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a guest
Jun 22nd, 2018
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text 1.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. bits 32
  2. jmp Main
  3. SetChar:
  4. mov ebp, esp
  5. add esp, 4
  6. jmp .block_0
  7. .block_0:
  8. push 753664
  9. pop eax
  10. mov [ebp + 0], eax
  11. mov eax, [ebp + 0]
  12. push eax
  13. mov eax, [ebp + -4]
  14. push eax
  15. mov eax, [ebp + -8]
  16. push eax
  17. push 320
  18. pop ebx
  19. pop eax
  20. mul ebx
  21. push eax
  22. pop ebx
  23. pop eax
  24. add eax, ebx
  25. push eax
  26. push 3840
  27. mov eax, [ebp + -12]
  28. push eax
  29. pop ebx
  30. pop eax
  31. or eax, ebx
  32. push eax
  33. pop ebx
  34. pop eax
  35. mov [eax], bx
  36. pop eax
  37. mov esp, ebp
  38. ret
  39. Main:
  40. mov ebp, esp
  41. add esp, 12
  42. jmp .block_0
  43. .block_44:
  44. pop eax
  45. mov esp, ebp
  46. ret
  47. .block_33:
  48. mov eax, [ebp + 8]
  49. push eax
  50. push 12
  51. pop ebx
  52. pop eax
  53. cmp eax, ebx
  54. jl .block_13
  55. jmp .block_44
  56. .block_13:
  57. mov eax, [ebp + 8]
  58. push eax
  59. pop eax
  60. mov [ebp + 4], eax
  61. mov eax, [ebp + 8]
  62. push eax
  63. push 1
  64. pop ebx
  65. pop eax
  66. add eax, ebx
  67. push eax
  68. pop eax
  69. mov [ebp + 8], eax
  70. mov eax, [ebp + 4]
  71. push eax
  72. push 0
  73. mov eax, [ebp + 0]
  74. push eax
  75. mov eax, [ebp + 4]
  76. push eax
  77. pop ebx
  78. pop eax
  79. mov al, [eax + ebx]
  80. push eax
  81. call SetChar
  82. sub esp, 12
  83. jmp .block_33
  84. .block_0:
  85. mov eax, str_0
  86. push eax
  87. pop eax
  88. mov [ebp + 0], eax
  89. push 0
  90. pop eax
  91. mov [ebp + 8], eax
  92. jmp .block_33
  93. str_0: db "Hello world!",0
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