!",
  72. "SPECIFIC_KOTH": "&aYou have terminated %koth%!"
  73. },
  74. "NEXT": {
  75. "MESSAGE": "&aThe next KoTH \"%koth%\" will start in: %ttn%",
  76. "NO_NEXT_FOUND": "&aThere are no scheduled KoTH's!"
  77. },
  78. "GLOBAL": {
  79. "NO_PERMISSION": "&eYou have no permission to use this command!",
  80. "PREFIX": "&2[KOTH] &a",
  81. "USAGE": "&2Usage: &a",
  82. "HELP_INFO": "&a%command% &7%command_info%",
  83. "ONLYFROMINGAME": "&aThis command can only be executed from ingame!",
  84. "WESELECT": "&aYou need to select an koth with worldedit!",
  85. "HELP_TITLE": "&8========> &2%title% &8<========"
  86. },
  87. "TELEPORT": {
  88. "TELEPORTING_AREA": "&aTeleporting to %koth%, area %area%!",
  89. "TELEPORTING": "&aTeleporting to %koth%!",
  90. "NOAREAS": "&aThis koth doesn't have any areas!"
  91. },
  92. "CHANGE": {
  93. "POINTS_SET": "&aPoints of the faction %entry% succesfully set!",
  94. "POINTS_NOTANUMBER": "&aThis is not a number!",
  95. "POINTS_FACTION_NOT_FOUND": "&aCan't find a faction with this name!"
  96. },
  97. "KOTH": {
  98. "CREATED": "&aYou successfully created the koth %koth%!",
  99. "ALREADYEXISTS": "&aThe koth %koth% already exists!",
  100. "REMOVED": "&aYou've successfully removed the koth %koth%!"
  101. },
  102. "SCHEDULE": {
  103. "EDITOR_CHANGE_DAY": "&aYou changed the day for #%id%!",
  104. "NOVALIDDAY": "&aThis is not a valid day! (monday, tuesday etc)",
  105. "ADMIN_EMPTY": "&aThe schedule list is currently empty!",
  106. "ADMIN_LIST_ENTRY": "&a(#%id%) %koth% at %time% with a capture time of %ct%",
  107. "CLEARED": "&aThe schedule list has been cleared!",
  108. "REMOVENOID": "&aThe ID must be a number! (Shown in /koth schedule list)",
  109. "CREATED": "&aYou have created a schedule for %koth% on %day% at %time% (Capture time: %ct% minutes)!",
  110. "LIST_BOTTOM": "",
  111. "EDITOR_CHANGE_LOOT": "&aYou changed the loot for #%id%!",
  112. "EDITOR_CHANGE_MAXRUNTIME": "&aYou changed the max runtime for #%id%!",
  113. "LIST_ENTRY": "&a%koth% at %time%",
  114. "ADMIN_LIST_DAY": "&8========> &2%day% &8<========",
  115. "EDITOR_CHANGE_CAPTURETIME": "&aYou changed the runtime for #%id%!",
  116. "EMPTY": "&aThe server owner did not schedule any Koths!",
  117. "REMOVED": "&aThe schedule for %koth% is removed.",
  118. "EDITOR_CHANGE_NOVALIDDAY": "&aThis is not a valid day! (monday, tuesday etc)",
  119. "ADMIN_LIST_CURRENTDATETIME": "&aCurrent date: %date%",
  120. "EDITOR_CHANGE_KOTH": "&aYou changed the koth for #%id% to %koth",
  121. "NOTEXIST": "&aThis schedule doesn't exist! (Check /koth schedule list for numbers)",
  122. "EDITOR_CHANGE_LOOTAMOUNT": "&aYou changed the loot amount for #%id%!",
  123. "NOTANUMBER": "&aThis is not a valid number!",
  124. "LIST_DAY": "&8========> &2%day% &8<========",
  125. "LIST_CURRENTDATETIME": "&aCurrent date: %date%",
  126. "EDITOR_CHANGE_ENTITYTYPE": "&aYou changed the entitytype for #%id%!",
  127. "EDITOR_CHANGE_TIME": "&aYou changed the time for #%id%!"
  128. }
  129. },
  130. "KOTH": {
  131. "ERROR": {
  132. "ALREADYRUNNING": "&aThe koth %koth% is already running!",
  133. "NOTEXIST": "&aThe koth %koth% doesn't exist!",
  134. "ILLEGALKOTHNAME": "&aThe name %koth% is not allowed!",
  135. "ANOTHERALREADYRUNNING": "&aThere is already a KoTH running!",
  136. "ALREADYEXISTS": "&aThe koth %koth% already exists!",
  137. "NONE_RUNNING": "&aThe currently no koth running!",
  138. "NO_COMPATIBLE_CAPPER": "This is not a compatible player!",
  139. "NOT_COMPATIBLE": "&aThe current koth is not compatible!"
  140. },
  141. "DAY": {
  142. "WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday",
  143. "MONDAY": "Monday",
  144. "THURSDAY": "Thursday",
  145. "SUNDAY": "Sunday",
  146. "TUESDAY": "Tuesday",
  147. "FRIDAY": "Friday",
  148. "SATURDAY": "Saturday"
  149. },
  150. "PLAYING": {
  151. "MINIMUM_PLAYERS_NOT_MET": "&aThe minimum required of players is not met, KoTH will not continue.",
  152. "STARTING": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &c&lAlle krigere! &7En &akoth &7har startet! (X:%x%, Z:%z%)",
  153. "TIME_UP_FREEFORALL": "&aAfter %mt% minute noone capped the KoTH! Entering Free For All mode!",
  154. "CAPTIME": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &b%capper% &7har kapret &akoth &7(%ml%:%sl% igjen)",
  155. "LEFT": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &b%capper% &7har mistet kontrollen over &akoth",
  156. "LEFT_CAPPER": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &cDu mistet kontrollen over &bkoth",
  157. "PLAYER_JOINING": "&aThere is currently a KoTH running! How about a fight!?",
  158. "CAP_START": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &b%capper% &7har tatt over &akoth &7(X:%x%, Z:%z%)",
  159. "LOOT_CHEST": "&1&l%koth%s &8&lloot",
  160. "CAP_CHANNELING": "&aChanneling started for %capper%, stay on the point for just %time% seconds!",
  161. "CAP_CHANNELING_CAPPER": "&aYou started channeling the KoTH, just stay on the point for %time% seconds!",
  162. "NOT_CAPPING": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &7Det er ingen som har kapret &akoth &7(X:%x%, Z:%z%)",
  163. "CAP_START_CAPPER": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &eDu har startet å kapre &bkoth",
  164. "WON_DROPPING_ITEMS": "&aCouldn't place all items in your inventory! It's on the floor!",
  165. "TIME_UP": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &akoth &7er nå over! &eingen vant..",
  166. "WON": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &akoth &7er nå over! &b%capper% &avant!",
  167. "WON_CAPPER": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &a&lJippi! &7du vant &akoth &aGratulerer!",
  168. "CAPTIME_CAPPER": "&8▎ &e&lK&6&lK &c&l2.0 &8┃ &eDu er kongen på hæven! &7(%ml%:%sl% igjen)"
  169. }
  170. },
  171. "HOOKS": {
  173. "TIMETILL": "%hh%:%mm%:%ss%",
  174. "NOONECAPPING": "No One"
  175. }
  176. },
  177. "LOOT": {
  178. "ERROR": {
  179. "NOTEXIST": "&aThe loot %loot% doesn't exist!",
  180. "ALREADYEXISTS": "&aThe loot %loot% already exists!"
  181. }
  182. }
  183. }
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