Guest User


a guest
Jul 30th, 2017
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  1. ## fix_user_compat_with_mephisto.diff [diff]
  2. Index: test/unit/user_test.rb
  3. ===================================================================
  4. --- test/unit/user_test.rb (revision 1929)
  5. test/unit/user_test.rb (working copy)
  6. @@ -54,12 54,12 @@
  7. assert ! u.admin?
  8. end
  10. - def test_login_token
  11. - assert_nil users(:aaron).login_key
  12. - assert_nil users(:aaron).login_key_expires_at
  13. - users(:aaron).reset_login_key!
  14. - assert users(:aaron).login_key.length == 32
  15. - assert users(:aaron).login_key_expires_at < 1.year 1.minute
  16. - assert users(:aaron).login_key_expires_at > 1.year-1.minute
  17. def test_remember_token
  18. assert_nil users(:aaron).remember_token
  19. assert_nil users(:aaron).remember_token_expires_at
  20. users(:aaron).remember_me
  21. assert users(:aaron).remember_token.length == 40
  22. assert users(:aaron).remember_token_expires_at < 2.weeks
  23. assert users(:aaron).remember_token_expires_at >
  24. end
  25. end
  26. Index: test/functional/forums_controller_test.rb
  27. ===================================================================
  28. --- test/functional/forums_controller_test.rb (revision 1929)
  29. test/functional/forums_controller_test.rb (working copy)
  30. @@ -14,16 14,16 @@
  31. end
  33. def test_remember_me_logs_into_home
  34. - @request.cookies['login_token'] ='login_token',"2;8305f94ab2b92f99137abbc235ee28e5")
  35. @request.cookies['auth_token'] ='auth_token',"265777ed4a11f9867382a1fbe2868c8a2bce37b2")
  36. get :index
  37. assert_equal 2, session[:user_id]
  38. end
  40. def test_remember_me_logs_in_when_login_required
  41. - users(:aaron).login_key="8305f94ab2b92f99137abbc235ee28e5"
  42. - users(:aaron) 1.week
  43. users(:aaron).remember_token="3c82fc7450acf8bc20a0c9f23bdb849cb13adf4e"
  44. users(:aaron) 2.weeks
  45. users(:aaron).save!
  46. - @request.cookies['login_token'] ='login_token',"1;8305f94ab2b92f99137abbc235ee28e5")
  47. @request.cookies['auth_token'] ='auth_token',"3c82fc7450acf8bc20a0c9f23bdb849cb13adf4e")
  48. get :edit, :id => 1
  49. assert_equal 1, session[:user_id]
  50. end
  51. Index: test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb
  52. ===================================================================
  53. --- test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb (revision 1929)
  54. test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb (working copy)
  55. @@ -25,22 25,22 @@
  56. post :create, :login => 'aaron', :password => 'testy', :remember_me => "1"
  57. users(:aaron).reload
  59. - assert cookies['login_token']
  60. - assert_equal("1;#{users(:aaron).login_key}", cookies['login_token'].first)
  61. - assert_not_nil users(:aaron).login_key
  62. - assert_not_nil users(:aaron).login_key_expires_at
  63. assert cookies['auth_token']
  64. assert_equal("#{users(:aaron).remember_token}", cookies['auth_token'].first)
  65. assert_not_nil users(:aaron).remember_token
  66. assert_not_nil users(:aaron).remember_token_expires_at
  68. #log off
  69. post :destroy
  70. - assert cookies['login_token'].empty?
  71. assert cookies['auth_token'].empty?
