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a guest
Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. #Wedka Rybaka
  3. on player fishing:
  4. if "%fishing state%" is "CAUGHT_FISH":
  5. set {_player} to player
  6. set {_exp} to random number between 15 and 50
  7. set {_poziom} to yaml value "poziom" from file "zmienne/%uuid of {_player}%.yml"
  8. set {_poziom} to {_poziom} parsed as number
  9. set {_req.stone} to "%rounded {_poziom} ^ {curve} * {mod} + {base}%" parsed as number
  11. set {_exp.%{_player}%} to metadata value "exp" of {_player}
  12. set {_exp.%{_player}%} to {_exp.%{_player}%} parsed as number
  13. add {_exp} to {_exp.%{_player}%}
  14. set metadata value "exp" of {_player} to "%{_exp.%{_player}%}%"
  17. if {_exp.%{_player}%} is greater than or equal to {_req.stone}:
  18. set {_poziom} to {_poziom} + 1
  19. set yaml value "poziom" from file "zmienne/%uuid of {_player}%.yml" to "%{_poziom}%"
  20. send "&e&lPoziom &6» &7Awansowałeś! Twój poziom wynosi teraz &6%{_poziom}%&7!" to {_player}
  21. broadcast "&e&lPoziom &6» &e%{_player}% &7awansował! Jego poziom to &6%{_poziom}%&7!"
  22. set metadata value "exp" of {_player} to "0"
  25. chance of 5%:
  26. give 1 diamond to player
  27. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as diament!"
  28. chance of 10%:
  29. give 1 emerald to player's inventory
  30. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as emerald!"
  31. chance of 30%:
  32. give player iron ingot
  33. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as zelazo!"
  34. chance of 30%:
  35. give player gold ingot
  36. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as zloto!"
  37. chance of 0.5%:
  38. give 1 beacon named "&bLatarnia" to player's inventory
  39. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as Latarnie!"
  40. chance of 0.2%:
  41. give 1 paper named "&c* &eZwĂłj kasy &a[+1000$] &c*" to player's inventory
  42. send "&6[+] &7 Wylowiles/as &aZwoj Kasy!"
  45. on entering of region "niespadaj":
  46. teleport player to spawn of world "SkyBlockSP"
  47. send player title " " with subtitle "&aTeleportacja na spawn..." for 2 seconds
  50. command kosz:
  51. aliases: smietnik, smieci, koszyk, kos
  52. trigger:
  53. wait 1 ticks
  54. play "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1
  55. open chest with 3 rows named " &c* &9Super Smietnik &c*" to player
  60. command /zwoj [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  61. permission: zwoj.perm
  62. trigger:
  63. if arg 1 is not set:
  64. send "/zwoj <NAZWA RANGI> - daje zwoj danej rangi z PEXA"
  65. send "/zwoj kasa <ilosc> - daje zwoj kasy iles tam"
  66. send "/zwoj czasowy <dd/mm/rr> <ranga> - daje zwĂłj czasowy"
  67. stop
  68. if arg 1 is "czasowy":
  69. if arg 2 is set:
  70. if arg 3 is set:
  71. give 1 paper of infinity 1 named "&a* &eZwĂłj rangi &a[%arg 3%] &a*" with lore "||&3Po uĹĽyciu otrzymasz||&3rangÄ™ &a%arg 3% &3na &a3 dni&3!||&4ZwĂłj waĹĽny do &c%arg 2%&4!" to player
  72. stop
  73. if arg 1 is "kasa":
  74. if arg 2 is set:
  75. give 1 paper of infinity 1 named "&c* &eZwĂłj kasy &a[+%arg 2%$] &c*" with lore "||&3Po uĹĽyciu otrzymasz %arg 2%$" to player
  76. stop
  77. if arg 1 is set:
  78. give 1 paper of infinity 1 named "&c* &eZwĂłj rangi &a[%arg 1%] &c*" with lore "||&3Po uĹĽyciu otrzymasz||&3rangÄ™ &a%arg 1% &3na &a3 dni&3!" to player
  79. stop
  82. # command prezent:
  83. # trigger:
  84. # set {_jakizwoj} to "Hero" or "Elita"
  85. # set {_ranga} to yaml value "UzycieZwoju" from file "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml"
  86. # if {_ranga} is not set:
  87. # set yaml value "UzycieZwoju" from file "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to "true"
  88. # broadcast " "
  89. # broadcast " &8»&8&M---------&f&8✧ &b&l» &b&lSky&f&lBlock &c&lP&f&lr&c&le&f&lz&c&le&f&ln&c&lt! &b&l« &8✧&8&m--------&r&8-&8«"
  90. # broadcast " "
  91. # broadcast " &7Gracz &b%player% &7otworzył prezent świąteczny"
  92. # broadcast " &7i wylosował rangę &a[%{_jakizwoj}%] &7na &b3 dni&7!"
  93. # broadcast " "
  94. # broadcast " &8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  95. # broadcast " "
  96. # execute console command "pex user %player% group add %{_jakizwoj}% """" 259200"
  97. # give random number between 30 and 60 of diamond to player
  98. # give random number between 30 and 60 of emerald to player
  99. # give 64 of dirt to player
  100. # give 5 of orange dye named "&f&l- &6Bursztyn &f&l-" to player
  101. # give 1 diamond pickaxe of unbreaking 3 and efficiency 4 and fortune 1 named "&cK&fi&cl&fo&cf &c S&fw&ci&fa&ct&fe&cc&fz&cn&fy" to player
  102. # loop 20 times:
  103. # wait 3 ticks
  104. # launch burst firework colored red or blue or orange or green or yellow at block under location of player timed 0
  105. # else:
  106. # send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &6» &cOdebrałeś już swój prezent!" to player
  111. on rightclick with a paper:
  112. if name of player's tool contains "&c* &eZwĂłj rangi":
  113. set {_ranga} to "%name of player's tool%"
  114. replace all "&c* &eZwĂłj rangi &a[" with "" in {_ranga}
  115. replace all "] &c*" with "" in {_ranga}
  116. loop all items in player's inventory:
  117. if name of loop-item is "&c* &eZwĂłj rangi &a[%{_ranga}%] &c*":
  118. remove 1 of loop-item from player's inventory
  119. stop loop
  120. broadcast " "
  121. broadcast " &8&m------------------&r &f&lMinecraf&c&lPolska &8&m------------------"
  122. broadcast " "
  123. broadcast " &7Gracz &b%player% &7uzyl zwoju &a[%{_ranga}%]&7!"
  124. broadcast " &7Otrzymal on range &a[%{_ranga}%] &7na &b3 dni&7!"
  125. broadcast " "
  126. broadcast " &8&m----------------------------------------------------"
  127. broadcast " "
  128. execute console command "pex user %player% group add %{_ranga}% """" 259200"
  129. loop 10 times:
  130. wait 3 ticks
  131. launch burst firework colored red or blue or orange or green or yellow at block under location of player timed 0
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