  73. # make sure it change if log in again
  74. sleep 1
  75. old = users(:aaron).clone
  76. post :create, :login => 'aaron', :password => 'testy', :remember_me => "1"
  77. users(:aaron).reload
  78. - assert_not_equal(old.login_key, users(:aaron).login_key)
  79. - assert_not_equal(old.login_key_expires_at, users(:aaron).login_key_expires_at)
  80. assert_not_equal(old.remember_token, users(:aaron).remember_token)
  81. assert_not_equal(old.remember_token_expires_at, users(:aaron).remember_token_expires_at)
  82. end
  84. def test_should_fail_login
  85. Index: test/fixtures/users.yml
  86. ===================================================================
  87. --- test/fixtures/users.yml (revision 1929)
  88. test/fixtures/users.yml (working copy)
  89. @@ -2,7 2,8 @@
  90. id: 1
  91. login: aaron
  92. email:
  93. - password: testy
  94. crypted_password: f3b0ba77ac3e3196e5fc5ce82eb9ba276a64fa02 # testy
  95. salt: 0a0f0d417e897bba35e24ed7ad5ad48981eaf7fa
  96. created_at: <%= 5.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  97. posts_count: 2
  98. last_login_at: <%= 5.minutes.ago.to_s :db %>
  99. @@ -14,10 15,11 @@
  100. login: sam
  101. display_name: sam
  102. email:
  103. - password: testy
  104. crypted_password: 33b78c4246ee1e25f3c98597acf47a706ba9d374 # testy
  105. salt: fefa0dd004b8a840e1352a9d860c0349c61f682e
  106. created_at: <%= 4.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  107. posts_count: 2
  108. last_login_at: <%= 4.minutes.ago.to_s :db %>
  109. last_seen_at: <%= 4.minutes.ago.to_s :db %>
  110. - login_key: 8305f94ab2b92f99137abbc235ee28e5
  111. - login_key_expires_at: <%= 1.week %>
  112. \ No newline at end of file
  113. remember_token: 265777ed4a11f9867382a1fbe2868c8a2bce37b2
  114. remember_token_expires_at: <%= 2.weeks %>
  115. Index: app/models/user.rb
  116. ===================================================================
  117. --- app/models/user.rb (revision 1929)
  118. app/models/user.rb (working copy)
  119. @@ -1,26 1,9 @@
  120. -require 'md5'
  121. -
  122. -class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  123. class User < UserAuth
  124. has_many :moderatorships, :dependent => :destroy
  125. has_many :forums, :through => :moderatorships, :order => ''
  127. has_many :posts
  128. - validates_presence_of :login, :email, :password
  129. - validates_uniqueness_of :login, :email, :case_sensitive => false
  130. - # names that start with #s really upset me for some reason
  131. - validates_format_of :login, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:\w )?$/
  132. - validates_length_of :login, :minimum => 2
  134. - # names that start with #s really upset me for some reason
  135. - validates_format_of :display_name, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:[.'\w ] )?$/
  136. - validates_uniqueness_of :display_name, :case_sensitive => false
  137. -
  138. - validates_confirmation_of :password, :on => :create
  139. - validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 5
  140. - before_validation { |u| u.display_name = u.login if u.display_name.blank? }
  141. - # first user becomes admin automatically
  142. - before_create { |u| u.admin = true if User.count == 0 }
  143. -
  144. attr_protected :admin, :posts_count, :login, :created_at, :updated_at, :last_login_at, :topics_count
  146. def self.currently_online
  147. @@ -28,16 11,7 @@
  148. User.find(user_ids)
  149. end
  151. - def reset_login_key!
  152. - self.login_key = MD5.md5( password rand(123456789).to_s).to_s
  153. - # this is not currently honored
  154. - self.login_key_expires_at = 1.year
  155. - save!
  156. - login_key
  157. - end
  158. -
  159. def moderator_of?(forum)
  160. moderatorships.count(:all, :conditions => ['forum_id = ?', (forum.is_a?(Forum) ? : forum)]) == 1
  161. end
  162. -
  163. end
  164. Index: app/models/user_auth.rb
  165. ===================================================================
  166. --- app/models/user_auth.rb (revision 0)
  167. app/models/user_auth.rb (revision 0)
  168. @@ -0,0 1,77 @@
  169. require 'digest/sha1'
  170. class UserAuth < ActiveRecord::Base
  171. set_table_name 'users'
  172. self.abstract_class = true
  173. # Virtual attribute for the unencrypted password
  174. attr_accessor :password
  176. validates_presence_of :login, :email
  177. validates_presence_of :password, :if => :password_required?
  178. validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, :if => :password_required?
  179. validates_length_of :password, :within => 5..40, :if => :password_required?
  180. validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :password_required?
  181. validates_length_of :login, :within => 3..40
  182. validates_length_of :email, :within => 3..100
  183. validates_uniqueness_of :login, :email, :case_sensitve => false
  184. # names that start with #s really upset me for some reason
  185. validates_format_of :login, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:\w )?$/
  186. validates_length_of :login, :minimum => 2
  188. # names that start with #s really upset me for some reason
  189. validates_format_of :display_name, :with => /^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:[.'\w ] )?$/
  190. validates_uniqueness_of :display_name, :case_sensitive => false
  192. before_validation { |u| u.display_name = u.login if u.display_name.blank? }
  193. # first user becomes admin automatically
  194. before_create { |u| u.admin = true if User.count == 0 }
  196. before_save :encrypt_password
  198. # Authenticates a user by their login name and unencrypted password. Returns the user or nil.
  199. def self.authenticate(login, password)
  200. u = find_by_login(login) # need to get the salt
  201. u && u.authenticated?(password) ? u : nil
  202. end
  204. # Encrypts some data with the salt.
  205. def self.encrypt(password, salt)
  206. Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{salt}--#{password}--")
  207. end
  209. # Encrypts the password with the user salt
  210. def encrypt(password)
  211. self.class.encrypt(password, salt)
  212. end
  214. def authenticated?(password)
  215. crypted_password == encrypt(password)
  216. end
  218. def remember_token?
  219. remember_token_expires_at && < remember_token_expires_at
  220. end
  222. # These create and unset the fields required for remembering users between browser closes
  223. def remember_me
  224. self.remember_token_expires_at = 2.weeks.from_now.utc
  225. self.remember_token = encrypt("#{email}--#{remember_token_expires_at}")
  226. save(false)
  227. end
  229. def forget_me
  230. self.remember_token_expires_at = nil
  231. self.remember_token = nil
  232. save(false)
  233. end
  235. protected
  236. def encrypt_password
  237. return if password.blank?
  238. self.salt = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{}--#{login}--") if new_record?
  239. self.crypted_password = encrypt(password)
  240. end
  242. def password_required?
  243. crypted_password.nil? || !password.blank?
  244. end
  245. end
  246. Index: app/controllers/application.rb
  247. ===================================================================
  248. --- app/controllers/application.rb (revision 1929)
  249. app/controllers/application.rb (working copy)
  250. @@ -1,22 1,17 @@
  251. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  252. include AuthenticatedSystem
  253. session :session_key => '_beast_session_id'
  255. helper_method :current_user, :logged_in?, :admin?, :last_login
  256. - before_filter :login_by_token
  257. before_filter :login_from_cookie
  259. protected
  261. def login_required
  262. - login_by_token unless logged_in?
  263. login_from_cookie unless logged_in?
  264. redirect_to login_path unless logged_in? && authorized?
  265. end
  267. - def login_by_token
  268. - if not logged_in? and cookies[:login_token]
  269. - self.current_user=User.find_by_id_and_login_key(*cookies[:login_token].split(";"))
  270. - end
  271. - end
  272. -
  273. def authorized?; true; end
  275. # this is used to keep track of the last time a user has been seen (reading a topic)
  276. Index: app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
  277. ===================================================================
  278. --- app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb (revision 1929)
  279. app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb (working copy)
  280. @@ -1,10 1,13 @@
  281. class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  282. # skip_before_filter :update_online
  283. def create
  284. - self.current_user = User.find_by_login_and_password(params[:login], params[:password])
  285. self.current_user = User.authenticate(params[:login], params[:password])
  286. if logged_in?
  287. flash[:notice] = "Logged in successfully."
  288. - cookies[:login_token]={ :value => "#{};#{current_user.reset_login_key!}", :expires => 1.year } if params[:remember_me]=="1"
  289. if params[:remember_me] == "1"
  290. self.current_user.remember_me
  291. cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => self.current_user.remember_token , :expires => self.current_user.remember_token_expires_at }
  292. end
  293. redirect_to home_path and return
  294. end
  295.[:notice] = "Invalid login or password, try again please."
  296. @@ -13,7 16,7 @@
  298. def destroy
  299. reset_session
  300. - cookies.delete :login_token
  301. cookies.delete :auth_token
  302. flash[:notice] = "You have been logged out."
  303. redirect_to home_path
  304. end
  305. Index: app/views/users/_form.rhtml
  306. ===================================================================
  307. --- app/views/users/_form.rhtml (revision 1929)
  308. app/views/users/_form.rhtml (working copy)
  309. @@ -24,4 24,4 @@
  310. <p>
  311. <label for="user_password_confirmation">Password Confirmation</label><br />
  312. <%= form.password_field :password_confirmation %>
  313. -</p>
  314. \ No newline at end of file
  315. </p>
  316. Index: db/schema.rb
  317. ===================================================================
  318. --- db/schema.rb (revision 1929)
  319. db/schema.rb (working copy)
  320. @@ -2,7 2,7 @@
  321. # migrations feature of ActiveRecord to incrementally modify your database, and
  322. # then regenerate this schema definition.
  324. -ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 29) do
  325. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 31) do
  327. create_table "forums", :force => true do |t|
  328. t.column "name", :string
  329. @@ -33,7 33,7 @@
  330. t.column "user_id", :integer
  331. end
  333. - add_index "sessions", ["session_id"], :name => "sessions_session_id_index"
  334. add_index "sessions", ["session_id"], :name => "index_sessions_on_session_id"
  336. create_table "topics", :force => true do |t|
  337. t.column "forum_id", :integer
  338. @@ -48,23 48,24 @@
  339. end
  341. create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
  342. - t.column "login", :string
  343. - t.column "email", :string
  344. - t.column "password", :string
  345. - t.column "created_at", :datetime
  346. - t.column "last_login_at", :datetime
  347. - t.column "admin", :boolean
  348. - t.column "posts_count", :integer, :default => 0
  349. - t.column "last_seen_at", :datetime
  350. - t.column "display_name", :string
  351. - t.column "updated_at", :datetime
  352. - t.column "aim", :string
  353. - t.column "yahoo", :string
  354. - t.column "google_talk", :string
  355. - t.column "msn", :string
  356. - t.column "website", :string
  357. - t.column "login_key", :string
  358. - t.column "login_key_expires_at", :datetime
  359. t.column "login", :string
  360. t.column "email", :string
  361. t.column "crypted_password", :string
  362. t.column "created_at", :datetime
  363. t.column "last_login_at", :datetime
  364. t.column "admin", :boolean
  365. t.column "posts_count", :integer, :default => 0
  366. t.column "last_seen_at", :datetime
  367. t.column "display_name", :string
  368. t.column "updated_at", :datetime
  369. t.column "aim", :string
  370. t.column "yahoo", :string
  371. t.column "google_talk", :string
  372. t.column "msn", :string
  373. t.column "website", :string
  374. t.column "remember_token", :string
  375. t.column "remember_token_expires_at", :datetime
  376. t.column "salt", :string, :limit => 40
  377. end
  379. end
  380. Index: db/migrate/031_align_users_with_mephisto.rb
  381. ===================================================================
  382. --- db/migrate/031_align_users_with_mephisto.rb (revision 0)
  383. db/migrate/031_align_users_with_mephisto.rb (revision 0)
  384. @@ -0,0 1,15 @@
  385. class AlignUsersWithMephisto < ActiveRecord::Migration
  386. def self.up
  387. rename_column :users, :password, :crypted_password
  388. rename_column :users, :login_key, :remember_token
  389. rename_column :users, :login_key_expires_at, :remember_token_expires_at
  390. add_column :users, :salt, :string, :limit => 40
  391. end
  393. def self.down
  394. rename_column :users, :crypted_password, :password
  395. rename_column :users, :remember_token, :login_key
  396. rename_column :users, :remember_token_expires_at, :login_key_expires_at
  397. remove_column :users, :salt
  398. end
  399. end
  400. Index: lib/authenticated_system.rb
  401. ===================================================================
  402. --- lib/authenticated_system.rb (revision 0)
  403. lib/authenticated_system.rb (revision 0)
  404. @@ -0,0 1,98 @@
  405. module AuthenticatedSystem
  406. protected
  407. def logged_in?
  408. (@current_user ||= session[:user_id] ? User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) : :false).is_a?(User)
  409. end
  411. def current_user
  412. @current_user if logged_in?
  413. end
  415. def current_user=(new_user)
  416. session[:user_id] = (new_user.nil? || new_user.is_a?(Symbol)) ? nil :
  417. @current_user = new_user
  418. end
  420. def authorized?
  421. true
  422. end
  424. def login_required
  425. username, passwd = get_auth_data
  426. self.current_user ||= User.authenticate(username, passwd) || :false if username && passwd
  427. logged_in? && authorized? ? true : access_denied
  428. end
  430. def access_denied
  431. respond_to do |accepts|
  432. accepts.html do
  433. store_location
  434. redirect_to :controller=>"/account", :action =>"login"
  435. end
  436. accepts.xml { access_denied_with_basic_auth }
  437. end
  438. false
  439. end
  441. # store current uri in the session.
  442. # we can return to this location by calling return_location
  443. def store_location
  444. session[:return_to] = request.request_uri
  445. end
  447. # move to the last store_location call or to the passed default one
  448. def redirect_back_or_default(default)
  449. session[:return_to] ? redirect_to_url(session[:return_to]) : redirect_to(default)
  450. session[:return_to] = nil
  451. end
  453. def basic_auth_required
  454. unless session[:user_id] = User.authenticate(*get_auth_data)
  455. access_denied_with_basic_auth
  456. end
  457. end
  459. # adds ActionView helper methods
  460. def self.included(base)
  461. base.send :helper_method, :current_user, :logged_in?
  462. end
  464. # When called with before_filter :login_from_cookie will check for an :auth_token
  465. # cookie and log the user back in if apropriate
  466. def login_from_cookie
  467. return unless cookies[:auth_token] && !logged_in?
  468. user = User.find_by_remember_token(cookies[:auth_token])
  469. if user && user.remember_token?
  470. user.remember_me
  471. self.current_user = user
  472. cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => self.current_user.remember_token , :expires => self.current_user.remember_token_expires_at }
  473. flash[:notice] = "Logged in successfully"
  474. end
  475. end
  477. private
  478. def access_denied_with_basic_auth
  479. headers["Status"] = "Unauthorized"
  480. headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Basic realm="Web Password")
  481. render :text => "Could't authenticate you", :status => '401 Unauthorized'
  482. end
  484. # gets BASIC auth info
  485. def get_auth_data
  486. user, pass = '', ''
  487. # extract authorisation credentials
  488. if request.env.has_key? 'X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'
  489. # try to get it where mod_rewrite might have put it
  490. authdata = request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].to_s.split
  491. elsif request.env.has_key? 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'
  492. # this is the regular location
  493. authdata = request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].to_s.split
  494. end
  496. # at the moment we only support basic authentication
  497. if authdata && authdata[0] == 'Basic'
  498. user, pass = Base64.decode64(authdata[1]).split(':')[0..1]
  499. end
  500. return [user, pass]
  501. end
  502. end
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